Dealing with a meddlesome loved one
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I need to tell someone that their comments, while they may mean well, have not been helpful but I don't know how to say it.
This lady at my church is my husband's Godmother and has been more like a mother to him since his own mother lived abroad. During my peri symptoms I have lost weight. She came up to me and began questioning what's going on. I told her my weight loss was hormonally related and I thought she'd understand since she used to be a nurse and is post menopausal herself. Everytime she sees me she makes comments about my weight like, "are you eating? " "you need to gain more weight. " As if I'm doing any of this on purpose. I sometimes feel anxious about all of these symptoms anyway and to have to be bombarded with it from others doesn't help. How can I tell her to bug off without being rude? She is hard to approach and easily offended. Any suggestions?
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jayneejay sharcerv52408
oh i had that too, i lost alot of weight in peri, and didnt have any spare to lose in first place ..
still like it now post meno....
difficult one, but can understand totally how you feel.
I am adraid i am straight to the point if some one makes comments i tell them straight no matter what.. ' its personal ' and they should keep their opinions to themselves
hope you find the right words
jay x
annieschaefer jayneejay
I'm straight to the point as well, probably more so now, so I have to watch that I don't come across really hostile. When I was younger I was more worried about being offensive to others when infact they were really out of line. Now I don't mind saying my peace, in a respectful manner and moving on. So there are some pluses to this time in our lives afterall!
Shar-no harm in letting that person know as you did, that this is hormonal related, then move on. Don't take her words to heart, really.
Annie xx
sharcerv52408 jayneejay
jayneejay annieschaefer
yes theres always a firm and repectful way.
i use to say... Look so i have lost some weight so what..
i also said.. Its just as offensive to remark on someone who is thin as it is someone who is alot heavier.. So if you dont mind, i would sooner not hear your comments.
i smile as the other week my partner said to me, ( he works away) he said your jeans are hanging off you 😳
well that quite annoyed me in the middle of a store.. So i said oh thanks very much .... i best go and buy some smaller ones then had I ..
jay xx
jay xx
sharcerv52408 annieschaefer
marlene21102 jayneejay
People should just leave you alone ,would they like it ,hell no comes across as nagging what got my weight back up was a METATONE ,a nurse told me to get this ,but only the once .Now that was a help .Yes it's personal to you ,grown up know when to ask for advice .some just plain old busy bodies .there a pain .
Chrisy sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 Chrisy
Chrisy sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 Chrisy
Chrisy sharcerv52408
Snatchpiece sharcerv52408
Thats a difficult one as last year when I first started with this horrible time my so called best friend who worked for my husband and I, made a comment back to me "I wouldnt mind having a melt down like you" (as at that time I couldnt work and it lasted for two weeks and wouldnt see anyone) just shut myself in our bedroom as our dog walker and this friend both used our facilities as they worked from our home.
I had another so called best friend who said "I'd be careful if I were you saying that there is something wrong with you when there isnt, because one day when there is no one will believe me"
Both of these comments are still raw to me but I havent really bothered with either of them since as I feel a coward and hate hurting peoples feelings even though others dont seem to mind hurting me.
Sorry I cant be any more help to you but just wanted you to know that your not a lone. My owm mum went round telling people that I had medical issues (why do they do or say such silly things, as I am certainly not proud of how I have been feeling.
Some people don't even think before they open their mouths do they and think how you may take what they are saying.
I have even kept away from seeing my own Mum in fear of what she might say next, I certainly dont feel any support from her. I havent seen her since May this year as I know when I am feeling great I am frightened that she will say something and un do all of the good of trying to get back the old Joy back who didnt suffer with health anxiety, etc. prior to 2012.
Massive hugs to you, but if you feel you cant say anything back to her then perhaps the next time she does say anything " just tell her that she doesn't know what she is talking about and just walk away before she can say anything back and hurt you some more."
Joy xx
sharcerv52408 Snatchpiece
jayneejay sharcerv52408
yes theres a few like that about.. Dont know the meaning of Tact ..
you have to pity them as they are obviously abit dim
especially when they dont like it themselves ..
i am a great believer in ' reverse the situtation' the how you you feel etc should you say something and not like it said to yourself ..
ignore her ..
or tell her to wind her neck in 😃
jay x
Glennie68 sharcerv52408
You know what I think you just have to pitch it this way and say something like - you being a nurse I thought you would understand what it is to go through the menopause and the effects it can have one you. I am keeping myself as well as I can and yes I have lost weight - but I am not ill and you shouldn't worry yourself about it.
Sometimes you just have to lay things on the line and spell it out!
Hope it helps - and good luck with it - I hate conflict myself xxxx
jayneejay Glennie68
jay xx
sharcerv52408 Glennie68
jayneejay sharcerv52408
they say life is too short ... yeah yeah..
but its also too short for hassle from interfering busy bodies ..
be happy .. Be yourself ...
good luck hun
jay xx
sharcerv52408 jayneejay