Day 15 30mg still tired all the time.

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Was prescribed 30mg of mirtazapine after going through a bad breakup. After 3 weeks dropped down to just under 9 stone and im 6 foot 3 and hadnt been sleeping properly. Still feeling very drained all the time, i am eating better but im still feeling drained all the time. Was wondering if this is an effect of the depression or the tablets? Still having very vivid dreams/nightmares but managing 6-7 hours a night but waking often. 

I know i need to stick them out but im finding it hard to function. Any help appreciated.

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    It does take a while for the drowsiness to wear off. I feel absolutely normal on them now but it did take a few weeks. Try taking them a little earlier in the evening then the sedative effect will have worn off by morning. If you are very underweight then you will have a lack of energy until your body builds up its reserves.
  • Posted

    hi.I was like you feeling drained and had some bad knightmares.I came of them after about 3 month because I just couldnt cope with the affects.but as far as I know people seem to put weight on so I would say go back to your docs hope you get sorted
  • Posted

    Thank you, due back to docs in the next two weeks so will ask about options then if im still feeling this way. Have put on a little weight but have moved back in with parents at this point so they are bringing me food. Have to go back to work in just over a week and im worried that i wont be able to function. Will try taking them earlier and see how i feel. Seeing mixed opinions on here on time to side effect subsidance, some say 2-4 weeks others say it never went away. Thank you for help this forum has been great through all this. Helps to know im not alone
  • Posted

    thats one thing your not alone but somtimes I feels like you are they changed my tablets three times before I started to feel a little better. I hope everything works out for you and we are all here to listen and help if we can so take care 
  • Posted

    Thank you, will make sure to update and answer others so people can find help from here as i have. 
  • Posted

    The drained feeling sounds like depression to me,came that should improve as the medication starts working. Likewise with lack of appetite. I couldn't eat much when I was depressed. Try to convince yourself that there's no point in worrying about going back to work. You don't know how you'll feel in just over a week anyway. Fight your battles one day at a time, and look for the hopeful signs - like sleeping longer and eating more. I only realised recently that it might be the mirtazapine causing my vivid dreams. I've been on it for 6 years, but I just hadn't connected it. They don't bother me, as long as I'm getting my sleep.
    • Posted

      Thanks for the work advice that really helped. Couldnt see myself feeling better by next week but ur right, i just dont know how ill feel by then and worrying is not helping. 

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