Crippling nausea mid cycle

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Hi ladies, love and hugs to you all..I’m looking for reassurance, for the past year I’ve had nausea in my mid cycle, but for the past few months it’s been crippling, espically in the week around ovulation, I have done many pregnancy tests and I’m all clear, blood work done 6 months ago has showed highish FSH, so I’m pretty sure I’m peri menopausal, but this is just debilitating - is anyone else going through this??? I’m having an endoscopy in a week’s time to check it’s not something serious,  but the fact I get it every month for the same duration - usually about 10 days, makes me think it’s hormones, because when it clears up I feel great for about a week around my period and then it comes back again, id really love to hear from someone that’s been through this - how long does it last, is it normal ??? Xxxx

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Karen

    I had the same - it was constantly belching and life was awful. I too had the scope down and all was well - eating became a nightmare and I constantly in a state of monitoring what I ate. But my body has settled a lot now and I feel I have turned a corner and now am feeling so much better. Hang tight and many feel the same. I had about 9 months to a year of this but don't worry, it will pass and may even sooner for you.

    It was a constant worry for me but it does and will pass. CK  

    • Posted

      Thanyou carol so much for saying this, it’s so reassuring, you have no idea what it means to hear this, I keep saying to myself when this is over and I’m better I’m going back on the forums to reassure everyone! Do you mind me asking if you’re still getting periods? We’re you nauseous 24/7or just at certain times in your cycle? I’ve been having peri symptoms for about 3 years - I’m almost 42 now, but the nausea has been really bad this past year, so I’m praying it will start to ease up soon x
  • Posted

    Hey Karen,

    I get nausea around that time too. Some months it's worse then others. I don't know what all is going on inside my body anymore. I'm about to be 42 and never thought in a million years I would be experiencing all these crazy symptoms this young....or ever! I thought menopause was hot flashes and moodiness 🤷????

    • Posted

      Hello Kelle! I remember you telling me you had 5 kids I think ?! How are you coping? I’m also nearly 42 (in December) and I never ever ever expected this- it’s crippling, I have to function because I have a life! But it’s like every little things makes me want to vomit, until around late aftern
    • Posted

      Sorry didn’t mean to stop mid way! I don’t start feeling better until late afternoon, when I feel maybe 70% usually last about 12 days...what is going on???  I never expected this! It’s like being pregnant but I’ve done pregnancy tests and I’m not, I just figure my hormones are going crazy, I get cramps and these weird internal trembling as well, hugs to you xxx
    • Posted

      I get the random cramps and internal trembling too!!!! So random but I feel like I have about 12 good days a month. About 5 really bad days and the rest somewhere in between.

      I can't believe you remember i have 5 kids!!! You're memory is good at least wink

      I turn 42 in December as well!!! The 15th.

      I'm going to try and send you a private message. I'd love to keep in touch since nobody my age in real life feels this way.

    • Posted

      Yep exactly the same, 12 good days, 5 bad and the rest somewhere in between! I’m 42 on the 11th dec, so I’m 3 days older smile we should have a joint celebration! I think you live in the us right ? I’m in London, we should definitely check in with each other , no one I know is gong through this - at least they don’t mention it, but tbh I don’t like to bore people too much  with it, no one really knows what to say, so I just try to dig deep and cope and reassure myself on the forums, bigs hugs to you xxx
    • Posted

      Hey Karen,

      I wanted to ask you, do your breasts hurt? My breasts seem to hurt 20 days out of the month! They hurt awful!! I was just curious if you had that symptom too.

      Yes, I am in the U.S. We should definitely keep in touch!

    • Posted

      Hi Kelle, sometimes they feel a bit sensitive but generally it’s not a problem for me, certainly nothing compared to the other symptoms - though I’ve read plenty of women suffer from this, so it’s normal x
  • Posted

    Hi Karen,

    I get this nausea, too.  I'm dealing with it right now and feel like crying all the time.  I have been in peri for about 5 years (I'm 47 now).  The nausea comes on randomly, but always seem to be tied to my periods.  I just finished a period last week (they are getting farther apart--I've gone as long as 95 days without a period).  Right now I'm getting a period every 45 days or so.  I sometimes get the nausea before my cycle and sometimes after.  I also have GERD and take a PPI for my GERD symptoms, but throughout this whole process, the flare up of the acid reflux, nausea, bloating is terrible.  Right now it hurts to eat.  It hurts to even drink water.  It's so frustrating!  I am trying to alter my diet so I can hopefully alleviate some of the belly issues and ultimately the nausea.  My doctor had given me BHT, but I have been afraid to take it for fear I might feel worse.  I have been assured that all of these symptoms are normal in peri, but it's hard to deal with that when you never know when they will come on.  It can be very debilitating.

    Please know that you are not alone in this.  I hope you find some relief of your symptoms! Big hugs--Sarah

    • Posted

      Thank you Sarah, ‘it even hurt s to drink water’ yes I know that, I brace myself in the mornings when I drink a glass of water because I often gagg on it! This is just the worst but we need to just take one day, or even one section of the day at a time, and power through - it seems this is normal peri crap, though some of us are just super sensitive to hormones and get this bad - I’ve also suffered nausea in pregnancy, had lots of cysts in my ovaries and random bad pmt for years, so I’ve coped before. I treat myself to a hot bath every night which really helps and then I’m so tired I can’t stay awake...just waking up now, slept ok, feel a bit better than this time yesterday and this is day 7 of the latest bout so hopefully it’s easing up a tiny bit, hot to keep on keeping on ! Hugs to you xxxxx 

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