Daily Mail Selincro (today)
Posted , 10 users are following.
I know many are virtue signallers who wouldn't admit to reading the Mail, but I find it is about the only paper that has a few honest things in it, left.
There is an article about a columist who read up on Selincro, thought it might him help to cut down a bit (he was not a heavy drinker, just wanted to cut down) and documented his short story.
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Yes, I saw this.
Have tracked down Mark's agent and sent an email this afternoon.
Hoping we can firstly let him know we can help him if he needs it in the future, and secondly, giving him information the about what we do with regards to offering the pyschosocial support that he was trying to get, and that is required in order to be prescribed nalmefene by a GP rather than through alcohol services.
I hope it will lead to opening a dialogue with regards to a follow-up article of some sort.
nicole36330 RHGB
For my sins I have the mail online app on my phone and saw this today.He didn't have any luck getting it prescribed.
I recently read a book,can't post the name here as it will probably get modded but a section of if said how hard it was to even get drugs that are made for AUD prescribed and the big pharmas know this so are loath to spend millions developing a drug that probably will hardly get prescribed
wr40 RHGB
l71207 RHGB
nicole36330 RHGB
I have the mail online app and saw this today,just made a post that didn't meet standards but don't know why and we never get told,this site is so frustrating
ADEfree nicole36330
If you put in a link, or make a typo by not including a space after a period, that's enough to trigger the automoderator.
nicole36330 ADEfree
I didn't put a link as I know it would be modded,God knows what I did,just annoys me that they never let you know
patricia44773 nicole36330
That's so annoying, Nicole, I hope you get a reply from the moderators at some point.
patricia44773 RHGB
vickylou RHGB
It mirrors my experiences with both my GP and alcohol recovery services, and addaction.
in a way it made me feel a bit better, reading that other people have exp
vickylou RHGB
Stupid site
other people have experienced the same thing.
I don't know who or if it exists, but couldn't someone be appointed to oversee this potential break through in treatment for AUD. If NICE have approved a drug and it's in the 'medical bible' the BNF, surely GPs should be able to prescribe it. I understand that dr's can't be expected to know every single drug listed, but they ought to know that there are new drugs than Antabuse, with its horrific consequences of taking it even with the tiniest amount of alcohol.
Or is it that alcoholism (again my dr told me, "ok right, sorry AUD, that's the latest pc label then is it?), same thing, but sounds better, is a self inflicted weakness and the NHS has far better things, treatments to spend money on.
I can't see the difference between drug users being able to get prescribed methodone, AUD sufferers being prescribed selincro.
These 'support workers' aren't even qualified in the majority of cases, a year out of sixth form and a btech in health and social care
Joanna-SMUKLtd vickylou
The issue is with the NHS is set up. The cost of tablets come out of the Public Health budget (ie doctors and other prescribing specialists). Because this medication needs additional psychosocial support as well, that is paid for out of the Mental Health budget.
When this medication came out, doctors successfully argued that if they weren't getting an increase in their budget to pay for the mental health aspect then they should not be expected to provide that mental health care.
And that is why, in the majority of areas with the UK, the assessment, initial prescribing and monitoring is to be done by the local Alcohol Recovery Centres as they have the budget to both provide the tablets AND the additional support that is mandated.
There are some (but very few!) areas of the UK that have shifted the budgets around so that the doctor can both prescribe and provide the additional support.
Emis_Moderator RHGB
I have put the link in the initial post. As I have said repeatedly links are fine as long as they are to reputable sites etc.
When a post goes for moderation there is a link in the placeholder to the main reasons. I haven't got time to explain every moderated post but if anyone has any questions about moderation or other problems with the site then you can message me at any time.
RHGB Emis_Moderator
'I have put the link in the initial post. As I have said repeatedly links are fine as long as they are to reputable sites etc as per link below.'
The trouble is Alan, it can be some time before the post is passed through moderation and like yourself, I am a busy person, and also use many other forums, and it is difficult to keep tabs of moderated posts.
So it is easier for me, just to find a search string that gives the link as the first search reply and then ask people to individually Google it. That way I know the post had been posted instantly and people can view the information immediately.
Also some people don't spend much time on here and may ask for help and if they don't see a reply within the same day, will assume nobody is going to respond and then go elsewhere. Letting people Google search is just easier all round, it takes some people a little while to get their head around it, but it is by far the simplest work around.
Emis_Moderator RHGB
There's nothing wrong with that but as you said it doesn't always work (not in this case) and then the discussion can turn into clarification queries and users asking for PMs etc. What you could do is reply to yourself with the link which will get approved when I see it if suitable so the "best of both worlds".