David Evans

Posted , 4 users are following.

Hi folks

iv been on ramipril 5mg for 4 weeks, side affects I'm getting at the moment are,



The anxiety is daily at the moment and a nightmare.

how long I keep getting this I don't know 


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8 Replies

  • Posted

    David, ask for the medication to be changed to one that doesn't cause such side effects.  I'm the medics' worst nightmare when it comes to side effects from medications, especially those for high blood pressure.  There are many different drugs to try until you find one that suits you.  I've tried 8 or 9 so far!  Losartan Potassium has been the least problematic one for me.

    • Posted

      Hello David

      I was also on ramipril , and after feeling fine for the first few weeks i started to suffer ocasional anxiety.

      The doctor told me to try to work thru it as he said side effects would disappear over time.

      But I found it got worse and worse, and though the doctor then said I was probably worrying about my bp too much and that could be making me anxious , we eventually changed it to candesartan and this anxiety disappeared. I would definitely ask to change it.

      Let me know how you get on

    • Posted


      I’ve reduced my RAMIPRIL back to 2.5 from 5.0 after I spoke to the doctor.

      I will now be checking my BP twice a day 3 in morning then 3 in the evening and then get a average.

      Will get back to you with my results 


    • Posted

      I’ve reduced the RAMIPRIL now from 5.0 to 2.5 as it was before after speaking to my doctor.

      If no changes I will then change my meds’ until I find the one that suits me


    • Posted


      The exact same thing happened to me on ramipril. Fine at the start theb anxiety after a few weeks, doctor said the same things.

      Now I am on a combination of drugs, working much better

  • Posted

    David, When I was on another ACE inhibitor (Lisinopril) I developed bad nausea and cramping. For me it would happen 20-30 minutes after eating and would go away within an hour or two. I found out this happens to some on Ace inhibitors.

    "Intestinal angioedema caused by angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors such as lisinopril is rare but well documented in the literature. Patients with this condition typically present with common symptoms such as diffuse abdominal pain,cramping, nausea, and emesis."

    Google this: "ace inhibitor nausea cramping" and look at the top result.

    I changed to an ARB (Losartan) and am doing very well now.

    Also ACE inhibitors and ARB can be very effective at low doses if paired with a low dose CCB or diuretic.

    • Posted

      I will try this if there’s no chance with the ones I’m on



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