Could this be menopause
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I'm grasping at straws now! I had a hysterectomy about 12 years ago. I've been feeling unwell now for some time, drs at first thought it was overactive thyroid as my TSH is abnormal. Not that. Upped dose of amlodipine for BP which gave me dreadful anxiety, leg cramps, nausea, so have stopped them. BP is absolutely normal. One dr suggested citalopram which sent my anxiety through the roof, hated it.
I have little appetite, horrendous anxiety, can't stand the heat, can't sleep, regularly wake at 5.00 am with morning anxiety.
Could this be menopausal, even though i'm nearly 63 and have had a hysterectomy. I've never felt like this and I'm desperate to get back to normal. Really dont want antidepressants. Am trying acupuncture on Tuesday.
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Gypsy014 beverley58530
Hi Beverly, I would compare my symptoms of menopause to my mom aunts sisters ECT.. How old were they how bad and what type of symptoms did they have, we don't really know for sure being that we had the hysterectomy ( me too) and that's what stinks is nothing to compare to, like gee I've skipped my period now for a year so I must be menopausal... Also I did read menopause (drop of hormones) definitely causes preexisting conditions to rear their ugly heads x 1000 and I find that true for me ( if I'm safe to say I'm going thru it) again had hysterectomy so who knows.. I feel like ever since mine I've gone down hill with all kinds of crap.. And read that once your blood supply is cut off from ovaries you then start the process whether or not you still have ovaries.. And the anxiety I had very bad in the mornings for quite some time it was awful.. I have a lot of migraines a lot of weakness dizziness head and body numbness blurry vision and an overall unwell feeling all the time.. I'm 48 so guess I'm at that age for it.. Did they ever check your blood for high antibodies, they (doctors ) usually do not, and you can have normal tsh with high antibodies (I have both) and it would indicate hashimotos which symptoms are awful during meno with hashimotos , a very special diet is needed to control your symptoms.. (An anti-inflammatory diet)so I would yes meno along with whatever else going on in you that menopause wants to agrivate, I heard it will settle after some time.. I'm still waiting too for that day ha ha..
Guest beverley58530
If the ovaries are removed (oophorectomy) at the time of hysterectomy, this is referred to as a surgical (or induced) menopause, and menopausal symptoms will begin immediately after the procedure. ... If one or both ovaries are left intact and only the uterus is removed, the ovaries are still capable of hormone production.
Keljo48 beverley58530
Everyone is different and I know first hand the frustration and worry when the body doesn't act proper and the doctors can't find the issues. I can say it really does sound like menopause. I am 51 almost 2 years post meno and I had my hormones checked in Feb. progesterone was fairly low, testosterone was kind of low, But my estrogen was high for my age and post meno. But NP says hormones fluctuate even in my life stage. Whatever. I have ovary pain that just had a ultrasound that says uterus (small fibroids) and ovaries are fine. Well then what?? Right leg pain that is not a baker's cyst or blood clot (which I am happy about) but what then? It is behind the knee and an area on my calf. Only thing that helps is ibuprophen but it tears my stomach up even low dose. Ugh. Going to see a vascular specialist.
Anyway it does sound like menopause to me. Also I want to note. I have amlodipine listed as a medication allergy. I had sever almost continuous irregular heart beats for about a month. It took me awhile to figure out what it was but I found that med can have that reaction in some. My cardiologist said after I confronted him, that yes it could be the cause. Yah think?! So as soon as I went off of it my irregular heartbeats started to go away about 3 days later heartbeat was back to normal.
I know some people take antidepressants but I am highly sensitive to meds so I avoid them. I take bp meds and Lipitor but that is it. I do take a multivitamin and vitamin e, evening primrose and chelated magnesium and lysine
. Have you had your potassium and magnesium etc tested?
I just went through three separate blood test. Glucose and a complete panel for NP and a partial panel for my Dr. Also a cancer antigen ca125 blood test (GYN says just to cover all areas. She says don't freak out if it shows anything because it doesn't mean cancer.
Ha, I should have that saying tattooed on my forehead as my reminder. "Don't freak out" Cause that is the hardest thing in the hormone yo yo they call menopause is to not freak out. I suck at it. I feel like sometimes I live and breath symptoms. 😦
beverley58530 Keljo48
its really awful the way we have to suffer. I feel like drs really aren't bothered.. they will just throw pills at you to shut you up. Just because I've had a hysterectomy they haven't bothered checking my bloods to see if its menopause.
No wonder we use Dr google . Hope you feel better soon !
CarolKelso beverley58530
Hi Beverly. Yes it's seems to be menopause and symptoms can be overwhelming. I'd the same op as you... 11 years ago and I'm post meno and feel like I've had all 66 known symptoms. I've been doing good for a while then just four days ago the migraine headaches started again. Like a vice grip at side of my head and then I couldn't sleep at night.. My stomach has been through it for two years with ibs and I know about the anxiety... Awful.. You are not alone and its awful as our bodies are transitioning and I find at night when we are resting i feel all kinds of weird things that ive never experienced. Scary stuff but it does pass and get easier. Keep checking in here for support at this place has been a saving grace for me through it all. Google the 66 symptoms of menopause that was posted to this site and it will give you the real list of what many women experience not just hot flushes and depression but much more. Hang tight as you ain't alone and we are blessed to live in an era where we can share. Women were once sent to asylums as they thought they were going mad. Take care. CK
beverley58530 CarolKelso
Hi Carol, thank you So much for your reply. I really do feel as though I am going through the mill at the moment. For example, I awoke at 4 am this morning thinking I was A, going mad, and B, on fire.
my stomach has been upset for weeks, I’ve had to force myself to eat even though I haven’t wanted to. It’s really good to know you are alone in your suffering, as doctors just don’t seem to be interested. They just pass it off as women’s problems. I have tried hypnotherapy which was okay but not brilliant, and on Tuesday I am trying acupuncture as I have heard this has very good results. Fingers crossed anyway. I shall have a look at the symptoms you mentioned. I have an idea I may cross off a lot of them! I shall keep checking in on this site B
Lkl2019 beverley58530
those were my beginning symptoms. I.m only 41.