Could this be perimenopause?
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I am 38 and for at least a year I have had periods that start with days of spotting almost to the point where I will think it's never going to start properly but then it does, at first it wasn't every month, it was most months though.
They were always still my usual 4 weeks apart though until about 6-8 months ago when I started to get them every 3 weeks instead and the days of spotting before my normal flow are every single month now.
I do have an anxiety disorder but in recent weeks the anxiety has been absolutely off the scale, I can honestly say I have never had it so bad, I have also noticed hair growth on my chin, I have to pluck them out because they are very prominent and I am convinced my hair is thinner at the front parting, I certainly shed much more than usual when brushing and washing.
No night sweats but lots of hot flushes and generally feeling too warm, even on a cold night I can seldom have a cover on me and sometimes I go very cold after that hot flush.
I am having a blood test for my thyroid this week after consulting my GP but it didn't occur to me at the time I saw her to mention my cycles, I only considered the start of menopause after searching google about the change in my cycles and seeing so many results linking it to that.
I will mention it when I see her for my blood test results but I don't even know if there is a reliable way to test for perimenopause, it's all very new to me.
So really I am just looking for opinions on whether or not it's a viable possibility, I'm quite scared to be honest especially after reading that the whole process and symptoms can last for many years.
Could this be the start?
Many thanks.
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Zigangie BellaLuna
My periods became very much lighter about 10 years before they stopped altogether.
I haven't really had any night sweats but just got gradually much hotter especially at night time and like you slept a lot without covers on.
The winter was annoying as I was forever putting the cover back on only to be too hot again 10 minutes later.
Hope this helps.
sharcerv52408 BellaLuna
I am going through perimenopause and I started going these crazy changes about 15 fifteen years ago when I had to have my right ovary removed. Then after I had my son at age 35 my symptoms got worse. I thought it was just worsening PMS because I was getting older. But it wasn't until after my daughter was born about three years ago that my symptoms hit the roof. I was desparate to find out what was happening to me so I googled the symptoms I was having and came across this forum. I am so glad I did! I have gotten so many answers and had a lot of fears callmed. Lately I have been experiencing a lot of anxiety. It has been more intense now than ever. I can only hope that I am at the last stop on this crazy train ride. I wish you well during this journey.
ellacraig BellaLuna
exact same symptoms as you but I get some night sweats ...
yes ask for a FSH And LH blood test but do them on day 3 of your period. Also there is a high chance fsh might not give an accurate picture and you can still be in peri.
I'm starting vitex herb which helps to raise progesterone and metabolize estrogen to good levels. It's a herb and acts naturally . I've been told there's not a lot else to be done about peri menopause. But be mindful apparently estrogen is raised during peri causing fluctuations in emotions anxiety gastric secretions etc. Causes havoc. Best adoption a diet to reduce estrogen load. Thats what I'm doing.
its the anxiety and horrific heavy bleeding days that hurt the most.
I'm your age too fyi..
ellacraig BellaLuna
BellaLuna ellacraig
I will ask my GP about the blood test too, it might throw something up but I know it can be tricky because hormones get so erratic.
The vitex herb sounds interesting too, I have medication for my anxiety that I've been on for years which doesn't touch my current level of symptoms and I really want to avoid adding more prescription drugs if at all possible especially the anti anxiety type, had years of hell with those as it is.
It's all such a lot to deal with, I thought I was a bit young then read into it and saw how many women of my age are in the same boat so obviously it's very possible.
I agree that the anxiety hurts the most, I used to be able to self manage fairly well but it's much more of a struggle now, I haven't suffered any heavy bleeding days yet, well no more than normal since my periods are quite heavy when they finaly get going anyway but on day 4 of my full flow I do get this thing where it slows and almost stops then wham it comes back with a very heavy bleed again for a few hours.
Thanks again everyone, it's good to know there are people who can relate to what I am feeling and that it could be perimenopause, I honestly thought I may be finally going insane.
jojobebe BellaLuna
pinkcatfairy BellaLuna
As i approached fifty my periods went like this, endless days of spotting, it got to the stage where i didnt know when period started and stopped. I had transvaginal ultrasound which didnt pick anything up, everyone is different how it affects their periods but mine were like this rather than heavy flowing. I think a year before i had the odd heavy flow x