Couldn't remember what letter of the alpahbet garlic started with...
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Standing in the supermarket, I realised I had a problem and had to stand for a good 5 minutes going through the alpahbet in my head.
I have fibroids and have a never-ending period. I've always blamed my symptoms on fibroids. I'm now beginning to think I'm peri-menopausal too. I'm 43 and have had night sweats for the last few weeks. My memory is terrible and my mood swings are something else.
Has anyone else experienced lengthy periods with pre-menopause?
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jayneejay e48717
yes i did i had 21 months of bleeding in beginning for peri.. I was aged 40 ..
its was continuous, varied from flooding to heavy, normal, light, spotting i was lucky to get 3 days free in 21 months ..
I also had night sweats then, use to wake up sopping, legs slipping off each other .
and the odd day flush..
also felt abit anxious, nervous etc in onset too.
jay x
lesley61388 e48717
shaznay96184 e48717
I moan like mad on here about still bleeding regularly at the age of 54. I'm as regular as clockwork: in fact its Day 28 of my cycle today, and I can honestly say I know it......somethings'a brewing!!
With regards your fibroids. There are lots of discussion threads on here about those little lovelies. I did go through a long spell of very heavy bleeding/clotting, and my periods were quite long, never just starting & finishing, but having to suffer the dreaded brown gung too(!!!).
I believe it was because I had an old=style IUD Coil (not the MIrena). Notorious with giving really heavy bleeds. But nothwithstanding the fact that yes, I was probably Perimenopausal, and I knew periods did get heavier at this time too.
Had an awful lot going on in my life in my 40s, and around 45 I spent about 3yrs taking Tranexamic Acid to help with the heaviness. Brilliant stuff!!
One month I found myself without a repeat prescription, so decided I'd see what a 'normal' period was like without them. It was a lot lighter, nowhere near as painful/dragging and as a result, I never took a T'Acid pill again.
I'm now 54, and I think I've had a great number of Peri symptoms for yonks. But because I had so much stress (bereavements etc) to cope with at the time, I think some of those symptoms got tied up with my grieving process/loss. Many of them were quite similar like the anxiety, sweating, blubbing, worrying, fretting insomnia, lack of appetite etc. (Well I like to think that cos' they were bloody 'orrible and I don't want them starting up again!!)
I have 3 sisters who have all had kids, some have had a few gynae issues and all had HRT. I, in contrast, have not really had any such isues, but I think I'm paying the price for that as at my age of 54 all my sisters were well into proper Menopause (no P's for 12mths etc) - gutted!
My next sister up had similar symptoms to you when she was in her mid-40s. She had a Uterine Ablation (I believe it sort of scorches off the lining of the uterus, along with the fibroids?? Someone will correct me if I'm wrong!) and she never looked back: hardly any bleeding after thie procedure, then her P's became irregular as she started her Peri.
I mentioned this to a young colleague as her aunt was due a hysterectomy for same symptoms. I wrote the name down and told her to pass it to her aunt to mention to the Gynae. Long-story-short: she had the UA instead of a hysterectomy and has also been fine since
I wonder if something like this might be of help to you? Maybe mention it to your GP if you go see him about this? (Be a good idea to have a read-up about it as, like any op, it has its risks, but it might be an answer to your problem, who knows!)
As for the sweats and mood swings......Hello! Welcome to our Club!!
shaznay96184 e48717
(I don't even eat curry!!)
Sorry to say, but you've got another 11yrs before you get as good at this age me
lesley89854 e48717
I am having the same problem
I am nearly 60 and have had 12 weeks and more of bleeding which made me suffer with Anaemia .. My memory is awful! I shout at my husband because I get so frustrated I could quite easily pull my hair out as I get so angry!!!!!! (Although it's already falling out ) Please don't think you are alone with this, There are loads of us suffering every day! Let's hope there is a light at the end of the tunnel as I feel i've had enough!!
Take care
Lesley x
jayneejay lesley89854
chin up chick
hey.. I also use to get thinning hair ..
but Kelp 1000mg ( simply supplements) stops that.. ( £5.89 approx)
It works..
Took it for years when hair came in in peri, and it all stopped coming out .
then i thought being post meno i would stop the Kelp last Year, two / three months later my hair is clogging plug hole and coming out terrible, then i remembered why i took Kelp in first place ..
so started taking again, and a few weeks later, no hair loss 😃
Jay x
lesley89854 jayneejay
I really feel a mess and unwell to boot!
Why does this happen to us?
I sometimes wonder if I will ever feel better!
lol64 e48717
zoomie e48717
I have been terrible this p a st 2 wks, more than normal with trying to get my words out
Saying the wrong words but that's better than p panic s ,anxiety , palpitations . That will be my treat for another day / week /month . Ha ha
chica zoomie
hilda ogden was an instance and also hilda baker.
we were young and just thought it was funny.
little did we realise the truth.
nobody told us that one day this would be us.
heyho its nice to know we're not alone sister.
Camikitten e48717
I also find I'm searching for a word and it won't come to me at all.
It happened a few times today at work and it was quite embarrassing.
Cami xx
shaznay96184 e48717
I also got called by my next sister up's name by my two maternal aunts all the time. So it was either just because that particular sister demanded everyone's attention (yeah, she did/still does!) - or its hereditary!!!
I call it my own private Teurettes: that way I can call people all sorts of names and not give a toss!!:-) :-) :-)
Just old hormonal depletion/old age me thinks:-|
jayneejay shaznay96184
Shaznay so true, my mum did and still does the same .
i am the only girl and youngest of four, i got called all my brothers names before she got to mine 😃
i use to tease her and say, oh yeah, is that your favourites order.. Hahaha
have a grat day Shaz
jay x
The symptoms are horrible and it's getting me really down. I'm in a mood to end all moods today, been shouting at people I love (and am generally being vile).
And (sorry if this is TMI). THANK YOU for mentioning the brown discharge, my consultant looked at me as if I was abnormal when she found this in a check up!!
I never signed up for all of this, I want a refund!
chica e48717
you k now what we all get these cursed fibroids.
some women never know, others get 'symptoms' cos the beasties are growing in all different places.
the medics say they die after menopause so no action required.
you dont mention pain.
your post mentions brain fog.
mmm i remember it well.
ginko biliba gets your brain working by stimulating the blood circulation.
it also stops your feet being cold.
but if you have to get any surgery in the future, give it a miss for a few weeks.
i used to get extremely'dippy' when pregnant.
who'd have hormones eh !
e48717 chica
I can put up with the pains but just want the bleeding to stop! It's ruining my life. I'm only 43 but can't have a proper relationship with my partner and I'm totally fed up.
My consultant wants to either fit a coil (not sure about that) or an ablation. But first, she wants to 'wait and see' for 3 months. I've so far been bleeding for 4 weeks this time round.....I can't wait much longer!
I feel like a grumpy old woman. All I do is moan and go on about my health. It's a wonder the other half doesn't up and leave...I'm so lucky, he's brilliant.
Everyone on here has been so supportive and I'm so glad I found this place xx
shaznay96184 e48717
I think I've just replied to you on your 'Sex - what Sex?' discussion (
!!) and I mentioned my sister having had an Ablation. Maybe consider that?
I too took Tansexamic Acid for about 3yrs: my heavy periods were helped along with my old IUD Coil (can't pick up Sky for free, which is a bummer!): they're renown for causing heaving bleeding. My prat of a GP couldn't fit the Mirena in me so I just told him to shove anything in (I think I got off light there!!
The T'Acid was my saviour. Found myself without a repeat prescription so thought I'd see how I got on without them. I was probably about 48 at the time, and my Ps were less heavy generally, and the cramping wasn't anywhere near as bad, so I've never taken a T'Acid since!
See if you can discuss the Ablation: my sister and a friend's aunt never looked back. And lay it on a bit: tell them you're really heavy, cramping, so that they don't ask you to 'wait' too long!!