Dealing with chronic Fissure
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Hi Fissure patients who suffers like me!
2016 New year night i was enjoying time with my family and friends at the house party. But some reason i had to go restroom for number 2. Of course idiot me rules hold me to go sit another toilet other than my home. I just hold my BM i thought i can go when arrive home ! Of course that cause me constipation with all the alcohol and food made it just worsed. After 2 days before return the work just pushed my self with the squad position like 5 minutes later stool came out felt it like broken glass passing through and fresh red blood in all over toilet bowl! I thought i was going to pass out! I took shower right away first 1 hour it was no pain at all i assumed my small hemorrhoid blew up. I went to work after like 10 minutes later i got needling pain with burning scare tissue in my anus. Felt like couple needles walking on the fissure. I just bend down could not move at all when i looked down to my leg i was bleeding like period. Called my Husband he took me to the Emergency. Dr who works emergency department they are not professional at all. She examined by finger just gave me more pain I could not hold on to it. She left it after I screamed! She said "i can see you have small hemmoroid but i can not see where you bleeding from" she pricecrabed me pain killers and hydrocortizon suppository. Pain killers made me more constipated and suppository it did not help at all !
After 2 days i went to specialists and he looked in a second he said " i saw your problem im not giving you finger exam because that just make it worsed and no need" he said you have deep goes in side fissure thats why you have in pain. And my best friend fissure did not leave me alone from January 4th.
This is the lost Dr. G.H. Gave me in 4 months for heal,
1-)Diltiazem -Stool softener
2-)hydrocortisone cream
3-)lydecane / anestol
5-)Zinc for rush cream (because Diltiazem and Rectiv made a rush around my anus!
And this is the list i tried after tons of searching from internet,
1-)Coconut suppository
2-)olive oil pads
4-)ice pack
5-)warm bath
6-)recti care
7-)Calmoseptine for rush
8-)Daflon tablet for swallow veins
9-)eating tons of garlic
My diet /life from beginning,
NO= Alcohol,bread, potato,rice,eggs, red meat, fish, pork, spicy food,fried food, fast food, soda, hot sauce, peppers, tomatoes, sugar, chocolate, caffeine (just one cup in the morning), salt and anything with salt, avocado, pain killers, banana, pasta, peanut, iced drinks, paste, mayo, mustard, ketchup, pickles,ice cream, quince, green plum, vinegar, not more than 1 Apple daily, transfat, ham/pepperoni/sausage.
DONT= Bike, strain(bm), wash with cold water, heavy duty, lift heavy stuff, wash with soap, push hard (BM), ignore Bm, stress.
Purchases what saved my life;
1-) squaty-poty (its step stoll for BM time helps me squad and relax)
2-) freshSpa hot/cold (its toilet fossit you maintain in to the toilet and there is hot and cold version i am using this asa im seting to toilet. Running hot water to the my anus and ones gets warm and soft im passing my stool super easy no pain at all. And after im sitting for like 10 minutes making that area super clean and super soft feels sooo good highly recommended)
3-) water minder (reminding dring water it works perfectly especially when im super busy at work) (purchased from App Store)
Every day rutins ;
5:30am wake up 17 oz drink water with stool softener.
Wearing gloves putting vazelin in to my anus.
8 oz prunu juice
6:00 am going restroom for Bm running little hot warm water on to anus passing stool taking deep breaths. Rumning warm warm for 10 minutes till when i can not feel my anus. Going warm shower no soap! Just nicely clean. Getting out from shower.
6:30 one cup of coffee ! BOOM! Second Bm. Going restroom again second time always easier super soft no pain. Same thing over again. Warm water /shower and done with restroom on that day!
7:00 am putting mirror on the floor squading with light on to my anus. Wearing gloves cleaning if there is any mess left. Dumping little olive oil in to the cup dipping clean tissue and pushing that olive oil napkin in to the anus like 1 inch so i can clean on the fissure because any mess cause burning pain than needling!
Than im putting Rectiv cream. Clean cotton underwear.
7:30am going work. Eating 5 times a day mostly fruits/ vegetables/yogurt and dry fruit such as dates , prunes, apricots...
4 lt of water every day! Not calculating juice!
Set alarm for 4 times a day reminding me take stool softener.
Every after lunch / dinner drinking 17 oz water.
Morning breakfast just coffee and fresh smootiees. I am doing this because morning starts make in the colon stool for next day! If im eating something hard next morning bm turning to the hell for me ! So im keeping this way. It's important think im keeping my self always clean in my pursde always have which hazel wipes /cream/stool softener/ tissues/gloves ! Every 4 hours restroom and washing that area wiping gently and putting cream back on. Im not letting any left over mess will come down and burns me up.
This is my life since october 4th! Because i do not want surgery! And i can not lie i do not like the pain but this life style and starting yoga for calm down made me lost 24 pounds. My fissure did not healed my Dr. Said fissure is still there with skin tag because now is cronic , but smaller. As long as im holding my mouth from bad foods and keeping my self super clean i do not have pain!
I hope everyone will heal soon ... Because i can do anything for less painful BM (
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mmarcus151910 October-T
So basically, this is how it went down with my surgery. I had to fast the day before the surgery because they had to put me under anesthesia. I went in, waited, and then they put me under and the surgery was done. I woke from the surgery with morphine in my system, although once I woke up it had worn off for the most part. They basically told me I could get another dose of morphine, which would basically knock me out again, or I could stay up and move to the other room to wait until I was ready to leave. So, i skipped the next dose of morphine and went to the other room. As I was laying on the bed, the pain bagan to set in. The next part may scare you a bit and discourage you, but getting through this part is just part of the process of gettting better. So when the pain started to settle in, the paiin almost flt worse then the fissure pain itself. I was not only dealing with the pain from the fissure, but from the incision and cuts that were done form the surgery itself. This being said, you have to take into consideratino that the surgery is cutting into your sphincter muscle, so pain will come, but this is with any surgery. Unfortunately, with this surgery, it is in a very sensitivie area so the pain will be a little more intense. Some things I did in the hospital to deal with the pain was put ice on my butt, I bit down on a washcloth to decrease the tension that I would put into my butt area and to transfer the tension to my jaw biting into the cloth. They did give me percoset, but honestly it didn't help me a bit. I still felt the pain until I was able to fall asleep. The lady next to me said that the percoset made her feel that the ceiling was the floor and the floor was the ceiling, so I guess it affects some people differently than others. I also will recommend listening to music right after or watching a movie to distract yourself from the pain. SO that was basically it from the hospital. I couldn't leave the hospital until I could pee though, which was not easy since I had so many drugs in my system and could not really push to hard as it was painful and I did not want to upset the area.
Eventually I peed and was able to leave. Then, I took some percoset that night and slept. The next day I felt no pain, as I did not poop at all, and as with before the surgery, the pain only comes when you poop.
So the day after that I had to go to the bathroom. The first time you go to the bathroom will be very painful, almost more painful than pooping with just the fissure because you are trying to poop through a fissure and a surgery, but that comes with the territory. I will not hide that I felt like I was going to puke the pain was so bad WHILE pooping. I also recommend listening to music while pooping as this distracts the pain and gives some motivation not to be afraid. The reason on put emphasis on the WHILE is beause after the pain is very dull and nothing compared to the throbbing unimaginable pain of an anal fissure. Within the next two weeks, I progressively felt myself getting better, and by the 2nd week I went back to the doctor and he gave me the ok that I was all healed up.
I never had any incontinence, although the only thing I still have is that its a bit harder to hold in my farts sometimes, but that is it....As far as the gauze, I only changed it because I would leak sometimes..I ended up just buying adult diapers at the store and used those until I stopped leaking.
As far as the anastesia, I would not worry so much. You go in, they inject you, you pass out, and it seems like you blink your eyes and its over. After though, you may experience some discomfort as I have described above due to the fact that they perfomr surgery on a very sensitive area. However, if you can deal with fissure pain, you can pull through with this.
As far as food after surgery, I just kept to a well balanced diet. I take metamucil fiber supplement every day since, and I squat on the toilet all the time now. Make sure not to take too much fiber as this can irritate the area.
I hope you might consider the surgery because I do not believe it is as bad as everyone makes the surgery out to be if you have a good rectal surgeon.
Best of luck!!!
October-T mmarcus151910
Problem that hold on to me from surgery i am a 26 years old married woman with no kids! and Dr said after surgery its going to be hard to control wind and bowel moment ! And im thinking have a child soon. If that surgery will cause that side effects I rather be live with fissure till im gonna give last child birth
than ill get surgery done! No kidding yes i have pain every morning after Bm ! Some times keeps me at home cause can not walk ! But at least i can control my bowel moments right! So how can i leave with diapers under me!
Are you still using diapers? Or it was temporary if its like that how many days? And before surgery did you do enema or diet ? And how many stich in the scar? Sorry but all i can think get heal asap .... But i need help ...
mmarcus151910 October-T
If you are having a kid, than maybe its better to not have the surgery, although I do not know how much it would matter. Part of the problems iwthh ahving a fissure is that the sphincter muscle, which goes into spasm, is not letting the fissure heal. If you can stop the internal sphincter muscle from spasming, than the fsissure will heal, and that is what the surgery does. They cut a piece of your internal sphincter muscle out so it can't spasm. In my case, the only thing is I cannot hold in my farts so much. But I still have some control And anyways, as long as I am not in tremendous pain, I dont care what me or other people smell. I have never pooped in my pants form waiting too long, nor have I had a problem with leaking. I would ask your doctor, but in my opinion, it might even be good to do the surgery before child birth because then your sphincter muscle will stop spasming and when you have the child (which could reopen the fissure), you won't have to go through the pain of the fissure, child birth, and the hurting of having somewhere do surgery on a very sensitive area (because they probably wont operate on you right after surgery).
Also, I never had any stitches form the surgery. the only thing i currently have which pops out occasionally is a skin tag from the surgery. No big deal at all though.
Hope this helps!
October-T mmarcus151910
anna_sarah92736 mmarcus151910
mmarcus151910 October-T
Good luck!
October-T mmarcus151910
anna_sarah92736 October-T
mmarcus151910 anna_sarah92736
A few comments on your post......don't blaming you for wanting to try the botx procedure, but I would also check into getting the sphincteronomy surgery. I was prescribed diltazem as well, tried it for four weeks with no improvement and ocnsistent pain, and decided to get the surgery. No set backs since (except for slight inability to hold in farts at times).
As far as the squatty potty, that may help although I would try just squatting by yourself if you can. I squat everytime I go to the bathroom, so I can go to the bathrrom in a place that doesn't have a squatty potty. If you start squatting while pooping, you'll get used to it eventually and barely have porblems straining again.
October-T anna_sarah92736
Also for botox im not gonna spend a lot of money and botox will wear off max in 6 weeks. I had couple friends who got botox they getting second one because its not helps to healing just your not feeling that area as you use to feel. But laternal sp. surgery cuts the small muscle and one stich it will helps the heal. But there is alot of side effects that s keeps me away
now im using rectiv cream ... Will see how this is go... I hope youll get better soon but i think you should wait ! Because Diltiazem helps alot ! I was not lucky
October-T mmarcus151910
sheri78 October-T
Hi there, I was just wondering how you've got on? Have you tried the diltiazem oitment? Instead of the stool softener?