Dark spots in vision, fast heart rate, can't stay still

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My gf has had this thing twice now where her vision will have black spots, her heart will race for 10-15min, and it's beating so fast she can't keep still. She won't go to the doctor, but she seems to think it's related to blood pressure. This time she bent down to get something from the floor quickly. Anyone have any ideas? Thank you

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4 Replies

  • Posted


    Would your girlfriend go along to a pharmacy and ask them to check her BP if she doesn't want to go to the doctor? Maybe get her eyes checked by an optician? Other than that you could buy a BP monitor to check it yourself. Just some ideas. Perhaps it's anxiety. Try to persuade her to get it checked out otherwise her anxiety will get worse.

    Good luck!

    • Posted

      She currently goes to school for nutrition and all and kinda checks it a lot and it appears normal. The last time this happened was maybe a month ago at most? So there's a big gap between. I'll try to convince her of going somewhere though

  • Posted

    Yes I think you're right. Best get it checked out and then you can both relax.

    Take care

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