Crippling anxiety
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Buckle up everyone this is going to be a long ride. I have suffered from anxiety since I was first diagnosed when I was 12 years old and I had no idea what it was I just knew that I was feeling lightheaded every single day and I thought I was sick. Turns out it was anxiety and ever since then I was diagnosed with social anxiety and generalized anxiety disorder or panic disorder. Basically not only does anxiety affect me mentally but it also does physically and I feel the physical part way more often than the mental part. I have gotten every single physical symptom you could ever think of and sometimes I get more than one at once so I I end up feeling very drained. I would always ask myself why me? Why do I have to suffer so much and feel like I am dying literally every day when I am perfectly normal and I am healthy. I just feel like you will need to know that you were not alone. Yes I felt like I have a heavy stone in my head my head feels like it’s very heavy sometimes I get short of breath sometimes my heart beats hard on my chest I can feel it vividly sometimes I get sweaty and hot and don’t get me started on the lightheadednessWhich keeps me away from doing every day things and has kept me away from doing school and staying in jobs.If you’re reading this and you somehow were able to break through that chain of anxiety please let me know what to do or how to cope. And if you’re still not OK just know that you’re not alone and I sold practically everything you have also remember to never Google anything because that’s just hurting yourself.
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jan34534 theyayav
I completely relate to you. I’ve had it since I was five years old so I know it was something I was born with. My parents were wonderful and I got along well with my siblings. I just always wanted to be home with my mother. School was a nightmare for me. I am now in my 50s and still struggling. I’ve done the why me? But
it does me absolutely no good. Like you, I’ve had every symptom in the book. I do find that staying busy seems to help and I am exhausted of people saying just don’t worry don’t be anxious. They just don’t get it.
I absolutely agree that people should not Google their symptoms. It makes everything 100 times worse. take care of yourself
theyayav jan34534
I’m currently at work and I’m having the worst panic attack ever and I just want to run away but I can’t. I feel short of breath I feel lightheaded and because my job is so easy if that makes it hard for me anxiety because I’m not doing anything so I’m just sitting here and it gives me time to think about how bad I feel.I’ve tried every coping mechanism right now and nothing is helping at all not even calling my mom will usually helps me but now she’s just telling me to get over it.
jan34534 theyayav
im so sorry. because anxiety is so internal, nobody can actually see it so they assume we are just over worrying about things. But that’s not it. I’d rather have a broken bone that somebody can actually see including the doctors than to have this. see if you can find something to do, anything that can distract you Hang in there
Mike-NZL jan34534
I too am dealing with severe anxiety and honestly i just dont want to be here anymore. love life but living with the constant symptoms, not sleeping and the dreadful thoughts is just getting soo hard.
aside medication that eases it just a little i dont know what to do. I feel as thought the moment i was born i was cursed. i feel for you man and every poor soul that has yet to get this disorder. What i would give to be a normal, functioning person. stay safe, your are certainly not alone.