Contraception pill versus HRT
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So I have been having peri symptoms for about 2 years. Foggy head, fatique, painful bones, headaches, mood swings, sporadic periods, hot flushes to name but a few. I finally plucked up courage and went to the doctors last week. She did a full blood works, thyroid, liver, kidney, anemia, except hormone level. She did not do this. All came back clear apart from a slight raised throid count. She said she would test for this again in a couple of months however I said to her I could no continue with how i am feeling and please could she let me try HRT. I was very surprised with the reply as I had not even given this a thought before but I am on the pill so apparently the estrogen i am getting through the contraception pill is far far higher the low dose given in HRT and therefore she said i was better staying on what i was on. So for me that was devastation. That was it. This is my life now feeling totally horrid for the next 5 - 10 years. She then got me to complete this form... asking how many days a week i felt tearful, useless, blah blah to which i scored a high 23... showing,.... im depressed! I was so angry. I honestly felt like she believed me but all she wanted to do was prescribe me anti depressants. Of course I am depressed feeling like i do but i have suffered depression before years ago and I am convinced it is not depression. So i have come away with a box of Anti depressants i really do not want to take and probably will not take. I had them previously and one of the side effects was excessive tiredness.. so i only stayed on them one month... Just looked at the box of these one and in big bold letters it says Can cause sleepness! I struggle to get through the day as it is and end up having snooze in my car at lunch time. I just feel totally deflated today. Like no one believes me and that i have to be like i am now until full blown menpause. I had no idea that being on the pill was stronger than taking HRT or am i just being blagged off? Am hoping some of you lovely ladies have some advice on how to raise my energy levels and how to get rid of my foggy head. i cannot function at work and am making so many mistakes. I have been taking vitamin supplements for over 6 months, calcium, magnessium, Vit b comples, Vit B6, Vit D3, Vit c and zinc plus macafem herbal rememdy. Im 42 years of age and feel like i have age in the last year. I never looked my age but not i look so much older. I should say they my mum has Rheumatoid arthritus and osteoporis both caused by not being on HRT at the menopause and I am so worried i will get this as it is hereditory. This past few months my elbows hurt when i rest on desk, my fingers are sore and burning and yet she said there was no signs of inflamation in my bloods so i am glad that is one good thing as means i do not have RA but what are these pains? Sorry for the long post. x
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ola22806 kezzabird30
kezzabird30 ola22806
ola22806 kezzabird30
kezzabird30 ola22806
michelle46271 kezzabird30
kezzabird30 michelle46271
Theg kezzabird30
kezzabird30 Theg
gailannie kezzabird30
Since you have asked, I will tell you that "yes" birth control pills are considered a stronger form of estrogen than bioidentical estradiol. All birth control pills contain an estrogen that is just a little different from the chemical structure our own bodies produce. And therefore, it has a stronger effect, as it is not cleared from the body as quickly.
I find your topic very interesting. As what it tells us, is that there are additional things that happen as we age. If you were level and steady on the pill and felt normal for years, it would seem logical that the pill would continue to supply the estrogen and progesterone your body is needing. Yet at 42, something has changed and now you are feeling awful. Personally I never did well on the pill, and whenever I tried it, I was quitting them within months because I felt so awful. I tried several brands and dosages, it never worked well for me. I always felt better when I stopped the pill.
I'm sorry you are going through this, and wish there was a simple answer. You may be able to find another doctor who would prescribe HRT if you want to try it.
Good luck.
kezzabird30 gailannie
CCinCal kezzabird30
I'm exactly where u are at. I'm 47 and was put on BC pill last summer. As of last week I've stopped it though. I was starting to get all my pms symptoms back and more intensely and I thought it was making me feel ill.
My doctors also said that the pill was stronger than HRT. And for women who are still bleeding the pill is the way to go. That HRT is only for non menstruating women.
I also got antidepressants last summer when my peri symptoms escalated and I couldn't get out of bed as depression hit me the hardest. I couldn't take the side effects. I tried handful.
When I went back to dr a couple weeks ago he reluctantly gave me a prescription for HRT. But he isn't very supportive. He just wrote it out and walked out the door. I think to get me out of there it feels like. Didn't say anything about testing hormones levels or even how to take it. ie continuous or cyclical...
So yesterday I went to another gyno for a second opinion. Same thing says all my symptoms of peri are something else not peri because I have them all month long. According to her it's only peri symptoms if its occurring only the week before bleeding. And should go away after bleed.
When I told her it used to be like that when I was younger but now I don't even have a good week out of the month she said then it's not hormones.
So I haven't started it yet salthough I have It (estradiol patch and Prometrium) because I'm scared to for one but if I have problems on it I feel like I don't have a place to turn to.
I'm off BC pill a week now and feeling ill at the moment on top of peri symptoms. Just so overwhelmed as to what to do. Should I give my body a break and not be on anything? Should I just start HRT? What if side effects make me worse? So health anxiety running rampant at the moment.
kathryn81522 gailannie
jewelsy kezzabird30
kezzabird30 jewelsy
vix55 kezzabird30
Good luck x
kezzabird30 vix55