Could I Have had a stroke or if not what is wrong with me ??
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Really need some advice, not getting anywhere with the NHS. Up to 12 months ago I had never felt better. Lost 2 stone, down to 15 stone, completed a 10K Run, life was great. Not long after, around June 2013 I started to get breathless episodes. Went to GP, he was torn between Cardio or Chest Specialist and referred me to Cardio. Before I got to see anyone I ended up getting admitted to Hospital with Chest Pains. All heart tests were fine and had a CT Scan of my lungs and they said that was clear also and discharged me, telling me that I should continue with the Cardio Investigations.
I did do, over the following months I had a Angiogram and Heart Scan all tests showed that my heart was fine.
In September, whilst working at my desk, I suddenly suffered a headache that got worse over a matter of minutes. It was a burning sensation around my left eye. At the same time I was horrified to find I could not swallow saliva, when I tried to stand up I was severely dizzy. I couldnt lift my head up to look at anyone, I could hardly get my words out. I managed to raise the alarm and the paramedics arrived. As my heart was ok I was taken to hospital at normal speed and examined. Whilst at the hospital, the pain subsided but my eye felt like it was hanging out of the socket. My wife noticed that the left side of my face had dropped and the pupil of that eye was fixed small and was so for a couple of weeks. I got discharged with an explanation that it may be a migraine. I couldnt even walk without assistance, that last a couple of days. It took me a couple of days for my speaking to come back, I had difficulty swallowing for weeks. I started to get tingling sensations on my right leg and lower back and over the next 2 days this spread so if you cut my body in half from the lower chest all the right side suffered nerve pain, tingling, numbness, pins and needles, cramp in chest, side, back, genital area, leg and foot. I still suffer this now, 24 hours a day, it doesnt stop me walking or even running a little but makes me unflexible, nausious and is worse after being stationery or on my feet too long.
I have had a brain MRI Scan and this showed no evidence of a stroke, I have had an MRI scan of the top 2 segments iof my spine and again no evidence of a neurological disorder. The Radiographer did not understand why the lumber spine was not scanned with the pain being primarily in my leg. I MUST AGREE AND AM SEEING MY GP TO RAISE THIS POINT NEXT WEEK. I have found out that at the point I had this "stroke like episode" I had a lung infection, missed on the original CT Scan. Yet another question is that as an MRI Scan was not done as soon as I had this episode is it possible I had a stroke even though there is no evidence in the current MRI Brain Scan. Help, Help, Help, Please !!!
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hydro mike93015
hydro mike93015
Clopidogrel 75mg to prevent blood clots. Please to say Iam fine now. Took about 2 weeks to feel less tired and now 3months on back to normal.
mike93015 hydro
john22319 mike93015
First of all I am NOT A Dr. - I did suffer a series of strokes 3 years ago
The NHS let me down very badly, so you are right to question them.
From your symptoms it is apparent that you have suffered some sort of neurological event/s and should concentrate on that aspect.
Have they mentioned Sress ?
Keep asking for second/third etc opinions, don't let them put you off
in my case they did absolutely NOTHING while I lay in a Hospital bed for 66hrs
and had 3 MORE STROKES in their care ?? I am now in a wheelchair
Good luck, I really hope you find out what is wrong
John H
mike93015 john22319
Thank you so much for your advice, I am so sorry to hear of your treatment at the hands of the NHS, shocking, disgusting but sadly at the same time not surprising.
As the numbness etc happened at the same time as the stroke like episode I cannot get away from the feeling that something major happened that day and the fact that exactly half of my body from a certain point would surely suggest like you say that it is neurological. I just can't let the neurologist give up just because the MRI was clear.
Thanks again John, I was starting to feel I was going mad so you have been very helpful.
best wishes for the future
john22319 mike93015
I had 2 MRI's a couple of years apart, Drs have not said much about 2nd scan ? but by then I was already paralyzed so it would not make much difference
Again I'm not a radiologist, by my understanding is normally the MRI detects where brain cells have suffered actual damage - I believe in lay man's terms it measures the density of the cells ? so if there is no actual physical damage, it MAY NOT show anything, the fact that you have semi recovered seems to indicate you have been lucky so far, but a clear MRI - does NOT MEAN ANOTHER EPISODE is not just around the corner. You keep the pressure on your Neurologist - record your concerns in writing if necessary - that way you may have a chance proving their NEGLIGENCE