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I've never really thought about some changes in my life that might be attributable to menopause but reading through various threads, I'm now wondering just how many things that I had just accepted as a 'new normal' might actually be directly resultant from menopause.

A recent one is my craving for salt - has anyone else experienced new cravings since becoming peri- or menopausal??

I've never been pregnant so have no idea what it would be like to have cravings of the type pregnant women get.

In the last few months I've developed a strange craving for salt!! I've never in my life had salt on my chips, only lashings of vinegar. But relatively recently, I now suffer from a dire craving to put salt on my fries or my chips. Never crave salt on/in anything else, it's just chips! I never eat ready meals and rarely eat crisps, so I don't know if this is the result of some kind of salt deficiency in my diet or if it's connected to menopause?

I don't need to add salt to any other foods - it is only chips!!

Has anyone else ever experienced the onset of cravings similarly??

(Funny enough, this bothers me almost more than other menopausal symptoms would do, as I know it isn't healthy to be shaking salt on my fries 5 or 6 days a week, and I am hoping this isn't going to be a lifelong habit.)

I have also noticed that in the past two or three years my desire for chocolate has also increased. It's not quite a craving in the same way as the salted chips, but whereas I was always a chocoholic anyway, more recently I am realising that it's as if I don't have an "off" button where chocolate is concerned! And it has to be certain chocolate. Just any old choc won't do; has to be 70% cocoa or more, or otherwise something with peanut butter (not, peanuts!) in the middle.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    I crave only to feel normal again 😂 Have always loved salt.  recently very partial to coconut milk from "morissons" though..... 😛x
  • Posted

    When I say, 'craving', I mean, insofar as I used to eat a lot of mashed potato and very rarely chips or fries. This chip/fries thing: I only eat them so often because I crave them with the salt on. If someone forbade me to ever put salt on them, I would not choose to eat them! I only eat them for the salt that I add to them!! I don't actually like salt but I have this compulsion to eat fries/chips that have salt shaken on them.
  • Posted

    Itsuppsed to signify a lack of something in the body, can't remember what, though! Oh for normal memory to return!

    I have found, in recent years, that I crave salty foods in general around period time - maybe it is hormonal?

  • Posted

    I think I heard on country file that a lot of cows get hit by cars as they go to lick the salt on gritted roads in the winter.  So go steady ladies with your salt cravings......!!x
    • Posted

      Oh gawd! I never thought of that! No wonder I have been fighting this strange compulsion to dash outside every time a gritting lorry has been past!

      Madcow by name.....................!

  • Posted

    I find that I am craving more sweet stuff, especially chocolate, but it has been a bit hard because i have had stomach issues with gastitis, so it has been a no no and i couldn't have any over Christmas. I have always liked chocolate but i feel i definately crave it more, plus cakes and biscuits! I also went through a stage of craving carbs, potatoes!!!
  • Posted

    Marie i to crave chocolate, ive got a fatty liver so it doesnt help along with the sugar content either. If we must have chocolate then the higher ther coco content then the  better is for us, full of antioxidents and latest i read may help with preventing alzheimers too. im prone to get candida so anything with sugar is not good for me. just finished a box of Lindol chocys i got for mothers day, i know i shouldnt have eaten them but each one was sheer bliss, now im paying with pain in my liver region and feeling just well yuck. why are the things that taste good offten just bad for us lol


  • Posted

    salt craving - common at our time of life - can be adrenal fatigue. look up diet for it, very interesting & can be helpful.  xx
  • Posted

    Why is brimbo being moderated? I too crave chocolate and anything sugary. When I was young I used to eyeroll when 'ancient' women chattered on about how they'd been 'naughty' (ie eaten cakes and sweets - for some reason barley sugar was not naughty. Pah!) Now I recognise myself in these memories. Everything I crave is bad for me.
    • Posted

      I don't know. I was only trying to say salt cravings can be caused by adrenal fatigue, which is very common at our time of life xx

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