Costochondritis for years?
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For years I've dealt with on and off left breast pain (or so I thought) but it's never bothered me enough to be worried, recently it's got bad enough where my anxiety levels were through the roof and I convinced myself I had a serious condition. I began frantic obsessive googling which I do not reccomend haha, but I came across this condition, after reading that it's a condition with the ribs I did a self exam and realised it's not actually my boob that hurts but the ribs behind it. I booked straight in at the doctors, I told her my symptoms as I wanted to see if she came up with any other suggestions of what it could be before I gave my no expert opinion ha. Instantly she mentioned costochondritis and examined my chest, she pressed around my ribs and sure enough the pain was there and she instantly diagnosed me. I've been dealing with this pain for so long I was wondering if anyone else has had this for years? On all the websites I look at it says it should go in a matter of weeks and rarely lasts longer than 6 months, I remember getting most of my pain around beginning 2014 ish. If so anyone has had this condition long term do you have any advice on how to ease the pain? I also get shoulder blade, shoulder and arm pain too thank you!
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Mew123 jade18705
deborah82032 jade18705
chris28607 jade18705
My pain is on the top of my chest. I was scared I was having a heart attack. I went to the ER. That's when they told me It was my chest wall. The pain moves around from side to side.
Vegasgirl jade18705
Your story sounds similar to mine. I'm going on 3 years in january. Constant discomfort, pain level varies. Wearing. Bra aggravates the heck out of it and is the worst part. Ice helps and lots of Ibuprofen but never found a real relief. I've had mammos, cat scan, chest X-rays blood work with no other cause than inflammation in chest wall. Many docs have also told men Costco but seem perplexed that it won't go away. Mynohysival therapist thinks I have a vertebra out of wack which is pulling on my rib and causing the constant inflammation. She worked on me for 6 weeks with not much improvement. My next stop is pain management. Not for narcotics but to see if they have any suggestions. Keep me posted if you have any luck. Also, stretching helps and using a large foam roll to roll around and stretch my back out on seems to help.
Thanks for all the replays! I'm still suffering, my pains more of an annoying ache than a sharp pain, sometimes it hurts to breath in and feels like there's a huge weight on my chest then other times it only hurts to press on my ribs just under my boob. I get pain down my arm and my shoulder and back it's really not nice to deal with. Especially when I wake up in the morning and have been lying on my left side! I feel about 90 when I wake up
does anyone get bloating or abdominal pain from this? My bottom ribs get really painful and I think this causes it. Hope you all find some relief soon! X
sally_10036 jade18705
Hey! Old post I know but just checking in to see if you found some relief? Your comment about feeling 90 made me smile and feel happy someone else out there feels 90 with this condition too. I'm on a year now with this constantly and it really affects my breathing. Vitimim d has helped the most and a anti inflammatory cream.
NeededHelp sally_10036
sally_10036 NeededHelp
Had to start accupuncture and adopt a sugar free diet. Also take anti Inflammaorty herbs and rub cream on and use a magic bag (hot pack).
isapal24 sally_10036
curious, what anti inflammatory cream you use?I think this is the condition I'm dealing with on top of fibromyalgia. I'm going on 4 months of this pain and can't find relief!
Chattykat jade18705
sally_10036 isapal24
Haileyerin jade18705
Hey Hey ,
I have had Tietze Syndrome since 2009, Being only 19 its been an issue for me for as long as i can remember& I have suffered with it for the last 8 years and have had every symptom that comes along with this syndrome. I have found that being active can be very benificial to my health with my ribs, yoga and frequent streching tends to help ease the pain although it is not something that happens over night. But if you keep dedicated and push through the pain at the time in the long run your body will thank you. My body has become immune to most anti immflamitory medications due to the amount of meds we have tried over the years Iv recently tried an antidepressant that is supose to help block the pain signals from reaching my brain but the side affects were insanse so i stopped that pretty quickly. I find that sleeping strickly on my back is the only form of relief when trying to sleep. I also find that my back tenses up from my ribs so my doctor has taught me pressure points on my upper back and shoulders that help release the tension my ribs have caused, some mornings i cant even lift my arms past my shoulders. I find that Ice hurts my chest and that heat is a better option for me. I can tell you that this is a constand daily struggle and that there isnt much else you can do for it untill they have more information for this syndrome. Sorry if this wasnt the most helpful but youre not alone.
desmosedici Haileyerin
hope you are doing fine. did you feel temporarily shortness of breath when doing light exercise ?
janice37381 jade18705
Vegetachik jade18705
Old Post, but I've had costochondritis for over 7 years. I was injured at work (brachial plexus nerve damage, myofascial pain syndrome, and costochondritis, with unexplained recurring massive trigger points along the side of my ribcage). I get nerve blocks with Botox to the intercostal nerves. I did have a different doctor try to inject my sternum with cortisone, but that just made it worse. I find Botox works much better, and nerve blocks work better than trigger points.
Just be careful, my last round hit my lung and hospitalized me. Pneumothorax hurts like hell, especially when your chest wall is already very angry.