Could this be Lymes?

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Hi all,

About a month ago I had a red mark on my back the size of a coin and my doctor gave me antibiotics for an infected cyst, something I've never had before. It was sore to touch and very itchy. That's cleared now but since then I've not been feeling ver well. My neck aches when I turn to the right with some stiffness and shoulder ache. I'm also getting a dull ache between shoulder blades. Sometimes get headaches and momentary nausea. Sometimes also shortness of breath but I am an anxious person in any case. I think my eyes and ears are affected too. Also tire easily. I have 2 cats who have had fleas recently and I walk a friends dog in fields nearby. I am wondering whether I gave got Lymes disease. Can anyone advise please. I am going back to doctor next week and depending on what reply/replies I get here may mention Lymes disease to him. Thanks everyone.

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29 Replies

  • Posted

    Just read Marie's comments & she is spot on!!

    My PCM was clueless. I had miserable rashes & hives. He said it was scabies, too. Of course, it wasn't. I had ridiculously itchy eyes & incorrectly assumed it was more allergies (i am allergic to everything but gluten now & stay away from sugar.)that came on all of the sudden, affecting my bowels. Probiotic & vitamin supplements have helped immensly as i have malabsorption as well. The itchy eyes were a double corneal infection.

    I, too, have difficulty leaving the house sometimes bc talking to neighbors exhausts me & my balance is poor & i find it embarrassing. I thought i was just clumsy! When i'm in the house or outside i am really sensitive to light & sound & the proximity of people toward me.

    I am a lot better thanks to lyme doctors in DC. It just takes a long time. I take oral meds 2 weeks on & 2 weeks off right now. It's like chemo & sucks but necessary.

    You WILL be ok. Do not be scared as stress is one of your biggrst enemies. I am so sorry both you & marie are suffering. There are at least 300,000 of us across the globe. Others have received fibromyalgia, MS, Lupus & even dimentia as a diagnosis when in fact, they have Lyme.

    Remember this too shall pass.

    • Posted

      Thank you capi for your reassuring words. I will see my doctor on Monday and will keep you both informed. I'm so sorry you and Marie are suffering from this dreadful illness. I too thought about fibromyalgia, costochondritis and cervical spondylisis. All seem to fit the bill but the cyst I had made me think it could be Lymes. I really hope it is not but not sure now whether I will ever find out for certain. I will ask for those antibiotics though.

      Best wishes to you both

      Take care


    • Posted

      Have GP run bloodwork to check your Vitamin D levels. Forgot to mention that.
  • Posted


    Depending on what happens after your next visit to GP  and if Lyme Disease should be mentioned then ask him if you can have a Lyme Disease test done in a months time or so.

    Before then there may not yet be antigens but after that they should show.

    If it comes back negative, as so many do even if a person actually has Lyme then there's a firm in Germany that arranges for your blood sample to be fed ex to their laboratory in Germany.

    This costs about 400 or so depending on what co infections you have asked to be tested for. It is not complicated as they send all the info, what to do etc, in downloads.

    At least then you will have the poisitive diagnosis.

    But hopefully you will be well by then.

    Cap mentioned gluten free diet and probiotics. Gluten free is helpful and dairy free and carb free too. Probiotis etc are needed to put enough good bacteria in to  restore proper function.

    If you have any iritable bowel symptons these will ease as your health returns.

    I love potatoestoes , cooked every way and found not having them  hard but am sure it helped.

    I read in a USA article that post mortems done on Fibromyalgic pateints showed the same bacteria as in those with Lyme.

    It is just possible that in many cases Fybromyalgia  was in fact Lyme. They found same bacteria in Alzheimer  pm's.

    When you are doing something , cooking, cleaning and feel that odd feeling that you are going to pass out then just sit and rest until it passes.

    If after your full dosage of Doxy you still feel unwell then don't get disheartened as that prevents you healing. IT takes time to kill all the bacteria off.

    You have to be patient with time  and keep your spirits up.

    Do what you can that makes you happy and  keep believing that you will soon be well.

    Have Epsom salt baths. These provide the magnesium the body needs. Add essential oils.

    Only those who have this can understand what it's like so if you have supportive, but disbelieving, folk around you then  just accept it.. Don't expect them to know how you are feeling.

    It does not matter if you are believed or not. The only thing that matters is to  believe in yourself and your inner strength and  you will get well one day.


    • Posted

      Hi all,

      I saw doctor today, dismissed Lymes. Had bloods taken, neck and back xray, results next week. Gave me medication for dizziness.

      Hope you are all coping ok.

      Best wishes


    • Posted

      Well if he is a Dr  knowledgeable about Lyme then that is good.

      If on the other hand he is like many who choose not to believe that Lyme exists then things might not be quite as straightforward as one might wish.

      Hopefully the medicine will work and all symptoms ease.

      Good Luck

    • Posted


      Have you been dropping weight? Sometimes dizziness is linked to Babesia. There is an easy way to tell if you've been infected with this. Take your blood pressure lying down, then sitting up, then standing. Your blood pressure should not lower when you stand up. Also, adding in B & D & multivitamins has improved my balance some tho my gait is still off.

      Am sorry you are going thru this.

    • Posted

      Malerone, a malaria med, put my Babesia in check. Also increasing your salt intake & adding electrolytes (with powders like Propel, available thru amazon) to your water can help increase low blood pressure.

    • Posted

      Hi all,

      Blood tests came back ok but plasma viscosity slightly raised which shows sign of inflammation. Neck x ray showed some spondylitis and spine x ray showed some degeneration with wear and tear. Being referred to a rhuematologist.

      Hope you are all coping well.

      Kind regards


    • Posted

      That's good.

      Hope the rheumatologist is helpful.

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