Daily headaches?
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Just wondering if anyone else had a low grade headache/pressure in head, daily? It's not enough to even take anything, but very annoying. It is usually located above my eyes, but can be in bridge of nose, top of head, and run down back of neck. Feels like sinus type headaches. Any natural way to relieve this?
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Zigangie debbie75601
I had it a lot in my peri, I've just had a week of it on HRT making me wonder if I'm right and a higher dose would be better.
I cope with it during the day but when I want to try and sleep I need a paracetamol.
Then worry about how many if those I'm using (6 nights so far this week). It doesn't seem to be quite as bad today though thank goodness.
debbie75601 Zigangie
Zigangie debbie75601
I used to get very occasionally, I was diagnosed with migraine as a child. I would often have nose bleeds that had to be plugged because they went on for hour's. They both stopped when I started my periods. The ones I had in peri were very like that, coming on over a few days then a real bad bed and darkness needed day before they went again.
I've just had the same this week I think worst day Saturday. It's still there a bit but I should be ok tonight without a pain killer.
debbie75601 Zigangie
michelle46271 debbie75601
Zigangie michelle46271
He found some foods hard to digest, I think fats he was still careful with.
He says the best thing he did for it afterwards was taking Aloe Vera juice and he took that for about 5 years.
Fine now with everything although he can't eat such big meals and finds it hard to gain weight.
Apparently after a while the tubes form a very small pocket in which to store bile.
debbie75601 michelle46271
Zigangie debbie75601
I used to say to my husband I feel like I belong in a hospital.
At one point there I couldn't manage to time a boiled egg and make myself a cup of tea.
You can only do what you can and worry and beating yourself up about it doesn't help.
I spent a long time when I felt like you do just laying on the sofa any chance I had because sitting up was an effort.
Brevis debbie75601
debbie75601 Brevis
janeben debbie75601
I've posted recently about this foggy pressure above eyes...not too bad today but one day last week found my concentration very bad...I just got on with life. Walked lots. Ate and drank well...often find that by evening this dark pressure lifts and my head feels light!
Mine may be to do with neck and shoulder pains and tightness. Also, wakeful nights but not sure why some days I wake with it and some days not? Thought may be diet and ought to write food diary?
Zigangie janeben
I think that's just how it starts,
I've had on and off with neck and shoulder issues.
I used to think I'd just slept awkward, also the neck seems to make the headaches come more.
I'm still with the neck at times but the shoulder thing seems here to stay and has been painful every day since September, some days pain is worse but not had one day without it since September, before that it was on and off and I couldn't work out if it was neck causing shoulder pain or the other way round.
Now I'm thinking both have problems but neck not so bad.
My worst neck things mid peri where it would also make grinding noises like it needed oiling.
michelle46271 Zigangie
You say they were worse in mid peri ? How many years have you been in Peri now?
Zigangie michelle46271
Began early peri but we had a motorcycle accident and I put it down to that to begin with.
It would click and clunk but not hurt.
Began hurting maybe 4 years later on and off and made me think it was how I'd slept.
I had weeks of it at one point and was told it was not due to the accident.
I'm post now 3 years.
I get it now sometimes and it does more clicking (very loud sometimes when I turn over in bed, louder than before my husband can hear it).
My hips have began to do the same, they don't hurt but go of with a loud pop like when you crack your knuckles only really quite loudly.