Cysts causing bleeding every 2 weeks? Discomfort in pelvic region

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Hi !

I'm new here! Just wanting to get some advice from others. About 2 months ago I started having major pressure in my pelvic region. I went in because I thought it maybe a UTI. It's so uncomfortable! Then I started my period. I went to an OBGYN who did an ultra sound and found a cyst 2.0 mm on one ovary. small ones on the other and 2 small fibroids. She wants me to wait until the end of April take the mini pill for my periods that are coming every 2 weeks. Sometimes the pain is very severe and so uncomfortable! Im ok when I'm not bleeding but when it starts its painful. Im really debating on the mini pill since I do smoke. Im trying to quit. I've also put on weight that I can't seem to lose even tho Im on a Keto diet. And the anxiety that pops up sometimes! Anyone else go through this

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14 Replies

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     Oh I can relate to the painful periods and I smoke too I was on the pill when I was in my twenties it helped with the cramps majorly now I would be too afraid to take the pill now I have had spotting months skipped periods spot till I get it the next month it all is so annoying I just want this to be done 

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      Yes I'm in my 40's and I'm to afraid of being on the mini pill! Its so annoying and I never know when all of a sudden I feel sick or anxiety. rolleyes

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    Do you get nauseated 
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      I’m on my way to the ER I’m having cramps on the lower ab left side and back pain . No uti I have a urine test  . And nauseated for 1week and half . My last period date was feb 28 and I’m my week of fértil and ovulation . By the way I’m 48. I’m scare s**tless maybe I have a cyst

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    The best way I can describe the symptoms it’s like puberty and pregnancy and think about all the symptoms that go with both of those....and yes the nausea comes out of nowhere it sucks I drink ginger ale when the nausea comes on this whole thing just sucks lol
    • Posted

      LOL you nailed it on the head!!! Just gross! I retain so much water weight too. Are you taking anything for the symptoms?
  • Posted

    Sounds like the dreaded meno is rearing its ugly head with you. Have you ever been diagnosed with polycystic ovaries? It sounds very much like how your ovaries feel when you have this condition. Sounds like it may have come on recently. Basically what happens is due to hormone imbalance your eggs get released at ovulation time but instead of rolling down fallopian tube ready to be fertilised they attach themselves to outside of ovaries and become cysts. Usually harmless but when your ovaries are struggling to work they become painful then when your period starts the ovary pain ends and uterine cramps take their place. If this is you you need to see an endocrine specialist to confirm why these cysts are forming now. I hazzard a guess that the coil may have triggered it. But do ask to see a specialist about this as small though they can be a ruptured cyst is no laughing matter! XXX
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      Thank you for breaking it down!!! Yes Im going to see an endo. I was put on Metformin so I hope this helps somewhat and I have another sonogram in April. I hope its shrinking! UGGG hormones!
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      So glad that I was of some help to you. I was put on metformin for my polycystic ovaries as the condition depending on how bad you have it, can make you put on alot of weight. After I managed to have two sons, a miricle in itself, my cysts had all vanished but I'm due for allsorts of scans and tests over the next few weeks so I'll be interested to see if mine have returned. Heres hoping our endos do their job well and get us both sorted soon. Here for you anytime! XXX

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    I’m taking magnesium which helps with palpatations and a little with the anxiety also take vitamin e and calcium my dr suggested for the cramping which don’t really help I almost feel like a alien has taken over my body it’s a nightmare and you never know how you will feel day to day
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      I know! I don’t feel like myself sometimes . I had to laugh you said alien because I tell my friend I just want to feel like a human. I’ll try the mag n calcium . I retain so much water. I went on a plant based diet and it all came off but it’s hard to stay on that. What a strange chapter of life right now. I feel better knowing I’m not alone! Hang in there!
  • Posted

    I know right I had hoped because I always had bad periods since I got it at 11 years old that it would be the first thing to go ughhhh you have laugh thru this craziness or you would cry all the time sometimes I feel like I’m either pregnant with all those symptoms or in puberty with all those symptoms or perpetual pms seriously my mother her period ended when she was 48 well I’m 49 so there’s that lol I have friends that are menopausal and they can remember bits and pieces of it my one friend says she has periods like mine and she doesn’t miss that at all it’s like my vaginia has been kidnapped hahahah I want my old one back lmao

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