cough since perimenopause

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hi ladies has anyone had this strange feeling like you have a chest infection but you dont i used to just get it when i was due on but now its all the time ,all day everyday like allergy feeling in chest then i want to cough had chest scan nothing had heart scan nothing,took anti allergy no good no acid reflux strange ,any ideas

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15 Replies

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    Hi Karen, I have had the same problem for about a year. It always got worse when I was due periods. After many visits and invastigation they decided that this is a kind of alergic asthma. And gave me a brown inhailer . I refused to think I needed the inhailer and couldn't believe I could have asthma. But those inhailer have saved my life. I take it twice a day and I am fine. If I happen to stop the chestones comes back. Plus there are times I need to increae the dose. I hope it helps. Talk to your Dr or asthma nurse. Good luck with it.
    • Posted

      Hi imagine i have mild asthma but i am scared to use the inhaler its steroids isnt it that might be my answer to this problem ,i tried to exercise this morning and had zero energy it was horrible, my friend said she didnt have a problem till peri meno now uses an inhaler ,i watched my mum with pills and things when she was in meno as a child it scared me to death i defo have a problem with meds and things what am i like , i will try the inhaler and see thanks for the idea
    • Posted

      Hi Karen, I have never had asthma and refused the diagnosis for a while. But it does work. I do not like taking any medication unless necessary . But I suffer a lot without the inhailer. Mornings are the worse. It feels like I am coking! Hope you feel better soon.
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      just found my inhaler pep talk from my son to say it wont kill me (hes 22 ) bless him  ,im in tears scared to try it  this anxiety is hell , im going to try it when my hubby get in  thamkyou for prompting me take care    karen
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      Good luck with it. It is great that your son supports you. smile well done to the young man! Let us know how it goes and how you feel afters
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      hi karen.  i was given an inhaler also as I found it hard to even walk up stairs without getting out of breath, that was a while ago though as this symptom is now gone.   I used the inhaler a couple of times then found i didn't need it anymore.  It's just another horrible effect of changing hormones but will settle and you won't need the inhaler for long.  But do use it to stop the temporary discomfort as it's just not nice to feel like that.
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      sorry that should read 'used the inhaler a couple of times a day' not just a couple of times
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    I suspect you have seasonal or some type of allergy. In perimeopause your hormones fluctuate which can irritate certain organs. Progesterone drops and can irritate your lungs causing allergy symptoms and others report shortness of breath. There is not enough studies to support it but it seems to be real based on the feedback and comments seen throughout forums, blogs or post. I take Zyrtec which helps dramatically but also diet modification has also help. Hope this helps.

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    Karen,  yes, I had that, too.    Nothing wrong could be diagnosed and after many months, 6, 8, do not remeber,, it stopped by itself.  I would feel like a had a cold, my nose would run and I even had pimples, as some auto imune thing.  In dusty and enclosed places, I would feel much worse, as I had allergies.  Than it turned to a sensation that I was not breathing properly.  Some times I would have to go out of bisy places just to cough without disturbing everyone. I felt ill but doc insisted I was just fine cause nothing showed in any test. So much for modern medicine, hey?!
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    Hi Karen

    whooping cough has been doing the rounds, esp in those of us who are over 50 as apparently the vaccine begins to fail??

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      Hope its not that all i need im 53 and been going throu perimeno since i was 36 had enough now
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      I had a cough that went on for weeks, clear phlegm, after 6 months had xray which was clear, then another gp did a blood test for whooping cough which was positive. There was only a week where I felt unwell, rest of the time it was just really annoying. Had it for 9 months altogether. Have a look at the symptom list and see if any of it rings true for you. Worth trying the inhaler too though, it wont do any harm to take it for a few days to see if it helps. Good luck.
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    peri affects all systems of the body - even the respiratory system

    had two very long coughing bouts in the last two years. had chest x ray- was ok.

     constant coughing with bladder problems is awful

    cough syrup gave me constipation, gurgling hot salt water didnt help much.

  • Posted

    I too have recently started having air hunger types of feelings like I can't take in enough air. It is very scary. I actually feel like I  start to hyper ventalate at times. Sometimes it hits when I'm taking a walk and other times I'm just sitting down. THEN the anxiety kicks in and Im a mess. I'd love to know if anyone else gets like this.
    • Posted

      Yes, I have this, plus the chest infection feel, plus the phlegm (doc says I have post nasal drip), plus the feel that I can't breathe properly. Wish I had checked the forum earlier so I didn't have to do two chest X rays (all clear).

      I did get an inhaler though and it seems to help. I don't think its steroid based - it's salbutamol.

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