Crazy food reaction! Sudden nut allergy??

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Hi ladies.

I just had a scary and strange experience. I was munching on pecans when I suddenly became horribly nauseated. I was barely able to put my eight month old down before I had to run to the bathroom to throw up! I have never had nut allergies so I don't know what that was! We recently moved from Texas to Washington state and I have been having trouble with my allergies (hayfever) since we've been here. But again, I've never had nut allergies. Can you get food allergies in your 40's? Can peri affect allergies?? Has anyone else experienced this? And I feel cold feet especially. Is this a peri thing??

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    I had a similar horrible reaction to seafood at age 52 after eating it my entire life. Horrible vomiting, diarrhea, and so weak I couldn't move. Spent the night in the ER with a shot of gravol that didn't really help. I realized after this happened that the vomiting I thought was food poisoning the month before was probably the first reaction. Be careful - the next time could be much worse.

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    Take this with a grain of salt. I was told you can develop an allergy at any age even if you previously did not have one. That is why boxed hair dye tells you to do a patch test on your arm EVERY time you color even if you have been using the dye for years. Sure it is safety precaution for the manufacturer, so they don't get sued, but I also think there is some truth to it. On a side note, I have always loved pistachios and about ten years ago, I noticed if I ate too many the outside of my neck itched. Also, it may not be the nut itself you are allergic to, but something in the processing. Be safe! xo

  • Posted

    Hello, We can get allergies at any time in our life, but I noticed mine got worse in perimenopause years ago. If you’ve moved, I have heard many many times throughout the years, in people moving to different states, especially women, their allergies get worse. If you’re not on a good probiotic, get on one immediately and take it faithfully every morning. Also, eat the local honey to your area, that’s made in your area, that helps with allergies, locally made honey, it will help with your transition with the allergies. I don’t know about throwing up from the nuts though, that’s a pretty severe reaction. I know that if that is an allergy, usually the second allergic reaction, supposedly is much worse, something having to do with histamines building up in the body so be very careful. on a happy note, where you’re living, is a very beautiful area, lots of gorgeous nature to explore. Blessings to you 😃

  • Posted

    Thank you all for the suggestions and support. It was scary at the time because it was unexpected. I'm still not feeling 100% yet, but I've had a sore throat and nasal problems the last couple of days. Not sure if that is part of today's craziness, but I'm not sure what to think about things lately. I miss feeling good and healthy and not always worried about this stuff. I'm going to make an appointment with my doctor and see if they can give me an allergy test. It's sad because I've always loved nuts 😕 Thanks again for your responses!

  • Posted

    You can develop an allergy at any age. I was 50 when I developed a shellfish allergy ( my favorite food). The doctor told me it was not at all uncommon to develop food sensitivity later in life. The nurse that took care of me in the ER said she developed a nut allergy in her 40's

    I miss shrimp, crab, scallops and lobster. 🙄😢

    I hope you get to feeling better.

  • Posted

    welcome to the club of allergies! Never had any food allergies until peri. My Dr did a food allergy test on me and was shocked of how many foods came back..the list is so long I basically can't eat anything..not even chicken or beef or several fruits. The basic what people are known to eat. When I eat these foods I get a hot flash , and gut distressed. At this moment, I'm so depressed from all these changes.

  • Posted

    I developed sudden food sensitivities in Peri as well. Never had an allergy in my life, and suddenly couldn't eat potatoes, nuts, chicken soup packages, chocolate, and more. three years later I can eat all of it again...havent tried the chocolate though, lol, that one scares me still.

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