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have any of you had a cyst found while suffering perimenapause symptoms that have sent you for an ultrasound?

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22 Replies

  • Posted

    not a cyst but fibroids. waiting an ultrasound now to check my ovaries because of

    digestion issues. x

  • Posted

    I have had several breast cysts since hitting the perimenopause. Have had three ultrasounds and plenty of breast pain. At the last ultrasound I was told there was no point draining them as they would simply keep returning until the menopause. I was told they were simply caused by the hormonal changes of the meno and nothing to worry about.

  • Posted

    sorry I didn't explain myself too well. I was having pelvic pain and lower back pain had ca125 blood test and both ultrasounds and they found a small cyst on my ovary

    • Posted

      hi bev cysts are quite common with hormonal change. i had cysts throughout my pregnancy xx

    • Posted

      Hi Kate I'm hoping everything is ok and they are going to be thougher and it is just hormone related my ca125 came no negative and the ultrasound only showed a small cyst also had my cervical smear that came back normal I just worry a lot as I lost my mum and sister through ovarian cancer 😥 just my anxiety is absolutely terrible x

    • Posted

      hi bev i can completely relate i feel the same at the moment. lost my gran to ovarian cancer. plucked up courage to see GP last friday for digestion issues and they are sending me for scan ans doing bloods including ca125. i am beside myself with worry and tryng not to show it at home. i am already expecting my ca 125 to be high because i have multiple fibroids and a bulky uterus! the cyst will be fine im

      sure. mine disappeared after pregnancy xxx

    • Posted

      thank you for the reassurance Kate I'm having problems with stomach issues constipation bloating don't no what's what atm !!!!

    • Posted

      my stomach issues are loss of appetite ( i can eat and eat full meals just nothing appeals to me) wind! ( both ends- i know i sound attractive - between farting and having a bulky uterus ) i am mucousy at the back of my throat and feel uncomfortable in my upper stomach area( not all the time) i have also had a bit of acid and regurgitation of food and my tongue is coated at the back !

      dont i sound an attractive option! xx

  • Posted

    I had an ovarian cyst surgery last week in order to be removed an endometriosis like cyst of 6 cm.

    Many times doctors have found smaller functional cysts that disappear on their own...

    I am still experiencing peri symptoms though...I am waiting for my post surgery date with doctor within 30 days.

    I am so confused how I had an endometriosis cyst which is considered estrogen related disease and at the same time I am suffering badly with low estrogen symptoms.

    • Posted

      Hi evi was your cyst 6cm when they found it or has it grown while you have been waiting for treatment? x

    • Posted

      Hi bev66,

      when they found it last January it was already 6 cm..till my surgery was stable at size but it was solid and thick.

      my Ca125 and other cancer markers were normal, only my ca125 was a little high but still within normal ranges.

  • Posted

    Hi Bev,

    Yes, I went to the GP due to pelvic pain 4 weeks ago, and exam revealed a cyst. It wasnt large at the time, and GP suspected it had been larger, then ruptured and inflamed my abdomen.

    Had a follow up a week later ( normal exam by then, and normal pap too) and ultrasound 3 days after that. He says very common for "a woman my age". I am so sick of hearing that phrase!!

    All was normal on the scans, and pain was improving day by day. I am now back to just the usual peri hell.

    I am rooting for the "all clear" for you, too!!

    Ask any questions, happy to share anything you want to know.

    Love and hugs!!

    • Posted

      Hi Sara I'm really confused as to wether my pain is due to perimenapause or the small cyst they found. back in Feb I went to my then doctor due to weird symptoms I was having they did blood test and said I was perimenapausal so I just got on with it untill about a month ago when I got this pain in my pelvic area with really bad lower back ache so I decided to go check it out but this time I'd moved house to a different area so a new doctors. I explained my symptoms and also told him that my mother and sister had both died of ovarian cancer and was worried about that which is why he did more test. One test was the full blood count that he said my hormones were waving? he booked me in for a ca125 test and an ultrasound the ca125 came back negative and it was during the ultrasound they found the small cyst which they also told me is normal for a woman my age.anyway he said he was writing to the gynocologist to see if they want to see me if not then rescan in 3 mths to see if it has grown the reason I'm confused is because are all these symptoms due to menapause or the cyst? my anxiety is shot!!!!! sorry for the long saga 🙄 xx

    • Posted

      Hi Bev, it's all so bizarre and frustrating, isn't it?!?!?!

      Is your pelvic and back pain level changing at all since you first started having it?


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      I figure my pain was the cyst talking, all the rest is "just peri".


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      the back pain has eased but the pain In my pelvis is a little worse I don't no if that's because of the internal ultrasound or what I'm also bloated and constipated xx

    • Posted

      Aww, I am sorry to hear the internal scan aggravated it!! Mine did too, and dr gave me 800 mg ibuprofen every 6 hours for that. After about 3 days of that, I did feel much better.

      Maybe your doc can call you some pain meds into pharmacy??

      Or even pharmacy can offer some advice??

      Praying you can find some relief, and the scan is all clear!! Pop in here if you need to chat.

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