Constipation & Pain. Can't get a handle on it :(

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I'm getting a stool analysis done but in the meantime...

I feel relatively ok in the morns but as the day progresses I start getting bloated and need to poop but can't, accompanying the bloating is colicky gas pains ALL AROUND my digestive track. Like up high then moved down low. It's not constant but off and on and gets to the worst by/after dinner. I FEEL like the trapped poop is irritating my colon.. That or because I'm really skinny anyway maybe the excess gas is stretching out my insides?

Is it just me?

I'd ask in gastro section but I KNOW the bloating that progresses as the day goes on is a hormonal woman issue as well sad

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17 Replies

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    Ps when my tummy REALLY gets bloated and distended the gas pains are worse, BUT if I'm having a good night and not bloated I don't have the pains.

    Also tummy always back to normal size when I wake up..

  • Posted

    Hi ellacraig have you tried taking probiotics they sort out the bloating and gas problems. You may be allergic to wheat give bread up for a week and see if you bloat! Apples first thing made me bloat dreadfully so I eat them later in the day and no bloating. Good luck.
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      Hi liz. Yeh I suspect gut inflammation has cause food allergies or vica versa. Probiotics aren't helping much so I thought I'd do the stool test and get a good picture of what might be going on. Oh also il get a celiac test but I hear they are inaccurate . I keep having a little wheat here and there but i guess as I have gut pain then ANY wheat will cause more inflammation. Good tip thank you. I need to be more consistent
  • Posted

    You're not alone. For about a week now I have been battling with bowel issues. Last Sunday I was constipated. I went in the morning but when I tried to go later on I couldn't. The next day in the morning I still couldn't go. So I did some yoga poses that relieve constipation and I went three different times that day. The next day I went a little bit. So I took a stool softener and the next day I had the runs. I took too many I guess. I also got that sensation like my anal hole was irritated. I get the gas that moves all over too. It's unnerving especially when it travels into my upper chest area. I have an appointment this week with my practitioner and will mention these episodes to her. I heard that peri can sometimes trigger IBS. Do you sometimes get a sort of stabbing/sticking sensation at the bottom of your butt cheek?
    • Posted

      Thanks you for sharing, I appreciate it.

      yes it's five in the morning and the laxatives have just kicked in so I'm up now, better than rushing back and forth.

      Re the butt check, actually yes, or my bicep or anywhere on my body, just a sharp little pain soon followed by a pocket of gas. It's referred gas pain.

      Im reading a fascinating book  named gut bliss, aLL about gut issues constipation bloat.

      Im only part way through but hope itl offer some solutions.

      Fyi undiagnosed thyroid disorders cause slow motility and bloat constipation and that the "lab" values have a weird range where you can be diagnosed as normal but still be running an under active thyroid. I actually saw this on Oprah and read it before, so if you have thyroid type related Symptons it's worth getting checked out. Because thyroid has a major impact on your hormones.

      Il be looking it for sure

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      Yes it does seem like gas to me too. I'd be interested in getting that book. Yes I too was relatively regular until peri hit. Peri is a nightmare!
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      This book is written by an MD and comes highly recommended by all the major Drs over In the stAtes. There's a whole section on bloating caused by "air swallowing" and anxiety too which calmed me down ALOT as hands down I know when I drink I swallow down huge pockets of air and it gets trapped in your intestinal track . Anyway yes do read it's great
  • Posted

    To sassycoops you must have mentioned something the moderators didn't like. My email notifying me of your post let me catch the first few words.

    if you could private message me the name of a good colon cleanse I'd love that. I'm seriously considering doing home enemas... 

    I used to poop soo regularly to the point I SWEAR my body would have gotten rid of any/all waste in my system, like 4 times a morning no lie and I was perfectly happy/healthy slim for thirty something years, it's just been progressively getting slower from my mid thirties, I can't eliminate it all out like I used too. While I'm not loosing weight I'm. Not actually gaining either which I expected I would... But yeh man ALIVE do I need a good cleanse. Even the laxatives arent really working today sad

  • Posted

    Hi Ella,

    I've had this for years now and had to resort to laxatives for it.

    It is meno related because estrogen has made mine somewhat better.

    I found syrup of figs to be a nice gentle help with it. Others can take you to the other extreme.

    Also magnesium at a bit higher dose than recommended does the trick gently as well and now I'm managing with 1 and a half doses of that.

    • Posted

      Hi  yes you have mentioned the fig it before and I forgot to look into it so I'm having a look now to see if I can get in my country. I took a double dose of magnesium last night but unfortunately while it has worked I'm getting Cramping sad zig did/do you get cramps when yours is playing up?
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      Try some of that. Yeah mine used to hurt so much. I found less bread and wheat products helped quite a bit with the pain.

      I went completely wheat free for about a year.

      Felt great went out to eat and had a wheat blow out suffered badly for 3 days after couldn't go and felt like I needed to all the time and stomach so painful.

      I've found bread to be the worst culprit for the pain so now I have it very rarely and it's ok but 2 or 3 days in succession and 2 or 3 days to get over it.

      I also found that if laxatives work too well and give me diahorea that can be painful as well as I am waiting for the next bm and sometimes takes a few days to sort itself out again.

      That's why I like syrup of figs.

      It's not fast acting so you don't need to run to the loo urgently and only seems to soften them so you are not caught up in extremes.

  • Posted

    You may have heard of this before. I'm very skeptical of home remedies, so I was shocked that this worked for me. I take about 2 Tbls. of organic apple cider vinegar (with the mother) about twice a day and I lose that bloated (pregnant) look. I mix it in a glass of half water and half apple juice and even a little sweetner. Some people use honey,or no sweetner at all, but I use artificial sweetner (aspartame) or alternative natural sweetner (erthritol) You can even add it to flavored drinks like snapple flavored teas and I don't notice it. Organic apple cider vinegar is also very easy to make at home. I have, and I personally like it much better than commercial brands. It also helps with constipation as well. 
    • Posted

      I have heard of it tried it a few times for different things it's good for loads of stuff.

      Don't put aspartame in though it's a neuro toxin (excitotoxin) it over stimulates neuron receptors and will make your poor meno head feel 10 times worse.

      Try stevia if you can get it or honey

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