cramps with midcycle bleeding

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For those of you who've had the mid-cycle bleeding, did you have cramps along with it?  I don't have the full-blown period type cramps, but I've been having kind of mini-cramps and then when I check, sure enough there's some bleeding going on.  

This has been going on for about a month now.  My period happened about 18 days ago.  At least, I'm calling it that, because of the timing and the heavy flow, but I'd been having bleeding each day for about a week and a half up until then.  I was hoping it would all straighten itself out, but I'm still having bleeding episodes.  I have an appointment at the end of next week for a second attempt at a biopsy related to a fibroid diagnosis.  Praying that she gets the sample this time and that nothing is really wrong and at least I can put my mind at rest about that.  I feel like as inconvenient as the constant bleeing is, if it stays at this rate, I can cope with it.  I really want to stop worrying that it's something worse than peri and the fibroid.  

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    I have a few fibroids and am hopefully getting close to menopause. I have cramps any day of the month my body feels like it and have no idea what my cycle is anymore!! I have been spotting. Stopping for a day then start again with either spotting or light bleed. My last regular heavy flow was in august. So to reassure you I have had a biopsy and MRI and there is nothing sinister... fibroids! Hormones!
    • Posted

      This is exactly what I've been experiencing with one day bleeding, the next day not.  I'm still having the heavier flow right on schedule.  I'd be really happy for that to get done, but thank you for responding.  It makes me feel better. 

  • Posted

    I'm in perimenopause myself and having the exact same symptoms as you are! I started on 9/23 and still having very light bleeding, it's going on 14days! And it comes with the cramping and backaches. I just had my bloodwork done and it shows I'm definitely going through the changes . Actually shows post-menopausal. Its my first time with the long bleeding. 😩

  • Posted

    i was just about to start a discussion about this, when I saw your post.  I am having the same thing.  Had a period 34 days after my previous one and then have had continuous bleed, more like spotting (not enough to reach a pad and definitely not enough to use a tampon).  That lasted 12 days, stopped for two (or may have become so little it was unnoticable) then started again, very little and just brown in colour.  Checked again today and still there.  The doctor is now sending me for a scan of pelvis and transvaginal also and has suggested a d&C op also.  I know I am nearing menopause as blood FSH is high and hoping this is all normal to have this kind of continous discharge?  Is a hysterscopy/d&c necessary?  I don't mind having the scans but not happy about the hysterscopy.  

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