COVID Anxiety - Constant worry I have symptoms and repeat PCR testing

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The pandemic has caused me a lot of anxiety in recent times, mainly due to finding out about people I know having the virus etc. It's made my anxiety increase and has actually caused me to think I've got COVID on numerous occasions. I have had physical symptoms and been tested but each time it has come back negative. This has become an unhealthy pattern that has been going on 3 months and has affected my work.

There's rarely a time I don't believe I am carrying the virus because I seem to constantly have a cold (affecting my senses) or think I'm too hot so keep checking my temperature (never a fever). I also often feel generally achy etc and believe this could be an additional symptom. The only thing that reassures me is a PCR test, however just days after taking one and it being negative my symptoms will suddenly return.

I've established this is likely down to anxiety and have sought out councelling but it's still not helping me. Is anyone else in a similar situation and did anything else help them get out of it?

Also the reason I'm so scared of having it each time is not that I'll get sick (I'm young & healthy) but that I'll pass it on to others which is why I feel I need to know I'm negative constantly before going in public.


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hey when covid first got worst here in NY back in april and I started working a temp job in the worst place a, hospital, it was really hard. Before covid i always struggled with my depression and anxiety. I thought Im going to be near medical workers who around sick patients all day and can pass it on to me. I would get tested for the virus a few times all negative because I had symptoms and a few coworkers would be out sick with the virus. I was thinking is it worth putting my health as well as my parents who are in their 70s at risk.

    I got tested last week only cause when I called out sick from work they said I should get tested cause my symptoms were covid related but I know it was a panic attack. I'm out on personal leave cause of my depression and I'm seeing a therapist. Started to see that most of obsessive thoughts is whats bringing on my physical pain.

    Take care

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply.

      I can see why you would have been so anxious. Testing seems to be the only way to know for sure but it's difficult when you constantly have these fears/symptoms.

      I relate to the obsessive thoughts, I've let them eat away at me and fear the worst case scenario every time.

      I hope I keep working and get through this but there have been many times I've wanted to give it all up.


    • Posted

      I hear you, I let my fears and worries get the best of me. Maybe when you feel comfortable talk to someone close to you, let them know how you feel the best thing is just to know someone you love is there for you and is listening. I have a younger sister who helps me through my hard times and has seen me at my worst.

      I don't have that many close friends especially that would ever understand this and with covid and change of work I really don't have a social life. But I would foolishly text him how I felt and he gave some good advice. I felt he might understand cause he has told me he has suffered panic attacks, mostly from smoking.

      I hope you feel better.

  • Posted

    you are overthinking it so much that you are creating symptoms. your test have all been negative and that’s all you can do. Now it’s time to go about your life.

    you’re not going to pass the virus to anybody being negative. The vast majority of people do not casually pass the virus without knowing that they are sick. You will drive yourself crazy with this if you don’t just relax about it. Not even the doctors and scientists are telling us to constantly get checked. If you start to feel absolutely miserable then you can get checked otherwise live your life and enjoy it!

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply.

      I am definitely overthinking and can't shake the feeling something is wrong but I have said this many times and it's always been negative. However each time it feels different and that's when the anxiety and obsessive thoughts kick in.

      I do a rapid test almost every day (sometimes twice) and it's never shown more than one line. But based on what I've read in regards to their accuracy it makes me need a PCR, which I can find myself taking up to once or sometimes twice a week. Without a negative notification on my screen I can't be sure I'm safe and that's what keeps me up at night.

      I was vaccinated two weeks back so hopefully once it kicks in and my throat clears I will feel differently.

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