CT showed inflammation in colon-Colonoscopy clear and no inflammation

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I went to my regular dr with some very mild tenderness in my lower left hip/abdominal area. This isn't cramping, and it's not constant, only when bending or moving the muscles as I sit. He. Said the only way to determine what was going on was to get a CT scan since it would show everything. So I did that, and it came back with the report of "slight wall thickening, diverticulitis can not be ruled out". So I took the antibiotics for 3 weeks, made no difference in the tenderness. Had a colonoscopy for follow up and he said it was clear, no diverticuli and diagnosed me with IBS-C and recommended daily miralax to keep things moving and offered an antispasmodic prescription. I never filled it because I kind of thought it was pointless since it never REALLY bothered me, just a nagging tenderness when I bend or sit. I do know my back will occasionally hurt in the same area, but since they were looking at my colon, figured it was unrelated.

I didn't think IBS causes inflammation. Since they ruled out diverticulitis because there were no pockets in the colon during the colonoscopy, I am wondering...is it even colon related at all???

Just wondering if anyone has any experience or input. All bloodwork is normal, my periods are normal, and an upper endoscopy about a year ago was normal as well. I'd like to rest in the fact that the mild tenderness is not anything to be concerned about, but just trying to understand it

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Be confident with all those years everything is fine. I started having a very sore rib right side middle on touching my ribs couldn't even bare to be hugged without it hurting. One conclusion the more we think of a pain in the area the more we feel it. We tense everything up. Try relaxation and not think of the pain and you'll probably find it may go.

    Like a lot in here even after a good result we still worry. Hard I know when. Symptoms still are there. Just an idea anyway.


    • Posted

      Thank you for that. You're so right. I know if I just think "do I still feel it?", and then I can feel a slight twinge.

      I am trying to remind myself that if it's serious, my body will let me know it's time to be looked into rather than a slight tender twinge that I have to question constantly

    • Posted

      I had this kind of ribcage pain for three months and it was diagnosed as costochondritis.  It can be brought on by stress.  People hugging me was also extremely painful.
  • Posted

    If you have IBS, nothing would show up in the colonoscopy because the condition is functional and doesn't affect the structure of the bowel.  Have you had any change of bowel habit like constipation since you were offered Miralax?  Back pain can also be a symptom of IBS because part of your bowel wraps round your back.

    • Posted

      It definitely ensures that I go every morning. It doesn't make any difference with the mild tenderness, but I at least know I'm not going to get backed up with hard stool.

      The last time I had this was a few years ago and it was right after I had my last baby and I figured it was things just settling back in so I just put up with it for several months until it subsided. I have occasionally felt it since then but it's ALWAYS after I have skipped a day wth a bowel movement and it's fine after I get regular again. It also seems to be worse right after I ovulate and is almost non existent during my period and the week after. So it's cyclical...just can't seem to figure out WHY!

    • Posted

      IBS can feel worse during the menstrual cycle; my IBS did at first.  IBS can be constant or come and go. The laxative you were given won't help with any pain/tenderness; the antispasmodic you were offfered is designed to deal with this.  It would be worthwhile trying them to see if they work.  IBS feels temporarily better after a bowel movement.  I notice more pain if I miss a few days of stools.  Food or stress are triggers.

      IBS is very unpredictable and can be random.

    • Posted

      Yes, i read constipation is typical after ovulation up until the actual period, so that makes sense. Just wondering if part of the inflammation that showed on the CT scan was from chronic constipation. I can't figure out any good triggers yet, but Stress is definitely an issue so I'm sure it makes a difference

      I guess I just felt like IBS is what they diagnose when nothing else can be found, so it's just frustrating to not truly have a way to handle it aside from a prescription for something.

    • Posted

      IBS is a diagnosis of exclusion but it can also be identified based on your symptoms alone.  The condition is still poorly understood because the symptoms and triggers differ for everyone.  Not everyone responds to treatment the same way either.  The only thing doctors can do is to treat the symptoms because there is no one size fits all cure. For some, dietary change alone can help or stress management techniques.  Others need medication as well.  I occasionally need antispasmodics if stress triggers pain 

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