Debilitating pain all over!!!
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Hi ladies
After being on this site 12 years and suffering from every symptom out there
I am now 2 years post and i am in agony every day
I can barely walk these days its just pure HELL
Menopause has given me health anxiety but im terrifiedi have fibromyalgia as my mum has it and im sounding like her every day
My doctor said it could just be menopause symptoms and can last 5-10 years post
I wanted to scream when she said that
I am so down thinkiing the worst
All my bloods are good except for low folate which pain is not a symptom
Tiredness yes but not joint pain
I have just started a folic acid supplement
Please help ladies
Not sure how much more i can take
I cant even babysit my grandchildren at the moment
Is this my life now?
So scared x
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kelly55079 michelle97919
Try taking Vit D.. I have it in my multi but take extra at night for peace of mind. They say Vit D is very important for the body- I need all the help I can get!!. Also look into Magnesium. I take this at night because I believe it helps with sleep and aches and pains. And then there's Turmeric-- many ppl have success with it.
dev77856 michelle97919
i’m so sorry you’re going through this. I’m pretty sure menopause only last five years not that that’s any better. I take magnesium before bed
or when I feel anxiety. Have a vitamin D checked mine was super low and apparently that can really mess everything up. When you say every symptom like what else?What has been going on 12 years because 12 years can’t be menopause alone.
michelle97919 dev77856
Hi Dev
I was in perimenopause for ten years now two years post
I was hoping things would have settled down by now but not so x
debra16694 dev77856
HI Dev - Well i am not sure if that is entirely accurate about menopause only lasting 5 years.....i started peri menopause at 52 years of age & i am now 62, & the last 2 1/2 years have been the most brutal, so maybe i am a special case, but i am here to tell you it hasnt just been 5 years -
Keljo48 dev77856
I will also have to add that menopause (peri, meno and post) last much longer than five year for many women, including me.
michelle97919 Keljo48
I agree
I spoke to my doctor the other day and i said its two years post now
shouldnt i be feeling better
she said
it can last 5-10 years post!!!
debra16694 michelle97919
hi michelle - Well, welcome to my world...i woke up exactly one year ago with extreme lower body aches (mainly my legs) my ligaments, tendons, muscles, joints can ache & even burn. There are some mornings where i feel like my brain isnt telling my legs to function - mornings are the worst - i am literally crippled - slowly but surely, the muscle pain is creeping into my shoulders & neck area - oh & the really weird thing is i can hear my joints crack (loud)
i have been to Rhumatologist & even though i tested positive for ANA, i do not have auto immune or fibromyalgia & since its bilateral it is not MS - i have gone to PT's, chiros, orthos & all comment on my muscle strength - also, i do yoga & gentle water movement & can do that with ease, its just is walking that is the problem - oh & i am 62, 7 years post - & this came on a year ago - i take Vitamin D, double the omegas, tumeric & a stress vitamin & magnesium glycinate at night & plenty of epsom salt baths...i even spray magnesium oil on my legs - i do get a little relief...btw, no dr can tell me whats wrong, & my bone density is great, so must be lack of hormones - it sucks!
michelle97919 debra16694
Were you tested for fibromyalgia?
If so what were the tests x
sandra11356 michelle97919
as I mentioned in an earlier post.....every woman should have a B12 test and if the levels are below 1000 a supplement is essential. sublingual nuggets!
debra16694 sandra11356
hi sandra - i should have mentioned in my previous post, i have had my B12, Vit D potassium & thyroid extensively tested - all fine except i had been a little on the low side of Vitamin D, now fine - all those things could be the cause of muscle pain, but all check out for me so must be hormone related -
Keljo48 michelle97919
You sound like me. I am also two years post menopause and 51. Everyday it is something or multiple things. I can't function like a normal adult. The joint pain is hell. Sometimes I can't stand up or it takes me a long time to work up the courage to move through the pain.
I don't think mine is fybro because of the symptoms most complain of and areas Fybromyalgia they say are the key pain places are not me. I have had ultrasounds on my entire body. All major organs and other than a small cyst on my left kidney they believe is benign I don't have anything they find terrible wrong with me....yet. Sometimes, many times I really feel like they are missing something.
I don't have any children, friends close by and my husband has tuned out my years of menopause issues. I never went through this degree of pain during perimenopause. I had a horrendous peri but this? Is a whole new form of torture.
Health anxiety controls me. It isn't just a pain...Is it arthritis, or cancer, or a serious infection that is where the mind goes to because how can any of this be normal???
To add insult to injury I am in this BV to YI cycle. Clear up the BV and get a YI, clear up the YI and get a BV. My system is so out of whack. I just cry.
I take evening primrose, l-lysine, chelated magnesium, vitamin e and a multivitamin everyday.
michelle97919 Keljo48
Hi keljo
I feel just like you
Its torture
My mum thinks its fibro she has it
I just dont know any more
I will have to be asked to referred to a rheumatologist
Thats my next step
I cry daily
I thought it would getbetter it hasnt
Praying for you x