Dealing with alcoholic husband. Could use some supportive words...
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Just what am I dealing with, here? Perhaps a covert narcissist or alcoholic or both?
Married 18 years, though we’ve been together 25. Two daughters. One turned 18 about a week ago, and the other is 15. Both see how dad is. I don’t know if they connect the dots that dad is this way because of alcohol. Maybe, maybe not.
Last night is one example of what I’ve dealt with for the better part of 25 years. Why do I stay? I don’t know. Perhaps out of duty. Perhaps for my kids. Perhaps because I’ve given up so much over the years (being a stay at home mom for two different stints, and moving twice for HIS college and career) that my income is not what would sustain me and the kids. Besides, I think part of me feels like I can’t do it on my own and would seem like a failure.
Anyways back to last night, just one example of the crap I put up with. I don’t know how to counteract him so I fear I’m just making the situation worse. He drank eight beers, then wanted more. He wanted my daughter to drive me to go buy it. He already had 8 beers within 4 hours, then drank 12-16 oz of my wine (I got one beer and one glass of wine before it was gone). Then he proceeded to pester me again about getting more beer. I told him no three times, then he tells our daughter he needs cottage cheese to go with the homegrown tomatoes we were having for dinner, but the real thing is he wanted the beer. Hiding the beer desire behind cottage cheese for my daughter’s sake. Crazy. I told him firmly no. I told him he’d had enough. I should’ve known better because when he gets drunk he gets mean. Then I end up audio recording conversations because people wouldn’t believe what a jerk he is. Though I’ve never played the recordings for anyone. So when he gets drunk and mean, he finds scapegoats. Then he repetitively brow beats them. It’s almost like he gets off on bullyinig his wife and/or daughters. It must make him feel powerful or something. You should hear the recording. I tried to be sensible, but he is insane. Anyways, another reason I wanted him to take it easy on the alcohol was because he’s taking my daughter to her college orientation today and picking up her new roommate on the way. They all had to get up around 5:30 a.m. today so I wanted everyone to be fresh today. Hopefully he was.
I’ve come to a point where I am recording not only our ridiculous conversations, but also the amount of beer he’s drinking. He doesn’t drink during the week most of the time. However there are times when he does. Most of the time it’s Friday night through Sunday night. He starts drinking beer from the moment the coffee is gone in late morning. Friday nights he drinks 6-12. Saturdays maybe 12-18, then most of the time does it again on Sunday. He usually picks a fight with one of us and creates a hell of a lot of drama. He knows everything. The rest of us are stupid. He looks down his nose at us, yaddayadda, then he passes out on the couch and slobbers and snores all night. The next morning he pretends nothing has happened.
I’m quite sick of it all. I’m ready to leave but can’t. I think he’s abusive emotionally but need confirmation. I need to know how to deal with someone like this. At least for the next three years until my daughter graduates from high school. I see no other alternative.
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sue08 helenhoney
sue08 helenhoney
sue08 helenhoney
Robin2015 helenhoney
harvey28916 helenhoney
You should deffo stop drinking with him and find excuses to leave the house with your daughters and maybe visit family for the night. Make him realise what it might be like to be alone. You and your daughters must be emotionally drained and scared. This isn't right. You should not be living like this.
I don't imagine there is much you can say or do to change his behaviour. Is there a particular reason he drinks so much on weekends? Is he like this during the week sober?
Bit of a long shot, but if he agrees, maybe suggest couples counselling. That way an independent 3rd party can be witness to your experiences and he may listen to their advice? If he doesn't, you have the counsellor as your witness and they may be able to help you leave him.
Finally, if things get worse, I suggest reaching out to a divorce lawyer to find out your options. They will give you solid advice - all be it biased towards a divorce. I think you will find the law is on your side and although being single again is tough, financially the divorce will favour you in the short term. (Keep the recordings in case you ever need to call the police on him or vice versa). If he is ever aggressive or violent you should never hesitate to call the police. You won't believe how difficult things can be made for him.
A few idea's I hope that may be useful.
Hummingbird-S helenhoney
I was so sad to read your story, it does sound familiar to me as my Dad was an abusive alcoholic and would cause hell if he ran out of beer. It is not acceptable to be subjected to your husbands abuse.
Have you sat your daughters down and talked to them about it?
When you say he wakes up and pretends that nothing has happened, does he know what he has done? It could be well worth playing him the recordings to make him realise what he is doing to you all.
I think there are 2 routes: help him to realise what he is doing and then try The Sinclair Method or if you have definitely had enough and there is nothing there for you anymore GET OUT. In England in these situations we have refuges for women and their children to escape abuse, I am guessing from what you have written that you are in America? I did some googling for you and over there they are called domestic violence shelters.
Either way keep all of the recordings, try and back them up in case you go with option 1 and he decides to destroy them.
Please let us know how you get on x