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My doctor called saying he did not get any tissue from uterus because the cervix  was closed and since he did it in the office he did not want to force it because he said he could injury me and the pain would be bad. He said he got tissue from cervix and they tested it and it was normal  and pap smear was normal. But Thursday he wants to do a D&C and get tissue from the uterus and with his camera look around and if any pylops he would remove them during the surgery, My questions are: Did you all that had the D&C be put to sleep?  Was it done on out patient bases? Did you bleed a lot afterwards?  Share all you will with the D&C surgery.

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    I had a d&c some time ago. Yes I was put under but was no big deal. I did not bleed much either and went home same day. I think I went in about 10:00 am and was home having dinner. Don't worry you will be fine

  • Posted

    I had mine done in day surgery as well. You'll take a nice nap as the doctor works, and be sent home later on. I can't speak about the amount of bleeding, because I had my d&c due to nonstop bleeding.

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      Psychedout, did they take bisopy too during yours and if so how long did it take you to know the results?
    • Posted

      I'm not 100% sure if my doctor did a biopsy, but I wouldn't doubt it. If anything had been found, my doctor would have called and had me come in sooner than the scheduled appointment. However, I did end up going to see her earlier anyway, because the bleeding continued. I was put on Lupron for months, which gave all the symptoms of menopause. Once I was off the med, the bleeding started up again. I finally asked for a hysterectomy, because enough was enough. She did the hysterectomy, and took everything but the ovaries.

      The D&C is extremely helpful, and the best part is that you get to sleep through it. If the doctor isn't quick with the results, call and ask for them, even if you have to do it several times. I don't think biopsy results take very long, a few days at most, but usually sooner.

  • Posted

    In May my dr. did a biopsy on my cervix and uterus. The dr. used a tool to open my cervix to get to my uterus. He found a bigger polyp inside my uterus and a small one on my cervix which he did remove both. This was done in the office. It took almost 2 weeks to get the results which led to needing a LEEP. Which was also done in the office june 27th. They removed a section of my cervix that contained the abnormal tissue. because it was a high risk for cancer. 2 days later i got those results and all looks good. I was told I didnt really need a DnC unless there was signs of bleeding later on in the future.
    • Posted

      Annsproject was that tool a dilator? My used dilator didn't work. You said all that was done in the office was you put to sleep? What is a LEEP?  Your abnormal tissue wasn't cancer but high risk to turning cancerous?  Everything you got done was in the doctors office and you was not put to sleep?  Sorry for the break now in questions I just want to make sure I understand your response and I do not know what LEEP stands for. 

    • Posted

      I dont remember the name of the tool but it was used to open the cervix to get to the uterus. Thr polyps were cancer free but the polyp in the cervix showed a very high risk to get cancer later. I was awake n didnt feel much at all to remove the polyps.

      The LEEP, That was done in the office also. I was awake. They gave me several shots on the cervix as he cut out sections to remove a few sections. They use another tool to cauterize, to close where he cut, then applied salve to stop the bleeding. He said he made sure to cut out enough to remove cancer risks. He said itll take 6 weeks to heal and there has been normal brown drainage and bleeding for almost 10 days and its cleared up now. I cant swim, bathe or have sex until about August 10th. I feel great and so relieved i had it done. There was very slight pain during the procedure. He said anytime after 8 weeks if i see any bleeding, it may be another polyp in the uterus and then I'll have to have a DnC.

    • Posted

      LEEP is a treatment for abnormal cells on the cervix. LEEP — short for loop electrosurgical excision procedure — removes abnormal tissue by cutting it away using a thin wire loop that carries an electrical current. It may be performed after abnormal cells are found during a Pap test, colposcopy, or biopsy.
    • Posted

      Ann , why didnt he remove your uterus or was your decission not too? You went through alot!  Why did your GYN not want to do all that in operating room? 
    • Posted

      Abnormal as in bad tissue that causes the high risk for cancer. He didnt remove the whole cervix. I believe removing the uterus would be considered as a partial hysterectomy. That would need to be done in the hospital. The dr. had the equipment he needed in his office so i didnt need to be in the hospital. He did say a DnC would be required to have to be done in the hospital. I dont have health insurance. I have low income and qualify for a health plan through the health dept. to have free or low medical costs for certain procedures. The papsmear and anything to do with the cervix was covered 100% by the plan i have.
    • Posted

      Im considered post menopause. Im 54 and havent had a period in about 8 yrs. This past April is when i started bleeding and thats why i went to my obgyn and had a papsmear n the other tests. It was the bigger polyp that caused the bleeding. There shouldnt be anymore bleeding now.r Im one of the few lucky women that has very mild menopause symptoms. No hot flashes. I believe I take after my mom. She also had mild symptoms. There is no sure sign to say when you get past menopause n go into post menopause. Many women still continue symptoms well into post-menopause. After that then you're always considered postmenopause.

  • Posted

    I had a d & c in 1995 and I was put to sleep. I had a light bleed for about two days and besides mild cramps I was fine.

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