Could I have lyme?
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Hi, new to this board!
Anyway, around two years ago I started experiencing some symptoms that were primarily neurological + cardiological.
I would have various little symptoms that would come and go, some reappearing later and some not: little electric shock like sensations after exercise, a feeling like something was crawling up my shoulder blade, one eyelid twitching, a stabbing pain on the left side, tingling and occasionally burning in my left hand. Some of these symptoms would stay for a few weeks; or months; then I’d never have them again.
As time progressed, I also have developed palpitations, extreme panic, a sometimes fast and very forceful heart beat, and terrible insomnia. I used to sleep 8-9 hours a night and now only sometimes get 2 or 3, and when I do get say, 7, I don’t feel rested; i’m very tired. I’ve been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.
When I read online it says that the primary symptoms of Lyme are ‘joint-pain’ and ‘flu-like’ symptoms. I’m not really suffering any joint pain, and my only flu-like symptom is fatigue (mainly from poor sleep). Also, I never remember getting bitten by anything.
I’ve also noticed some marks on myself that are on my legs and hips that I was told were stretch marks. Admittedly I have gained around 15 lbs in this time, though the marks appeared a couple months after the weight gain. I’ve tried to upload pictures (sorry for camera quality
Thoughts? Thank you!
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sarah47655 embemmy
Welcome! I'm fairly new on here myself .
Its sounds from your symptoms that its definitely worth having a lymes test. Are you in the UK?
My seem an odd question, do you have any pets?
embemmy sarah47655
hi sarah!
i'm not in the UK, sorry. i'm from the US. i have a cat.
sarah47655 embemmy
Ah ok best let someone advise you from the US as regards lymes testing.
Interesting you have a cat as there's a disease you might of heard of called 'cat scratch disease (Bartonella henselae)' which causes lined effects/rash type appearance on the torso apparently. Might be worth asking your gp about that.
Best wishes Sarah
embemmy sarah47655
sarah47655 embemmy
There are different strains of Bartonella depending on the vector you've caught it from. I believe from what I've read that you can have it on its own but usually if its transferred via an insect then its accompanied with other coinfections.
I'm not medically trained so you'd be better going to see your gp or someone whos experienced in infectious diseases.
Best wishes Sarah