Crooked body structure?
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Hey guys, thanks for taking your time to read this post btw. So I'm 16, 5'10 and i weigh 122 lbs. I have always been on the skinny side, I have talked to my doctor many times and I am a pretty healthy person, I am just pretty skinny for my age/height. I am sticking to a good diet plan+workout routine now and working to get my weight up. My problem is that i have a crooked body structure. As you can see in the pictures, the right side of my waist goes inwards when i stand straight, and my left side is mostly straight. I am not sure whether this is a waist structure problem or whatever you call it, but it interferes with my walking. Whenever i step with my right foot, my entire torso leans to the right, same thing with my left side except that i lean alot more when i step with my right foot because as i mentioned and you can see in the attached photo , my right waist is more inwards than the left. Now because of that i sway side to side, swaying more to my right side than my left. People ask me why i walk like that and i guess i finally figured why. The thing about this is, i only realized that my torso is crooked when i actually took a picture of myself head on. Otherwise i never could tell i was standing crooked. Also it is not just my waist but you can also see that my right chest is lower than my left, and my collar bones are not lined up. It's crazy because i really never would have known unless i took this picture. At first i thought it was just my waist, but now visually i see the crookedness of my chest and collarbone. So can someone please tell me what exactly the problem is, and how i can fix it. Do i need to see a doctor for this? Or is there something i can do at home to correct my structure. Also I do have the same problem with my lower body, I don't want to make this too long so the gist is: I am flat footed and i have everted feet (see attached image), which also messes up my walking, but i always made it a habit to keep my feet straight when i walk, but hasn't done much in correcting it
. Thank you and please get back to me whenever you have the time!
0 likes, 4 replies
denise79180 JaydenJ
you need to see a Dr and have xrays. Maybe you have scoliosis, a hip problem, a ligament/tendon issue. Whatever it is you cant fix it yourself. Please treat yrself right and get some medical help with your skeletal issues.
AlexandriaGizmo JaydenJ
Hi try not to freak out too much at your weight because you don't look overly skinny and you have good muscle tone by the looks of things but its possible you have a leg length discrepancy, have you been measured regarding this.
I have this problem and i have the same lean to one side, it can cause aches and pains, i can tell you how to carry out the measurements if you haven't
ptolemy JaydenJ
As Denis says, see a doctor and they may give you an xray if they think there is a problem.
Thank you all for your replies!