Day 12 Mirtazapine 15mgs lets go food shopping

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Hi there

I am on day 12 of Mirtazapine 15mgs ive had all the common usual suspect side effects

weight gain, increased appetite, dizziness. drowsiness, dry mouth, consipation, very strange dreams and increased urination.

Went from sleeping 13 hours back to reguakr 7 hours now, out for the count. I always take my tablet at 10pm. The last two nights, after taking the tablet ive had a sensation of my throat tightening and finding it uncomfortable to swallow water.  Has anyone else had that and during the day a weird sensation of being on  a wave or on a rocky boat?

Havent driven for 11 days so thought i'd give it a go only down the road to the supermarket. My first outing on my own since taking the meds. I was ok driving , But once I got out the car and went to get a shopping trolley I felt weird.

I continued into the supermarket selecting my purchases, but I felt strange, my legs felt like jelly, my head was in a state of dizzyness. I felt ok in mind apart from tension in my right shoulder, this was bothering me abit. People around me shopping didnt alarm me. I continued shopping down the aisles buying along the way, talking to myside in my mind,, Saying to myself no panic, no panic, making sure I was  taking steps to breath normally  all around my shopping trip. 

I managed to even self seve and pack my self at the checkouts, but I was still in a weird bubble of numbness and feeling lightheaded and no weight in my legs. Anyone else had similar feelings or experiences on the early days of taking  Mirtazapine.

I must add I am taking Mirtazapine for anxiety and I have counselling set up to work along the medication.

I was on Mirtazapine 4 years ago for 5 years for fepression  But talking more openly with family and looking back at the family tree, it appears the condition anxiety and depreesion runs through my mums blood line. So medication , exercise, a healthy diet, and counselling seems to be the postitive continous way forward. To be able to sustain a good quality of life. As the last 4 yeras off the medication have been long, painful unhapp and  at times a very lonely journey.

I know each one has different degrees, levels and types of the various side effects, but it be helpful to hear from anyone who is on the same dosage as me and around day 12 or remembers how the early days were for them

The mirtazapine has lifted my mood and i feel more focused in my mind, I do actually feel happier within myself already just need to knock the side effects on the head as I am keen to get back to work.

feel free to share your experiences and any, advice thanks for listening.

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20 Replies

  • Posted

    HI ADY007,,,it seems u are responding to the mirt in the normal way with a lot of determination,,, thats good,, 12 days on mirt is not long enouth to get in your system properly it takes longer ?? but the side effects can be evil,, i also had all the same one;s as u and others,,u just have to work your way through them,,i started on 30mg but that was too heavy it made me a zombie so reduced to 7.5mg that was 7 months ago i have been OFF MIRT 6-7 WEEKS and am ok but read my posts and u will learn a lot more,others will also help,,good luck,,keep in touch,,buzz me if i can help you,,,BLUESY
    • Posted

      Thanks Bluesy much appreciated response :-)
    • Posted

      Hi BLUESY.....thanks for your constructive words of advice. This morning was another heavy sedative roll out of bed. So easy to fall asleep for 5 minutes then end being an hour. Once up and after eating some cereal and having a drink of coffee. The sedation cleared to a more manageable level. Body feels like a lead weight though, I seem to have a virus as im blocked up in nasal passages.

      Spoke to the doctor this morning..explained about the sedation and my food shop  experience and my heneral well being. I mentioned about trying a slight reduced dosage to elinamte the sedation and give my body a better chance to adjust and accept the medication.

      So it was agreed to try half and build it back up to 15mg over the next two weeks. so thats the plan.

      I need to get out the house more feel like ive been caged up for the last few weeks which i guess doesnt help i need to lose some of the weight gain....


    • Posted

      HI,,ADY007,,be careful that is a big drop 15mg too 7.5mg,it can have some other effects,,reducng to quick is not good ,,best to drop by 2-3 mg for a week and see what happens,you may not need to reduce after that,,if you do repeat the drop again the following week,,WHY do you want to go back up too 15mg as it is playing you up a bit,you may find 10mg is the right mg for you,,drs are not clued up with mirt like the people who take it or others that have,,it is trial and error untill you find the happy medium,,ask CALMER about the drop she is good on this,,also when you feel hungry have a glass of water and only eat at reguler times it helps with the weight,,it is good to get out even if its just a short walk,,keep in touch,,,BLUESY
    • Posted

    • Posted

      Hi BLUESY

      Feeling much better today, hoprdully things are settling down for me. I decided  to stay on the 15mg and not to reduce.

      The sedation im geyying in the morning is still there but bearable as it goes within an hour or so. Thats after ive hasd some breakfasy. Im finding a few cups of coffee helps. But im tring to stick with green tea.

      My appetite is there for food but the level of need is reducing.  I went into work today to drop off my sick note for another 2 weeks. Just getting out in the car, and being in the workd building seeing colleagues was good for me.

      I feel good inside with being switched on and ficussed in my mind. Still very heavy  in my shoulders and i wera contact lenses so my eyes seem to be drying out. Bright lights was an intial issue for me in work. But my eyes and I calmed down with the surroundings in a short time. No real panic.

      SO i guess over the next two weeks I need to get out, test myself to see how I cope with being back out in public situations. I must go back to the suoermarket and see how i cope with it now. 

      So alot of positives to share with you. 

    • Posted

      HI ADY007,,,real good news,,sounds as the mirt has started to kick in and you will continue to improve and want too more things and get your life back on track,,you may get a couple of days that are not so good but i am sure you will be able to handle this,,well done for being persistent/determined and beleiving in yourself,,,,PATIENT is a good blog and helps a lot of people with problems,,,keep in touch as you continue too improve ,,all the best,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BLUESY
  • Posted

    Day 13 on Mirtazapine 15mgs took tablet last night at around 10.30 felt chilled relaxed and went to bed and slept through until alarm at 8am.

    Woke up feeling very sedated, struggling to find the energy to roll out of bed. Made it to the kitchen and devoured 2 big bowls of cereal as if I hadnt eaten for days! Followee by a large mug of tea. Does anyone find coffee helps better or does the caffeine cause more anxiety?

    Been feeling today less positive and abit down, head feels in a spin. feel dissapointed that I havent made progress with feeling like a zombie first thing waking up and feeling very tired . Surely the 15mgs cant be too strong for me .

    Hope the afternoon sees me feeling less sleepy and more relaxed.

    Think i continue to do a daily update for a while to see if it helps me and maybe others of you out there struggling like me with early stage MIrtazapine 15mgs.

    Have a good day all. Keep smiling

    • Posted

      The sedation sounds a bit much for you. I was overcome for about a week then my system got used to it &?I coped with it a lot better - 15 mg same as you. See how you are at the 2 week mark maybe ? By then you should've able to go about your work/play without too much trouble I would say.

    • Posted

      Hi Calmer

      Thanks for your comments much appreciated. 

    • Posted

      HI,, ADY007,,if i was u i would stay on 15mg for a few more days as u are responding to it,,if after that u still feel the same try reducing too 12mg/13mg,,this might help with the tiredness,,ect,,the 15mg COULD BE TOO HEAVY,,,i drink coffee and did so when on the mirt if anything it gave me a boost 3-4 small cups a day,,your sleeping ok also got your appetite back,, all good signs,,i think u are expecting too much to soon u have to be patient and persivere to get the result u are looking for,,,also u will have good and bad days untill u find the right mg that suits u best,,sorry to be a bit blunt,,watch the weight??/,,good luck,,,,,,,,BLUESY
    • Posted

      Hi Calmer

      Still feeling very sedated when the alsrm goes off a real struggle to engage and shoot out of bed. Still a big effort to basically roll out of bed.  A quick dash to get some cereal down me followed by some coffee.

      My body doesnt help i m guessing with some extra bulk, that doesnt help with me feeling sluggish and feeling like a big bag of spuds. Im not overweight normally and before going on the meds i was very active and quite fit. 

      Rang the doctor today, had a chat and have agreed to half the meds with a though to increase back uo to 15mg over the next two weeks. Seems like a good plan.

      Thats where I am up to.....

    • Posted

      Your doctor said to half the dose ... typical, doctors don't realise that the central nervous system gets rocked with a 50% change to the dose of this very powerful drug. In mho I would at least buy a pill cutter and try taking 75% of it by breaking it in half & then half again ... I'm taking into consideration that you've only been on Mirt' for 2 weeks yes.  And to say you can go up again to 15 mg, this can make some people have difficult symptoms - going up and down with Mirt isn't possible, its not Asprin - the brains framework is altered whilst we take AD's and changing and changing doses throws us askew.

      So that would make it 11.25 mg, this is a 25% cut, still big - and I know that may sound silly.  Try that dose for at least 2 weeks before going to 7.5.

      Mirtazapine is more sedating at the lower doses !!  But see how you go, it might work for you and anyway I'm not a doctor, your doctor is a doctor but doesn't know this.  

      I was on Mirt for a year before doing the slow taper that is required to avoid anxiety etc, and most of the time I felt sedated.  If I had my time again and was mindful of the weight gain and difficulty of trying to get off Mirt, I might have asked for Amitrypteline (spell ?).  


    • Posted

      Hi Calmer

      Feeling much better today, hoprdully things are settling down for me. I decided  to stay on the 15mg and not to reduce.

      The sedation im geyying in the morning is still there but bearable as it goes within an hour or so. Thats after ive hasd some breakfasy. Im finding a few cups of coffee helps. But im tring to stick with green tea.

      My appetite is there for food but the level of need is reducing.  I went into work today to drop off my sick note for another 2 weeks. Just getting out in the car, and being in the workd building seeing colleagues was good for me.

      I feel good inside with being switched on and ficussed in my mind. Still very heavy  in my shoulders and i wera contact lenses so my eyes seem to be drying out. Bright lights was an intial issue for me in work. But my eyes and I calmed down with the surroundings in a short time. No real panic.

      SO i guess over the next two weeks I need to get out, test myself to see how I cope with being back out in public situations. I must go back to the suoermarket and see how i cope with it now. 

      So alot of positives to share with you. 

    • Posted

      HI ADY007,,,,,,,,,,,,,how are you today i hope u are continueing to improve ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BLUESY   
    • Posted

      Hi BLUESY.........

      Hope you are well? Today has been pretty much a good positive day. Woke up got up with some small sedation. This soon passed with some coffee and cereal and a shower.

      Made the point of getting out had some erands to do, and visited some family. So an active day.

      Felt an aura of anxiousness going into the local garage shop. but got through that. But have had a tight closing around the back of my throat again feel like anxiety. I didnt panic and eventually the sensation gave up and dissapeared. Bit ive had that feeling a few tims now.

      Sleeping like a dream but waking up to the alarm call.

      Just need to exercise now and get the weight back off and continue to stay connected with my positivity and accept any minor anxiety woes and stay calm and move on.

      So all on all BLUESY going good thanks

    • Posted

      HI ADY007,,,all good news again,,it seems u are stablelising very well and will continue to do so,,just a little tip do not be too hasty to reduce the mirt untill u are well on the road to recovery and then take it from there otherwise it can back fire on you,,   all the best,,keep in touch ,,BLUESY
    • Posted

      HI ADY007,,,,just wondered how you are ,,hope you continued too improve and are feeling a lot better,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BLUESY
    • Posted

      Hi BLUESY,,,,,Thanks for asking how I am. Well I have been the Mirt 15mg for 29 days. Side effects have settled down nicely. Hardly no sedation now. O am actually back to work tomorrow. Can't work out whether I am anxious or nervous. But I guess once ive stepped back in the works bulding and seen a few familar faces I should be ok. Ive been out a few times at the shops so that has helped having no panic. Realised the other day how much weight I have put on. That did get me down but I just neet to actively get back in shape and get my body confidence back and work on my self esteem. But on the whole I am doing well.

    • Posted


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