Da VinciRobotic surgery
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Recently diagnosed prostrate 50 years old. cancer right lobe only 2 biopsies from 12 had cancer PSA 8. Mri scan clear. Gleason score 3 +4 i went to 3 consutants two were surgeons the other radiotherapy . i thought brachytherapy was an option because of less chance of impotancy but radiologist advised that biopsy was 80% and brachy might not be best option when cancer is over 50%
Surgeon tells me nerve sparing may not be possible and impotancy side effect is 75%
Total incontimence 5%
Recommended ED vacume pump, does anyone know where i would get 1 of these in proper medical supply shop hate the thought of going into an adult store
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Total incontimence 5%
Recommended ED vacume pump, does anyone know where i would get 1 of these in proper medical supply shop hate the thought of going into an adult store
miketytus dermot88634
had very similar set of results cancer on one side and same Gleason score. Had surgery by da Vinci robot had nerve sparing one side. Age 57. Still manage erections with aid of Viagra. No issues with incontinence.
Would wait and see as to whether you need any aids. A lot depends on how good things are now.
You our still have a fair way to go. It seems as though you have explored all the options. It is an individual dicision as to which treatment is right for you
all the best
Sam230 dermot88634
if the surgeon has to remove most of the nerves the likelihood of impotence is very high. Incontinence is something that can be sorted. If sex is a big part of your life and you are very active sexually the issue of impotence is going to be Hugh. I had similar reading etc had partial nerve spairing and erection are not good. Viagra does not work if nerves are damaged gone. Needless to say did not deal with issue very well. If I had my time again I would have had brachytherapy but at the time all I wanted was it gone. I know someone who had brachytherapy and they were fine. But ultimately you have to decide what you can deal with emotionally. The question for you is can you and your partner deal with impotence. Can you deal with having the cancer in you and waiting to see if the treatment work all, the treatments carry risks. If your relationship is solid you can. you will need the help and support of someone whose life is also going to change drastically. As for aids you will get all the support you need from your hospital. But again it's dealing with it that is the issue. Hope all goes well for you.
jesse88671 Sam230
I had 12 biopsies taken with only one showing a tiny focus %1 on left side, I am going back again next week for further biopsies that are more pin point i know of people who are on the active watch list with one being taken of because there has been no change in 7 years and another one who has been on it 13 years, I am going to have to make a desion after the next set of biopsies thanks for your best wishes.