Dear doctor
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Hello ladies, I am seeing a new doctor soon. I wrote this ...maybe I should sent it!
Dear Doctor:
Please understand the immense effort it was for me to get here
I am tired, dizzy and my mind is not clear
Please do not suggest more scans, tests and X-rays
As I’ve had a thousand in previous days
Please do not shrug your shoulders and say “ I don’t know”
Or suggest I increase my Lexapro!
Please understand this is not how I used to be
Nausea, fatigue, aches, pains and riddled with anxiety
Please understand this is not how I want to be
A normal person shouldn’t be tired at a quarter past 3!
Please understand I do not deserve to feel this way
I hope you are worth the co pay!
7 likes, 35 replies
Sassyr12a Guest
Hi Lou
I think it covers everything! When you see it on paper, isn't it amazing that we are able to function in jobs, home, with kids etc. You should be super proud of yourself. What jumped out to me was 'this is not how I used to be'. I also feel sometimes you have to point that out.... It's like noone knows the person I was, only me! Chin up Lou, you're a fighter xx
amy341731 Guest
Good for you..that speaks for so many of us! Keep us posted as to how you’re doing and what helps. 😊
pam90720 Guest
Lou!!!! Omg!!!! That is fantastic!!!😊😊💕💕🙏🙏🙏.
lori93950 Guest
And yes! I too have the exhaustion at 3pm sit there just waiting to go to bed at 7.30pm it’s no life !
Guest lori93950
I know and they are staring at their computer screen or leaving the room for 8 minutes of it 🙄. I know you struggle with this awful fatigue too. My periods are hardly anything nowadays...but my symptoms are horrible. I cannot imagine the poor women who bleed heavily on top of all these symptoms. I scaled back on my AD yesterday...really strange head feeling yesterday and zombie like fatigue. I’m not liking this!
lori93950 Guest
Why are you going off it now ? I wish I could take them as my mood is so low but they don’t agree with me .
Guest lori93950
lori93950 Guest
Guest lori93950
I was like that before the AD...I felt dead for 2 months. Literally exhausted, laying around but not sleepy. I had no appetite, lost 15 lbs. I was depressed, just didn’t know it, because I never felt tbat way before! So, it has helped me a bit. Just so confusing! I get irritated because I’m on it, and I wish I felt better. Which is more evidence that it is clearly a hormone issue! Seems around my cycle, I tank. But, before the AD, I would just stay in that funk. I just want to be normal, get back to work. Converse with friends , lunch, etc. I can only plan day to day. I hate it. 😐
lori93950 Guest
CarolKelso Guest
Guest CarolKelso
Thanks Carol, I have my crumpled up paper in my purse with all my ailments. At least this time around I will not cry for half the appointment. I’m on an AD...dry mouth, dry eyes and unable to cry...good times🙄
CarolKelso Guest
Ah can always pray....without it ud be lost and ill pray that your doctor will listen and be sympathethic. You deserve it....God bless and let us know how it goes...keep looking up..😊 x
Finny2018 Guest
Lou - this is beautiful. I hope you had some therapeutic relief when writing this. I keep looking at these words:
Please understand this is not how I used to be
For some of us - it was literally like we woke up and BAM. That's what it was for me -an extreme hormonal crash.
I'm thankful for this forum. I'm encouraged by you and your tenacity; it gives me hope! Take care!
Guest Guest
Love it! Need to make copies and send to every one of the doctors I went to.
To the concierge doctor who smiled and declared I was perfectly healthy. To the cardiologist who said I needed to practice mindfulness (see you when you hit 50 chick), to the endocrinologist who said there was no way I was in perimeno (even though I was in my 50s and skipping periods), the psychologist who talked non stop and tried to tell me how to breathe, and on and on..
I was going to educate them all once I got well enough.
Guest Guest
🤣 No kidding! I had a 30 something intern and his 20 something nurse laugh at me in the ER once. I waited 6 mo to see an endocrinologist only to be told “ I don’t deal with woman’s hormones”. Healthcare right down the toilet. My primary dr told me to seek counseling too. Nothing against it, but just don’t feel like explaining all my crap to somebody else! I save it for this forum! Stay well! 🤗
lori93950 Guest
We are treated so poorly during this time we should be given extra special treatment not dismissed . It’s been HORRIBLE !
Guest lori93950
So true Lori! I went to the ER also with fatigue, dizzy, heart palps, weak and I had lost my appetite. I got questioned about having an eating disorder and anorexia! Then told me to eat more and get sleep 🙄Years ago, I used to just go once a year and regular check ups when I was pregnant. It is such a mess! I told my husband no more trips to the hospital unless I’m unconscious on the floor. I worry now when we get really old how it is going to be. ??
lori93950 Guest
If we do everything right to the best of our ability ... eat healthy workout we should have many more good times in our future!
I’ll NEVER forget this time in my life ... EVER!
Hopefully when We’re better We’ll create new happy memories that will take the place of this horrendous lonely incredibly scary time !
Guest lori93950
pam90720 lori93950
Hi Lori!!! Same here sister!!! I've read so many of your post and I can relate 1000 percent!!!! My moms 80 and she has more energy and feels better than me!!!! I had a couple of good weeks and then BAM!! Dizzy, motion sickness... off Balance... feels like I have the flu and stomach virus at the same time!! I've swear I had fever but no!!! Ugh ugh ugh !!! 🙏🙏💕💕
lori93950 Guest
katyD211 lori93950
My mouth flew open when I read the smart *** remark the young dr. made!!! I would've had to get up and leave...before I responded to her in an even more inappropriate manner than she did to you. What nerve!!!
I'm so sorry you went through that when you were there for help....
lori93950 katyD211
katyD211 lori93950
Apparently it never enters their minds...some of them. Makes me wonder how much time - if any, is spent on menopause during medical school. I think the ones who know and care must be educating themselves by taking extra classes n conferences.
As a teacher, I have to go through a certain amount of hours of professional development each year in order to stay current or else my license gets suspended. But I WANT to be current!!
You would think that doctors would have to do at least the same.
Guess we'll have to keep each other informed by sharing information here on this grateful for you ladies!!
evi75119 lori93950
So many women are suffering and the medical community seems unable to give us relief and the most important they deny the existence and the intensity of perimenopause at least in front of us..maybe in their effort to reassure the patients, they react with indifference and skepticalness
I think they have the knowledge about the symptoms but they cannot reverse our nature..I do not know what to say anymore...
Guest evi75119
evi75119 Guest
I live in Greece...generally speaking the situation in ER is tragic...depends on the person but the majority of doctors have unacceptable behavior towards us...I believe that they often become irritated because ER are for serious immediate cases.
To be honest ,perimenopause anxiety makes us behaving and talking like crazy women ...we loose our temper and others cannot understand that...
we feel that we are dying, they do the tests, everything seems normal and they think we are abnormal personalities spending their valuable time on ER
some times at the ER they gave me 1/2 Xanax to calm and after some hour the doctors were very kind at me because I was sober
It is difficult to understand how we feel….but we need help!
lori93950 Guest