Crepey Skin! Ideas please!
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I've just noticed that, in certain positions, my arm skin has become a little crepey (crepe paper!) and really do not want this to progress to those "older lady, been in too much sun" arms!
I have always moisturised daily, using as natural a cream/lotion as possible. I don't sunbath anymore, but am an outside person, living by the sea, so do get tanned.
I eat very healthily, take omega 3 plus use olive oils in cooking/salads.
Do I need collagen to plump skin?
Any ideas of supplements or creams would be gratefully accepted!
As I mentioned, I do buy toiletries without chemicals (or as few as possible)
Thank you ladies jx
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angieB48 janeben
janeben angieB48
Hi Angie
Thank you and funnily enough, I was in H&B earlier and saw huge containers of Collagen...half price!
Thought I'd better do my homework prior to buying.
I've accepted the ageing process (many positives about getting older) and as you, I've always looked after my diet and body but hope to prevent crinkly skin!
How much collagen do you take, please, and can you find it in body lotions?
rhonda86833 janeben
I’ve read that crepey skin is caused by a loss of muscle in the area. I stopped running about a year ago because heart palps were freaking me out and in the last couple of months I’ve noticed crepey skin on my thighs. 😒
janeben rhonda86833
Thank you Rhonda...interesting! I've only just noticed it on my bicep skin!
Izzie_Lizzie janeben
Hi Janeben,
I'm with you here!
I've just noticed this on my skin the last few weeks and it’s like I've suddenly got an 80 year olds skin - and have been freaking out about it....really puts you under stress’s daft on one level but on another level it’s really quite distressing. Am only 45. You don’t mention how old you are. Who wants to get old - certainly not me.
janeben Izzie_Lizzie
Hi Izzie
I'm 60! A young 60 I hope!
Are you trying any preventative solutions?
kelly55079 janeben
I believe it is due to loss of muscle.. My arms are getting 'wings' so I'm trying to do push-ups each morning among other things to tone them up. I do take powder collagen for anti-aging benefits and I think it does help. I have read that it also helps joints and arthritis so this is another plus with me I figured why not for a scoop or 2 a day and it helps with many things. I buy mine online at the home channel.