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I've never really thought about some changes in my life that might be attributable to menopause but reading through various threads, I'm now wondering just how many things that I had just accepted as a 'new normal' might actually be directly resultant from menopause.
A recent one is my craving for salt - has anyone else experienced new cravings since becoming peri- or menopausal??
I've never been pregnant so have no idea what it would be like to have cravings of the type pregnant women get.
In the last few months I've developed a strange craving for salt!! I've never in my life had salt on my chips, only lashings of vinegar. But relatively recently, I now suffer from a dire craving to put salt on my fries or my chips. Never crave salt on/in anything else, it's just chips! I never eat ready meals and rarely eat crisps, so I don't know if this is the result of some kind of salt deficiency in my diet or if it's connected to menopause?
I don't need to add salt to any other foods - it is only chips!!
Has anyone else ever experienced the onset of cravings similarly??
(Funny enough, this bothers me almost more than other menopausal symptoms would do, as I know it isn't healthy to be shaking salt on my fries 5 or 6 days a week, and I am hoping this isn't going to be a lifelong habit.)
I have also noticed that in the past two or three years my desire for chocolate has also increased. It's not quite a craving in the same way as the salted chips, but whereas I was always a chocoholic anyway, more recently I am realising that it's as if I don't have an "off" button where chocolate is concerned! And it has to be certain chocolate. Just any old choc won't do; has to be 70% cocoa or more, or otherwise something with peanut butter (not, peanuts!) in the middle.
1 like, 11 replies
Bubbins marie90939
Bubbins marie90939
madcow1964 marie90939
I have found, in recent years, that I crave salty foods in general around period time - maybe it is hormonal?
Bubbins marie90939
madcow1964 Bubbins
Madcow by name.....................!
pinkcatfairy marie90939
susan556 marie90939
brimbo67 marie90939
val50972 marie90939
brimbo67 val50972