Crying in the shower

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Anybody else? Just don't know about what to do anymore. On going crazy symptoms, going to doc appt. after appt. no real answers. Loosing hope.Thinking something is seriously wrong and can't cope with this feeling that nothing will ever be how it use to be and this is the end. I am 49 years old. Looking at this site I have had mostly all these symptoms people talk about for several years. Been at my heaviest weight last 2 years. Last 9 months no cycle. My stomach issues are at there worst now. Losing 6 lbs. this month but afraid to eat. Have an endoscopy in a couple weeks scheduled. Blood work fine a couple months ago. I just wanted to know if anyone else has gotten to this point of pure hopelessness, if that is even a word. Thanks.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, it is an awful, awful time. I have had so many symptoms, physical and psychological, that it almost defines logic. It is so hard to understand the magnitude of suffering that can come with hormonal imbalance.

    I completely feel for you, and I understand wholeheartedly your emotional struggle.

    Hopelessness is a natural response to symptoms that have gone on for so long, but it is a process, and it will end, even though it seems impossible right now.

    You will get through it, and you will be back to yourself once again:)

    You have to hold on and keep moving forward; you will get there.

  • Posted

    yes pamela to the point where i wrote 3 letters to my family on 3 separate occasions - not a proud moment. I dont even know what advice to give you as i feel the same way but know that you are loved and when you get in those very dark moments, you fight you fight like hell to find even a small amount of hope and you focus on that and try and think good things. Even when im feeling like crap, weak whatever the symptoms are i will walk on treadmill slowly, put some healing music on do some stretches- pray, Qigong movements whatever just something. I hope for better days for you. Hugs and prayers to you ❤

  • Posted

    in the shower, in the car... on the couch... at my parents.... two years post meno... the anxiety and off balance and frustration is sometimes more than i can handle...

    we are all with you.. here to support you.. we understand❤❤❤❤❤❤

    sending the biggest hug ever

  • Posted

    I know it. Me too. Sometimes I don't know how much I can endure. The torture just never seems to end. I spent an entire year going from doctor to doctor searching for answers. It was impossible for me to believe that depleting hormones could cause one to be so sick. But I have to hold on to hope that eventually things will calm down. August will be 3 years for me (for the most severe symptoms). I don't like to tell women NOT to see doctors because what if.. but if you do see a few doctors and tests come back normal, then it's most likely meno causing everything. That's why this forum is so important, so women aren't out there flailing around trying to find out what's wrong with them, having doctors make them feel like they are crazy hypochondriacs. I'm so thankful that I have other people to talk to about this because my family and friends just don't understand.

    For anyone new reading here is a list of what happened to me, if I can remember it all, starting from the earliest to now, sound familiar?

    Night sweats (started early on, 30's and up)

    Bowel issues in my 40s (IBD for a year/colonoscopy found nothing and cured it)

    Rushing feeling in back of my neck going in to my head (happened one night, when I turned 50)

    Plantar fascitis

    Age 51 everything went downhill:

    High emotions/quick to anger and fly off the handle at small things


    Chronic gastritis (diagnosed with an upper endoscopy)


    Sore throat lasting over a month

    Lump in throat

    Over-reactions to medications

    Heart palpitations

    Pains in heart (multiple trips to ER)

    High heart rate even when just waking

    Burning in upper back

    Anxiety/panic attacks with jelly legs feeling like I was going to die

    Constant pain in upper left back next to shoulder blade

    Heavy pressure on upper back

    Flu/malaise feeling (one of the worse symptoms for me)

    Shaking tremors

    Reactivation of EBV

    Eye flashes looked like lightening bolts out the side of my eye

    Joint and muscle pain

    Frozen shoulder non-dominant arm

    Burning feet/tingling in feet and hands

    Spotting periods/missing periods/heavy clotting periods

    Purple spotting on left arm when bumped or scratched


    Visual disturbances like seeing glittery rain outside, blurry vision

    Frozen shoulder in dominant arm

    Hot flashes

    I'm sure I forgot a few, but seriously, is it any wonder we feel like we've got some fatal disease?

    • Posted

      Thank you for this post. I cry and think something is seriously wrong with me. NOBODY understands me not even the doctor. I'm so tired of feeling this way. 😦 The heaviness in my head, feeling of heat from neck up at times, headache, brain fog, digestive issues, nausea, joint pain in left leg, weak legs, loss of appetite, lower back ache, bruise, vision changes, just not feeling well is getting to me. My doc told me once you get the brain fog that you're coming to the end of this misery and life should be back to better but it seems worse. I haven't gone a full year without at least spotting for a couple of hours. I need something to relieve this junk so I can get back to my used to be happy life. Sweats aren't as bad but everything else is worse than a sweat. I'll take the sweats anyday over these feelings I'm having. Most of these symptoms left for 3 months then came back really strong. Praying for better days. Thank you for giving us hope. X

    • Posted

      Forgot ovarian cysts and worsening fibro breast cysts. These were very painful at one point, probably due to estrogen dominance.

      Most of these symptoms are gone, some persist or creep back up. Some are new, like real hot flashes. Hoping I wont get some of the other nasty stuff that some of you suffer from, and I'm not even going to mention them!

      Also trying to justify why I just dont give up and go on HRT, but I don't ever want to go thru this again and one can't be on HRT forever. I also don't want any of the risks that go along with it. But boy, this second bout of frozen shoulder has me questioning myself big time.

    • Posted

      I totally understand Crystal. Interesting about the brain fog and being one of the last symptoms according to your doctor. I have some of that but not too bad yet. Havent gone more than 3 months without some sort of period. I'm 54, how long can it go on? ughhh

      I used to say the same thing about hot flashes, but have to say, hot flashes can be pretty miserable too. It's all pretty bad.

  • Posted

    Thank you for sharing story and words,has truly made me feel better today. Hopefully other people will read this and get a little relief. It is always nice to know that there is hope . Having someone really listen helps greatly. Sometimes I think doctors don't . Thanks again.

  • Posted

    Didn't know about the brain fog that is very interesting. Amazing to me that some docs will agree the symptoms are part of menopause and others don't say anything. Not sure with all the people on this sight talking about their issues , how do they dismiss any association. I feel like there is very little research done and information is limited to just expected symptoms such as hot flashes,etc.. Thank you for sharing that . I hope we all feel better soon.

  • Posted

    I was there today. My period just ended and my vision is blurry and my head is dizzy. I have been on the verge of tears all day.

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