Cracking Noise

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Hi Girls can anyone tell me if they experience during the menopause cracking noise in the head when you turn your neck sudden, it can happen in bed or just normally turning around what do you think.

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Is it a single loud crack or lots of little crackling sounds?
  • Posted

    If it's single loud crack then the answer is yes, but it's in my neck, not my head.

    • Posted

      I guess your right in the neck part do you think it's normal or don't worry about it.

    • Posted

      It's normal(whatever normal is in menopause). It's one of the few things I don't worry about on thos crazy ride we call menopause!😂😂😂

  • Posted

    I get lots of crunching cracking sound from my neck whenever I turn my head. Creaking old bones! It can sound as if it is coming from you head, but it is in fact the neck or jaw bones.
    • Posted

      Yes you might be right could be the neck part not so much in the head I hope it's nothing to worry about but I don't hear it every day.

    • Posted

      My daughter is 14 and she can crack her neck, knees, ankles and wrists. Some people's bodies are like that.

  • Edited

    Hi ladies, I want to let you know I started with all the peri-memo symptoms a year and a half ago.  Believe me it has been a horrendous ride and yes!  All of a sudden I also started experiencing the crackling noise in my neck with every single movement.  I want you to know it’s has subsided.  It felt as if I had bone chips floating around in my neck.  WOW!  I still have to ask myself is all this really due to our hormonal imbalance?  How can our hormones due all of this?  I have had a hard time with this and accepting this is all due to peri-memo or menopause.  I was in denial and refused to believe in peri-meno or menopause crap.  But everything else checks out okay.   I now believe in the so called “CHANGE OF LIFE” it has been talked about since the beginning of life and I do believe as our bodies start to what I call “DRY UP” we experience so many weird, scary and horrible symptoms.  I started with all these symptoms at the age of 45 I am now 46.  Dr”s don’t understand they just want to pump us up with anti-depressants especially male Dr.’s.  My Dr. told me I was under too much stress prescribed me AD”s and told me to seek a therapist.  What the hell is that?!!!  She is young and I told her God forbid you go through peri or menopause in the worst way lady because it is real and maybe you won’t be so lucky as the ladies who BREEZE through this phase in life!!!  I am not damn crazy.   Needless to say, I did not take her advice much less the AD’s.  I changed my eating habits cutting out sugar and caffeine started exercising and a huge emphasis in my faith and prayer which has and is getting me through this phase in life.  I feel much better than a year ago and continue to get better I take no AD’s or HRT, I’m getting through this with Prayer, exercise and positive thinking and really enjoying myself for and paying attention to myself and my needs for once in my life!!! and yes! Ladies I am feeling better and happier!  They say there is a light at the end of this tunnel and I can’t wait to get to the other side of peri-menopause and finally reach menopause.  I am so ready to start living the next half of my life!  Re-born! Re-juvenated! I claim it Dear Lord in your almighty name Jesus Christ!  Amen! Hang in there ladies, it is going to be okay. XOXO!
  • Posted

    My neck cracks and I was starting to get a frozen L shoulder. I starting exercising and it worked itself out but I was really worried about it for awhile.
  • Posted

    I got a frozen shoulder. Had it injected with saline gel, as much as it could take to push everything appear in there and free the joint up.

    Yup, its all downhill from now on, body wise!!!! 🙄

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