Crazy feelings
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hi ladies,
at this point am very anxious,nervous,depressed with acid,dizziness ,upset tummy. I think i just want to know if am not alone. i think my heart wants to jump out even if i drink water. Do i need help? this causes me to feel to just leave and not come back .
Any suggestions? Doctors need to be specific when they do nt find anything wrong with you ,but yet u are really feeling sick.
Help please.
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staci88515 wendy36287
I don't have any suggestions as I have not had much luck with doctors. However, I want you to know you are not alone. xo
bev27429 wendy36287
I feel your pain, Wendy. I have had all of the feelings, physical and mental, that you are going through. No doctor has been able to provide any insight or meaningful information. I have just been told that this is normal, even though it feels anything but.
I can understand your desire to want to escape. It is hard to try to just grind through your days, when you don't feel like yourself.
You are definitely not alone; there are many women who are in the same position as yourself.
Stay strong and keep believing that this is a phase in life, so there will be an end to it all.
kelly55079 wendy36287
Yes-- I have the crazy jitterish feeling and was up at 4 am.. I felt hyper so I did leg exercises till I wore my self out to sleep. I'm sure it's anxiety with me. Been thinking about my marriage, kids are home for the summer and sister is visiting.. Not sure I feel like I can 'sugarcoat' everything.. I really just want to escape. You can try writing down how your feeling-- I do this when my cycle hits because a few different things are happening and I can never remember one month to the next. You can also try talking with a therapist. When I go it feels refreshing to talk with someone who listens and understands and reassures me that 'things are ok'-- I'm not going crazy-- I just need more help around the house-- can't do it all!!!
kelly55079 wendy36287
Yes-- I have the crazy jitterish feeling and was up at 4 am.. I felt hyper so I did leg exercises till I wore my self out to sleep. I'm sure it's anxiety with me. Been thinking about my marriage, kids are home for the summer and sister is visiting.. Not sure I feel like I can 'sugarcoat' everything.. I really just want to escape. You can try writing down how your feeling-- I do this when my cycle hits because a few different things are happening and I can never remember one month to the next. You can also try talking with a therapist. When I go it feels refreshing to talk with someone who listens and understands and reassures me that 'things are ok'-- I'm not going crazy-- I just need more help around the house-- can't do it all!!!
Guest wendy36287
I completely understand how you feel! ive been going through this for years and like you no drs help! They just want to throw antidepressants at you. Just today i woke up and thought i felt fine, had some breakfast, 2 hours after eating i behan feeling blah....its been 8 hours and still No appetite, im dizzy and i feel sick. I just want to cry cause i dont get a full day of feeling normal mentally or physically. I have wasted money on antidepressants and im now wasting money on counseling (ive felt sick for so long and have no energy i never want to leave my house) but nothing is changing. Its the same thing day in and day out....its torture why cant they find a treatment for this hell!? And more hormones arent the answer, in fact, they can make things worse. Antidepressants dont fix anything but about to take them again just to numb myself!
Jaynie12 Guest
i know how u feel i tell my partner im at battle with my mind and body. always something ..ill get to where i can talk myself outta getting anxiety bad and something new will pop up..then im back to feeling like sh..t..its crazy!!!!its like im just the walking dead. feels like it..all the things i liked to do i feel to bad to do. never thought menapause like this havent had a period for 3 years then 5 months ago all this started happening bad. and like most women irs the anxiety that is kicking my ass when a symptom pops up the anxiety 10x worse. hang in there. i keep reading and hoping theres light at the tunnel
Madracquel wendy36287
I am going through the exact same thing right now. I am having blood work done this week to check everything out to make sure I’m good. I have also had a CT scan and an MRI that did pop up some problems but nothing to do with these feelings. It is so crazy that we can try to live normal and feeling like this.
dora_39625 wendy36287
Hi Wendy,
you are really not alone and are peefectly normal.
I've had these same symptoms for a couple of years now and are definitely perimenopause related, as never ever experienced anything like it in my life before. Words cannot describe how awful it is and like you, makes you question if you're normal or not...
It's overwhelmingly debilitating and tiring...
I keep telling myself that there must be a simple solution.
My recent bout of anxiety was triggered by stress and other pressures of life.. things that I could normally handle, but not since perimenopause struck. I've been out of my depth suffering with it for over a week. Lack of support and understanding from family members only adds to the torment already felt.
I have now decided to try one to one meditation and yoga and possibly reiki, as I do not and refuse to continue like this...
I've always been a very optimistic, positive, happy-go-lucky person, and i'll be damned if I'm going to allow hormones to get the better of me!
Stay strong and keep fighting x
susane84679 wendy36287
Hi Wendy,
you are not alone with these symptoms. I am struggling with silent reflux at the moment and that is scary by itself. sore chest, hard to swallow so I'm not eating, tired legs and just feeling like crap. the racing heart is annoying but I don't get that very often. as others have said, I refuse to let this beat me but some days all we can do is give into it because we get tired of fighting a new ache or pain every day. hang in there, I've been told it gets better!
Keljo48 wendy36287
You are so not alone. I am suffering from most of this right now and I am post menopause. Not to mention I have a terrible headache. I am just fed up with it all. I am either freezing or really hot. Nausea to where nothing sounds good. I usually just eat a banana but of course I forgot to buy more. Ugh. lol. I am a mess most of the time. My husband has learned to tune me out, it might do to the moaning and groaning or the snappy short temper. Ugh.
Beverlys1 Keljo48
That was actually kinda funny Kel made me giggle about the banana and husband,, my husband The same!!!ha,ha try to get laughter anywhere I can!!! hugsxxx
jamie37119 wendy36287
You are definitely not alone... new symptoms adding now, I have a constant sinus type headache and dizziness now. Nausea most days, hot flashes mostly around my cycle (I still can't believe they are hot flashes feels like dying to me) I am over it myself but trying to get through HOPING there will be an end to it