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Has anyone had severe ongoing cramping? This is typically normal for me a day or two before starting my period but I've had nonstop cramping for weeks. Is this normal with Peri? Any comments would be greatly appreciated. Alieve does take the edge off but 9 pills a day just to make it tolerable is not healthy, I don't think?? Thank you.
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sharon73515 mbs12
Hi, omg I'm going through the same thing.and started a conversation on this yesterday lol but I too have had cramping /dull aches in lower backfor a couple of days now but I'm at the end of my period ( which has been on and off for a couple of weeks) I too sometimes have cramping before the period but like you it's just going on and on. :-( you're not alone.
Ps I'm 43 and I'm the mini pill cerezette.
May I ask how old you are ?
mbs12 sharon73515
I am so happy to hear I am not alone. I am going nutty! I am 51.
mbs12 sharon73515
?I found the conversation and have read the comments, thank you. So helpful to know I'm not alone. Very depressing when I read some of these symptoms last years....not sure how ppl are able to tolerate this for so long. Thank you and try to make it a great day!
amy602 mbs12
mbs12 amy602
Thank you for your comments. It does provide some comfort in knowing we aren't alone but it still makes me batty. Lol. Make it a great day!
sharon73515 mbs12
mbs12 sharon73515
How do I find your replies or discussion from yesterday?
sharon73515 mbs12
Glad you found the comments from yesterday and glad it helped. Definitely not alone and aren't we all a little nutty haha I think it helps!
Enjoy your day too.
maria76995 mbs12
Hi, I get cramp when I wake up muscle kind one at the bottom of my feet and I have to jump out of bed for relieve it's horrible or maybe sitting down does it too.
Sally4x mbs12
amy602 mbs12
mbs12 amy602
I had someone once tell me that drinking pickle juice (small amount) helps with muscle cramps. I've tried it but not completely convinced enough to chug on the pickle jar.