Could my chronic hives be related to menopause?

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So I started with the common menopause symptoms about a year ago, hot flashes, some dizziness, trouble sleeping, not wonderful but I could handle it. Then back in May I started experiencing a burning mouth, which then transitioned to hives on my face. After a week I gave in and went to a doc in the box. They gave me prednisone and it cleared up in a few days. I went to a regular GP said the hives probably had nothing to do with menopause, but was most likely a food allergy. I have eliminated so much from my diet and yet the hives are pretty constant now. I will be seeing an allergist soon I hope, but was wondering if anyone else has experienced this or heard of this as menopause symptom.

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    hi annette - what exactly are your symptoms? is it a rash all over your body or just on your face? does it itch? burn? The reason why i ask is, if it is just on your face & is just red and possibly burning, it could be rosacea. Many post menopausal woman develop it (me included). It gets worse with hot flashes and flushing and when you have a bad episode it can even cause migraines. i have a double whammy, i even get ocular rosacea which makes your eyes bloodshot & you feel like you just walked thru a sand storm with grit in your eyes. it doesnt itch, so if you are experiencing itchy hives it could very well be allergy related & our allergies definitely do kick up during menopause. Have you changed laundry soap, bath soap/shampoo to buy no fragrance/clear soap. or any change in diet? new foods? supplements? does taking an anti histamine help? if so, then you know its allergy related - good luck!

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    I had the same symptoms, but I am not sure if it is related to menopause or my thyroid. I have hive on my neck and face. Antibiotic works to my hive. I am still suffering burning mouth, my GP said I have to live on that. S**t! But I believe my burning mouth is related to my thyroid problem!

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    Your chronic hives may not be related to menopause.. but they can definitely be related to stress. My daughter suffered with chronic hives for over 2 years and it started when she was only 21. We had every test known to man done and it turned out to be nothing medical. It all started about 2 months after she moved out and in with her boyfriend. It was an incredibly stressful situation over the next 2 years.. and it wasn't until 2 months after I moved her back home that the hives went away.

    So menopause? Who knows.. stress? Absolutely.

    Food allergies generally only last a short time gll.. and then if it happens again you know it's the food.

    Chronic hives are continual for the most part and never go away. They move around but they don't go. Hers got so mad that she had to carry an epi pen around of because they would get up into her throat and start closing her throat off...she also couldn't walk at times because they were on the bottoms of her feet.

    It was a miserable existence.

  • Posted

    Thanks all! It is definitely hives. According to both doctors I saw. I have done all the usual stuff of eliminating common allergens from my diet, switched to fragrance free soaps and detergents. Stopped taking any supplements. I'm sure stress has a lot to do with it. It is so far confined to my face. Very itchy and burns. I'm taking claritin in the morning and benadryl at night.

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