Could my illness be endometriosis?
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I've recently been diagnosed with M.E. after a long battle of varying symptoms and a multitude of tests showing as 'normal'. Only thing flagging is constant defficiency in ferritin levels so am on ferrous fumerate but thats the only meds im taking. I'm convinced it's hormone or period related. I have short cycles of around 24 days and can have painful heavy periods l. I'm usually quite flu like leading up to period and in agony on first couple of days with cramps and pressure in pelvic area and almost a pull sensation in upper legs and lower abdomin. After 2 days it eases and bleeding can ease but still lasts the usual 6 days or so.
Some cycles verybheavy some not so much. I've had scans internal and external and smears. .all clear. However I also always have bleeding out of the back passage (but only happens during my cycle). This started a year or so after having my son and was investigated at the time with a colonoscopy but again clear. Since then endometriosis has been mentioned a few times by various Dr's but no further investigation. I'm waiting on referral to gynaecology as not seen one before and consultant who diagnosed my M.E suggested this constant drain during my cycles may be why I'm ill more frequently. Other symptoms I get include: bad nausea, delicate stomach, acid, low blood sugar feeling shaky weak and flu like..palpitations and anxious on edge feeling. Very bad woozy headaches and fatigue...also juat bouts of severe pms and anger which is so not me when i was well. Think im fed up and take it out on my family as exhaistes and just fed up of low energy and feeling like I'm going to pass out all the time. Can anyone else relate and could this be endometriosis?
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aitarg35939 EJO3089
The only definitive test is a laparoscopy. You may want to start asking for one from the first instant you see that gynecologist.
Hope it goes well for you.
EJO3089 aitarg35939
It changes but mainly bright red.
Periods have changed over the last couple of years too which I've mentioned to gp..quite heavy discharge during what I think is ovulation time and feel quite nauseaus during this time. Then sometimes during period itself it's quite clotty and gloopy. It's sometimes like the pain is very deep in lower abdomen/back when I have to urinate the blood comes out then. Can be quite light and patchy the last few days but the first couple of days is usually most painful and heavy. Around day 8 after the bleeding stops I can get quite low and shaky and nauseous and wobbly again.
Not sure if some sort of birth control would help these pill for example. I feel I need to try something but cautious of further hormonal /mood symptoms making me even worse!
aitarg35939 EJO3089
It seems to me that you mainly need to see a gyn, and soon. It is best to avoid assuming that we'll have bad reactions to any medicine as those can become self-fulfilling prophecies. It is hard, I know. But there are basically 2 ways to treat endo: hormonally and surgically. There are a number of different medicines. If we only concentrate on all possible negative outcomes, we miss the intended benefits.
The gynecologist may insist that you also see a gastroenterologist about the rectal bleeding; may also make you see a urologist. I mention this so that you know it may happen and it's all quite common in the process of diagnosis. After all that, you may still need the laparoscopy.
You didn't mention your age. I assume that you're pretty young because you haven't ever seen a gyn? As to your M.E./CFS, I often see that referred to as an autoimmune condition. Some AI conditions occasionally go hand in hand with endo, though I do not know why. It's a medical theory, anyway.
EJO3089 aitarg35939
Thanks for replying. I'm 34..don't drink or smoke and rectal bleeding started shortly after having my son.
Conceived naturally and no issues with delivery etc and no other symptoms at the time. Had a colonoscopy at the time but this was all around 6 years ago. My main debilitating symptoms I've described above have been for the last 3 years.
All started with 2 weeks of laringitis then all severe heavy flood during period which was my first ever that bad..literally sat on toilet for an hour. Since then nothing but issues.
Loads of tests done and as my smear and swabs etc clear I guess that's why I wasn't referred to gyny.
GP seemed more concerned with other symptoms like the gut issues and heart palps which is why I've been passed from pillar to post. Theyve been treating it like a tick list,I'm just hoping for definite answer a's I'm just getting lots of 'maybes' and 'could bes' which is frustrating when trying to carry on each day whilst feeling so ill!
I'll probably book private asoppointment with gyn as wait on NHS is another 8 months!! I can't wait that long!
aitarg35939 EJO3089
You have got a bewildering set of symptoms, bewildering both for you & the doctors. Was it a go or a rheumatologist who diagnosed the M.E.? I'm just curious, except that if they haven't sent you to rheum, I don't understand why not.
I am glad you were able to have your son.
You may have to fight for every test you may need. This isn't uncommon with endo, but you may have other things going on. I'm hoping someone more knowledgeable than I am will pop up here.
If you're going to pay to see someone sooner, might as well try to get in to see someone private who specializes in endo. I'm in the States. Re-post asking "recommend endo specialists in UK?" Or whatever big city is closest.
EJO3089 aitarg35939
Thanks - I know all very puzzling and frustrating. It was actually an endocrinologist who diagnosed my ME. Never been referred to rheumatology.
Would a gynaecologist be best to help? I'm on wait list and thought I'd go private but will enquire and ask for someone knowledgeable about endometreosis. UK. NHS is great but the waits are beyond..hence why I'm considering private consultation. Even seeing a GP can take weeks and think she's sick of seeing me to be honest!
aitarg35939 EJO3089
If you've got endo you will need a gyn. Sometimes gastros are very helpful in ruling out other things, but in the end, you've still got gynecological problems.
One thing you might think of doing is calling the endocrinologist/nurse. Ask for guidance about where to go next. 50-50 whether they'll help, but even if they don't you're no worse off. You might come out of it with someone who speeds things along for you.
I'm not excusing anything & I trust your feelings. Took me 3 years to find out that I had endo. In that time I had at least 3ea colonoscopies & barium enemas (rectal bleeding), 10 culposcopies & pap smears (stages 2 & 3), stronger & stronger pain meds (useless, but they have much better ones now) and was told at least 20 times that it was in my head. That was from '78-'81 and I'm horrified that the same goes on now.
Docs are human, tho, and they become frustrated by things they can't fix with aspirin. They aren't supposed to let that show. You might think about visiting your gp with your husband or mom, taking 3 copies of the list of your symptoms, one for each of you. Thank her for seeing you, then tell her that you're frustrated by all the symptoms & think she must be, too. But where does she think you should turn? Be very sweet & level-headed [so not in my repertoire] but stick to that question.
That's either going to get you some help, or she'll say to ask endocrinoligist, or she'll shrug & say she doesn't know. You will have learned a lot about her. Docs often behave much better with a witness.
I can't tell you whether to go private. Can't hurt to call around, find an endo specialist & set an appointment. You can always cancel ,,, well, in the States you can. Meantime don't give up any existing NHS appointments. I fear that you're in for a long slog of doctors sending you off for various tests & consultants. Just keep in mind that no matter how many scans they do, only a laparoscopy can rule out endo, and colonoscopies can rule out many things but not endo because it attaches to the outside of intestine & colon. It can attach to all sorts of abdominal tissues.