Crawling Insect Feeling/Tingling in Feet/ Hands/ Buzzing Sensations
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Hello Ladies,
I have been getting this crawling feeling on my legs and Tingling in Feet, Hands, Toes and Arms. I also get a little bit of a Burning Feeling Sometimes as well. I get shaking feeling in Hands and Arms as well as an Internal Shaking. I started get also a buzzing sensation in my head really hard to explain!!!! I am crying one minute and laughing the next!!!! I have been to a ton of drs. I just had my B12 and Potassium Checked this week as well as The Neurologist....took Blood today to Check for Low Iron. I had low Vitamin D in January and now my levels are back up in normal range for a while now....So ladies if anyone of you is experiencing these symptoms please let me know if they are normal....Thank You!!!!
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JReady64 Shana_P
i can only see one line of your post..
Nettie261962 Shana_P
You wrote my story to a T! I have been having all kinds of tests done too. See neurologist on May 6th. Probably won't show anything either but I'm scared out of my witts and want to make sure nothing is wrong. The worst is the shaky hands and arms and internal tremor like feeling. Menopause is awful. It has stole so much joy away from me.
Shana_P Nettie261962
Nettie...I totally agree...dont worry its probably just peri/meno ...I went to see the Neurologists Tonight and they just tested my Iron in my blood....I have had multi blood tests and been to about 60 dr appointments over a 6 month time frame and all different types of drs.....
Nettie261962 Shana_P
Thanks, Shana!
I'm sure your tests will all be normal.
may69987 Shana_P
hi shana ,me too i have all the symptoms you mentioned and joint pain burning feet and cold hand ,crying for no reasons and many others and all my blood test were normal 6 months ago im going again for blood test this week so i guess it is hormone flucturing even though my hormone test was normal
Shana_P may69987
Hi May Thank God I am not alone because these symptoms are concerning......I am sure all your blood tests will be okay....
unico31026 Shana_P
I have the buzzing or vibrating feeling in my head sometimes.
sunaina1983 Shana_P
ur not alone dear
i have buzzing feeling in head many times
tingling in feets and hands
its Peri
sunaina1983 Shana_P
last year i had crawing insert feeling alot..i feel as if some insert in my clothes..i check my clothes many times ...seatching for insert ...haha.. .Change my clothes soo many times at that time i didnot know its one of symtom of Peri
ur not alone dear.
this feeling goes in 1 or 2 days..donot worry