Day 21 on Sertraline and looking for some hope

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I'm on day 21 of 25 mg of sertraline for anxiety that has slowly built up over time but has now all of a sudden hit me with panic attacks, compulsive thoughts and insomnia.  The side effects lasted 10 days and aside from lack of appetite have all but gone.  Now i'm waiting for some sign that this is working and i'm going to start feeling normal again.  My Dr wants to wait until 6 weeks to evaluate the dosage, but some days feel like an eternity and 6 weeks seems so far off.  When should I be feeling some of the effects of the medication?  Thanks 

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25 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi it can take upto 6 weeks to feel the effects so I would just bare with them for now. I've been on them

    Since October last year & im now on 100mg. You might need to up your dose if your starting to feel anxious and having panic attacks & 25mg is quite a low dose. I would check with your dr about that. It will get better though.

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    Everyone is different. I went on 50mg and it took just under 2 weeks to work. When it did it was good.
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    Hi I think 25mg won't help you you need to go up. I went up to 200mg and only started feeling myself again after 150mg. It varies from person to person but you are in a very very low dosage. I've been on sertraline for nearly 3yrs. It works if you get the right dosage for you. Hope it helps xxx
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      I meant for you to be yourself again. But from 50mg you can notice some improvements. If not keep going up. Xxx
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    thanks everyone for the advice.  The support means a lot as i struggle through this period.  
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      Here to help smile when ever you need something out of your chest or something that worries you hey I'm here. I was scared in the beginning but after all went OK. And the same will happen to you. Xxx keep it up smile
  • Posted

    Hi there I was prescribed 50mg sertraline and 40mg propranolol to take twice a day. Today was the the first day I actually plucked up the courage to try them and I wasn't too bad, actually managed to go to the shop, felt a little bit spaced out and anxious a couple of times but nothing major. I think I made a mistake taking the 2nd propranolol tonight though as I'm now wide awake still, I think my doctor said to take that In the morning and afternoon but I can't remember. My panic attacks became so severe and my the constant negative thoughts were unbelievable. But I didn't get any of those today, which is a relief. Let's see what tomorrow brings. It's actually really refreshing having people to talk to and share experiences on here
    • Posted

      Hi Katie, So glad to hear that you had a good day today.  I was very nervous about starting the sertraline, and am even more aprehensive about possibilty of increasing it from 25 to 50mg and a reccurance of the side effects, but the positive support and encouragement from so many people online has helped enormously.  Good luck tomorrow and let us know how you are feeling.
    • Posted

      Hi, propranolol is not the reason you can't sleep. I also take them, only if my heart rate increases and it's really good for anxiety as well. Katie talk to your Gp and ask them to give you nigh aid to help you sleep. In the beginning I was taking tablets to sleep. They are not addictive. Sometimes when I'm wide awake I still take them. Best of luck xxx
  • Posted

    Hi there , im on day 14 of sertraline , i went up to 50mg on day 7 a d it made me feel ao awful i couldnt leave the house sad so im back down to 25mg and so far so good ! I am only petite so 25mg is fine for me , i was having anxiety attacks everywhere i went sad but am feeling much better , i have some great friends around me and this group had helped ! Out of interest do you find you go dizzy when anxiety kicks in ? Everytime i get anxiety i panic and go dizzy .. Then fear i will pass out or be sick etc
    • Posted

      Hi Lauren yes that's exactly what happens to me, I get very warm and my head feels like it's spinning, then get really dizzy and feel like I'm just going to pass out. It's a horrible feeling
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      Katie have you any tips on how you control it ? If u can ? I cant , we were out for a family meal on sunday and it came on suddenly (pub got busier and i panicked) i had to up and leave .. As soon as i left i was fine as i knew i was on the way home to "safe zone"
    • Posted

      To be honest this is all quite new to me, it just came out of no where and hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm still trying to figure out how to deal with it myself, it's terrifying isn't it. You genuinely feel like you will pass out. I just really try to take deep belly breaths, breathing out for longer than what I breath in and just try and ride it out xx
    • Posted

      Lauren I used to do the same. But I had to learn how to control it. For example on halloween I went to a party with my kids the restaurant was packed I sat down and my legs were shaking then I had the sensation there was no air and I couldn't breath. So I drunk some water with sugar I closed my eyes and I keep saying to myself I need to do this for me and my family. Then my friend realised I was panicking so he started a conversation and the more I wanted to pay attention to what he was saying my head was telling me to get out. So I just started breathing slowly and deep. After a while it went away. The more you fear the worse it gets. I know it's easy for me to say this but that's what we have to do control it. Travelling by bus or train is a pain sometimes I sweat a lot as if I was running a marathon. But I started to learn how to control them. You have to be brave and do the same it's hard but you can do it. Xxx
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      Thanks ilda , im going to try this on sunday .. I become a godmother and have to stand up in church the idea of it really scares me sad
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      It is horrible sad i just have to up and leave places ! Its really getting me down now
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      Lauren think positive, don't let the panic attacks or anxiety take it over. When you feel that one is coming hold your hand very tight and breath. Close your eyes and scream I can do this(scream in ur head not inside the church) smile . You will be a perfect godmother and your day will be blessed. Xxx
    • Posted

      Thankyou so much ilda , i will try and be as positve as i can , im really excited about the day but the anxiety is slowly taking over , fingers crossed i am fine on the day xx
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      Hi lauren how did it go?! I ne et heard from you. Everything OK xxx ilda
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      Hi ilda

      The christening went really well , i have stopped taking sertaline as of thursday last week , i just felt awful rolleyes instead i brought some rescue remedy drops and used them throughout the day sunday , they worked a treat ! I think the medication route was not the right one for me . I am much happier and more in control without them , thankyou for asking , hope you are well xx

    • Posted

      Hi there

      I saw your post about sertraline. I'm on 100 mg. It went from 50mg to 100mg 3 months ago. I've got terrible anxiety,doom and gloom,weak,acid reflux,burning mouth syndrome . It hasn't helped since doctor upped it. I can't stand these peri symptoms. Don't think I can come off it,can't have worse symptoms than this .

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