Cymbalta and Duloxetine

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My father (65) has been taking Cymbalta for several years.  On Feb 24th Saturday,he started complaining to me about ringing in his ears.  Didn't get to see him much until the following Wednesday, when I talked to him on the phone and he asked me about a wreck (that I didn't have) I told him there was no accident. I then came home to check on him where I found him looking out the window talking. I kept trying to get his attention with no luck.  I finally went to the window and got him to come to the door.  He was in the process of making him a dinner.  I was asking him what was wrong and he said he was upset about my wreck.  I once again assured him there was no wreck and I asked who told him.  He said that I was home all day talking to him about it. He also said the neighbor was in the house talking to him about it as well.  I called the neighbor, who told me he wasn't even around.  I then got to looking into my fathers medication and noticed that he didn't have any Cymbalta and that he had the generic Duloxetine and it was filled on Feb 9th.  I also remember about two years ago my dad running out of Cymbalta and for about a week it seemed like pure hell to him.  I know he has been taking his medication.  This past Friday Saturday and even today he seemed to do ok.  But every so often he zones out and then about after a minute he will come back to.  He still gets up and makes him breakfast and dinners.  He had brain scans done in July and those came back normal.  He is a diabetic but his sugar levels have been ok.   Does this seem normal or what could be the issue.  His Dr isn't really much help.  Even my dad doesn't like her, but it the one my mother had him going to before she passed away and he wont swap. 

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Sometimes the generic medications can have different ingredients that he is reacting to. What is he taking Cymbalta for? Has he had any psych problems?
    • Posted

      He has never discussed it with me why he started on the Cymbalta .  But I know after his mother passed in 08 he was depressed about that. Then 2 weeks after her passing he had septic shock and almost passed himself.  Then in 2010 he lost his wife (my mother) and he never really over that.  A few years later he just up and quit his job one day.  So hes never came out to me and told me why he is on it but I am guessing those would be why. He isn't to open with his problems to me. He also has the diabetic nerve pain associated with diabetes, and I believe that was something else Cymbalta might had covered. 

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    Hello. Just wanted to update. Took him to the ER Monday morning. He began having uncontrollable seizures. They never could find the origin of the seizures and he actually passed away Saturday night. It was a very sad thing but I know he is in a better place. Want to thank you again for your help! I am at peace knowing he is at peace and off with his wife now in a far better place

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