Cramps, cramps, cramps!

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I'm 47 (almost) and still have my period.  My period started on the 8th of this month, went a week and now on the 24th I've got cramps so bad it feels like my uterus is trying to fold itself into squares.  Just so over this.  If it's not migraines, it's cramping, or not being able to sleep, shrieking at my kids..I know we're all in this together, and I'm glad..because this sucks and it's at least comforting to know that it's not just me alone here.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes Yes!!!! I Agree and I am in the same boat. I had my period two weeks ago and now it's back again with absolutely CRAZY cramps. I drove to ER because I thought my ovarisn cyst burst. The line was out the door... Oh my gosh I thought okay I'm not dying and if I have to wait for hours in that line I will die. So drove right back home😜😜. It does feel like my uterus is folding in half. The cramps the back aches the nauseous the headaches the anxiety and the mood swings yikes I'm crying laughing yelling all at the same time, I agree this is a total nightmare. Can't wait till this is over for good. Take Care we are all in this together 😊😊


  • Posted

    Sorry you are going through this have you tried HRTs to help with the cramps and bleeding 

    How about something for the anxieties and depression have you tried anything for that 

  • Posted

    hi acsor, yes,had cramps intermittently yesterday alongwith back pain.....feel like the fibroids are churning in there......dont know if the rains are gonna come down this month or not ??
  • Posted

    I agree. It all sucks. I guess this is why they call it the change of life. The hardest part to accept is that there is little relief out there for suffering women. I have seen more research and introduction of new drugs for AIDS .Have a rant and offload to those who understand what you are going through.
  • Posted

    Hi sounds like magnesium might help, I take 300mg morning and have a cream at night to rub where cramps are, or have a nice warm bath in Epson salts.good luck.xx
    • Posted

      Does the magnesium help with cramping? I've been downing ibuprofen like Pez here lately and it hurts my tummy.
    • Posted

      Google the benifits if magnesium! !!!!, I have had bad muscle pain all over the body mostly in my back neck and face . It's supposed to help with body heat, cramps, head ache, blood pressure etc and most people are lacking it. Good luck. I'm 60 and had a hysterectomy 12yrs ago.

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