Debilitating symptoms. Brain fog...extreme memory loss...spacey 24/7!
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The last year of my life has been a brutal one. At the age of 22, I am in the lowest of lows and I desperately need some help!
Here’s my tale:
About a year ago, a couple months after an extremely strenuous relationship, I began noticing that I was tired all the time…and all around, I wasn’t really satisfied. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoyed my friends, and activities…but life just wasn’t as bright and vibrant anymore after a month of noticing this ever-present fatigue, it got a bit stronger. I would wake up each morning completely zombie-mode…and that feeling would remain throughout the entirety of my day, until my head hit my pillow that evening.
Initially, I suspected some form of sleeping disorder. I set up a sleep study, got my thyroid checked, ferritin levels, all the basics. Sleep study revealed I sleep just fine and all my other blood tests came back negative.
The fatigue and the weight of the world slowly got worse over the next handful of months, UNTIL I woke up one morning and everything escalated greatly. I felt completely stoned. I couldn’t think right. I couldn’t concentrate. I felt inebriated. I felt totally disconnected and spacey. I felt as though I had no control over myself. I lost drive and motivation. I lost a lot of confidence. I always had an incredibly sharp memory. It was actually something well known about me to those in my family and friend circles. Yet, on this morning, almost all new information could not be retained. Things that happened earlier in the day, by evening, I felt they happened a day or two before. I could no longer recount the activities I took part in. This is possibly the worst of all the symptoms. The extreme short term memory. I have no context for time and I sort of feel like I’m just floating through life suffering.
For months I visited doctors getting tested by specialists. I visited a neurologist, infectious disease, I had an MRI, & I had about 20 different blood tests. NOTHING. My doctor literally said “I have no idea what this could be. I am beside myself” TOTES reassuring! I tried altering my diet entirely to organic and all natural. I continued my workouts and ran 15 miles a week. I tried sleeping even earlier. I tried all I could think of .
I have scoured the message boards and found a few people suffering from the same, but without answers.
I’m not sure if depression is the culprit, but depression sure has found its nasty venom-coated fangs into my veins. Tired, depressed, failed memory, no drive, scared…it’s no way to live. I want my life back.
PLEASE OFFER INSIGHT! I will be so grateful J
Taylorsaurus Rex
54 likes, 1428 replies
lauren67909 TaylorMason
sean09003 TaylorMason
Hey guys,
I know this discussion has been inactive for over a year now, but I was hoping I could get some feedback as to whether or not anyone figured out a solution to their symptoms? I feel very similar and am really anxious all the time, especially in social settings because it feels like I don't have any control over the situation and it's clear that my thinking is impaired. Also I feel incapable of acheiving any of the goals I set for myself prior to feeling this way. I know everyone's different and therefore there are different approaches to this, but I was kinda hoping someone found some improvements for my sake and theirs. Let me know. Thanks!
sergio53100 sean09003
carmen44474 sean09003
Sean, I know exactly how you feel. Have you tried an antidepressant or anti anxiety Med? It is helping me a bit. It may not be the cure all for everything but it may help. Have you considered your diet? Eliminating gluten, sugar, dairy etc. I did and it didn't help, but many people have a gluten allergy and eliminating it makes a huge difference. I hope you find healing. I hope we all do. God bless.
sean09003 sergio53100
I also have periodic headaches and almost constant feeling of lightheadedness, sometimes to the point where I feel I'm going to throw up.
sean09003 carmen44474
Not yet. I'm currently in the process of getting insurance under my dad's policy so I can see a GP and go from there. I'm pretty sure it is just anxiety and depressed from the anxiety. I have considered my diet. It may be a combination of diet, exercise and increased stress. Recently I did something to my shoulder which took me out of my rigorous exercise routine. Thanks for your response.
sean09003 carmen44474
jana89782 TaylorMason
You mentioned multiple blood tests, did they included testing for food allergies, your thyroid, adrenal functions? Cortisol levels? One factor could inflammation in the brain. Food changes and vitamin, mineral changes could help. Things such as taking adaptogens or something like holy basil lowers cortisol, omega 3 lowers inflammation, and B complex turns food into fuel. Taking meds such as antidepressants, sleep aid, blood pressure meds can increase inflammation and impair hormone function. Ginseng has been studied and believed to be incredibly beneficial so if you haven't tried it look into it. American and Korean only if you want more info I am no expert but I've read a little about it and tell you what I've learned.
Rockers TaylorMason
Anywone else having worsening concentration problems?
dylan12268 Rockers
sean09003 Rockers
Yea I'm in college and having a real tough time with focusing on school work. Started off the semester great, memory was sharp and comprehension was too. Then suddenly I noticed I wasn't really comprehending what a professor was saying, and not like I just didn't understand the material. It was like my brain just stopped working and I was in a dream just watching things happen. Since then it's gotten far worse. Can't even talk to people most of the time because I'm so anxious. Try not to worry too much about it; it just make things worse if your mind is consumed by trying to figure out what's wrong. Hnag in there
Rockers dylan12268
Rockers sean09003
sean09003 Rockers
Yea it's pretty much the same for me. Maybe we have some anxiety disorder but I really think, at least in part, that we're conscious of our anxiety and so it just makes us more anxious; like alright what's causing this? why am I different? does this mean I'm crazy? how am I going to get over this especially if I'm terrified of even talking to anyone (at least in my case). With TV my anxiety decreases, but I barely comprehend what's going on in a simple plot. As far as sleep goes, I have the exact same thing going on.sleep 9 hours. wake up: what do i do now? and when i finally get up i feel so drained.
brian21114 TaylorMason
TaylorMason (and others)...thank you for this terrific thread. Keep us posted on how you are doing. I too am suffering from similar symptoms (for the past 6 months). There was about a 2 month break over the summer, but now the brain fog and heightened anxiety have reappeared. Like many of you, I wonder if it's the brain fog and "spaciness" that precipitated the anxiety, not the other way around. I was pretty stressed going in, so I'm sure that's a factor. I also have low testosterone, which for a 46 year old male, factors to some extent as well.
My question for the group: one of the annoying aspects of this "fog", which no doubt contributes to increased anxiety, is the OCD like behavior I have developed in looking up word definitions to ensure I am using them correctly (...and that I haven't forgotten them). It all started by having a moment of mental lapse when I couldn't exactly say was it was I was looking at. When this happens, fear and anxiety follows, and I start thinking (believing) I am losing my intelligence.
carmen44474 brian21114
I'm so sorry you're going through this. I can relate to the memory loss and the spacey feeling. I have trouble remembering words, names, dates, appointments, etc.
it's overwhelming at times. Have you been tested for autoimmune diseases?
brian21114 carmen44474
Carmen, thank you for your reply! I did get a whole bloodwork panel done for the allergist -- everything came back clean as far as the autoimmune issues. In addition, the other blood tests were also not alarming to my Endo either. T4 was 8.4, T3 Uptake was 33, Free T4 2.7, and TSH 1.87. All within the "normal" range, although I've been hearing that more comprehensive testing may be necessary to accurately diagnose hypothyroidism. One thing I do know is that my free T is low (275); it's normal for a male in his mid 40s to see this drop, but it shouldn't be below 300. So, there's testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), but my endo isn't totally enthralled with that idea right now since it would disrupt my natural T production. We'll see how that proceeds.
All I know is that when I'm in my "worst" state of mind, I feel like I cannot remember the simple things. This is what escalates the anxiety even further (fear!), which can cause me to look up 50-100 definitions just to ensure I know what they are. What is scary is at times I feel like I'm having to re-learn words and objects -- i.e. I don't feel like I truy knew them, or even if I did, I am thinking of them differently now. The awful part about this "word hoarding" is that there can be multiple definitions for certain vocabulary words, which we intuitively know, but when you try to hoard it all, it can become overwhelming.
I'll give you a recent example. At the store today, I saw a gift item for sale: "The essential Star Wars Collection". Now, was "essential" in this case meant to say "basic" or "fundamental", or "vital, necessary, important, etc."? I honestly had to think about that. I find it's this kind of ruminating that is driving me crazy. Self-doubt begins to creep in. Often times a word will pop out in a conversation (said by another person), or I'll hear it on TV/radio, or read it, and I'll have to think over what it means exactly, and if I would have been "smart" enough to use that word if I were doing the talking. Fear of forgetting.
Lately, I've been sleeping well at night. I spend the whole day "getting better", i.e. starting out in a low, depressed, sometimes anxiuos state, and feeling a bit better cognitively speaking before bedtime. But then the morning hits...which is when I'll start ruminating again.
Right now I am on no anxiety or AD meds. I am taking more magnesium these days, on a Vit B complex, and have started taking holy basil.
lindathepinda brian21114
Hi Brian, I also have got the 'Taylor Mason' symptoms since 2014.
In my experience the confusion and brain fog comes first, which next (logically) causes fear; a feeling of loss of control and abilities.
I more or less accepted the fact that from a skilled speaker I went to being someone whith a limitted vocabulary, stutters and can't find the right word at the right time. Worrying about it makes it worse, the more relaxed I am the more fluent I speak.
Also I recently started using phosphatidylserine which really improved my sleep from the first day on, and also gives me a relaxed feeling through the day. This has imrpoved my cognitive function.
From january on I will also start using nootropics, first vinpocetin and If that doesn't suffice i will try some others.
brian21114 lindathepinda
I will give phosphatidylserine a try, since it seems to help with you and others.
carmen44474 brian21114
Brian, that's such a hard and frustrating way to live. Trying an antidepressant or anti anxiety may definitely help. The holy basil is a great start. Have you looked into Ashwagandha? It's one of the best adaptogens.
brian21114 carmen44474
Hi Carmen, thanks again for the reply! I have tried 2 SSRI's over the past 6 months to no avail (Effexor in June, Lexapro more recently in October). I lasted 4 days on both of them before having to quit -- I believe the phrase "crawling out of my skin" applies. I mean, wow, the anxiety was heightened to another level.
I also tried Wellbutrin for about a month -- meh -- I didn't like the way it was making me "spacey".
I have not tried Ashwagandha yet...does it work? How about L-Theanine? The problem is, I don't want to take "too many" supplements, because I run the risk of feeling even more "out of it" like I did today. I'm also wondering if 5-HTP is appropriate for us "anxious" folks. I'm not sure; I've only been on it for less than a week, and the jury is still out on it's efficacy for me (again, I think it may be contributing to the "spaciness" ).
This is just a totally weird sensation folks. Conversations can come and go and it'll take me a while to "catch up" on what people are saying. I also notice that I cannot play on words as much as I used to (i.e. speak more figuratively or metaphorically) -- I'm either literal/explicit or quiet. This is not fun. My wife thinks this is all "in my head" -- believe me, I didn't want this to happen.
Rockers brian21114
Today I was close to a full breakdown. The loud nosie at work and the hectic nature of my job totally pushed me over the edge or very close to it. Half my face started to burn and my abiltiy to conentrate was as good as gone which makes it really hard at work. My legs did feel like gelee too and my dizzyness is abnormal too. Noramally I enjoy listening to the radio while doing my job but in end I can`t comprehend what they are talkig about anyway. Now I feel slightly better , now that my work is over and I can sit down or do some things that do not require me being on full alert.
lindathepinda brian21114
Hi Brian, I'm glad i could be of help. I wanted to add this: phosphatidylserine is already great stuff, but phosphorylated serine is even better. It is slighty different but has much more effect. It was produced by Interplexus till end of 2015 and then they changed the formula to great dissapointment of many users (including me), but yesterday they let me know it will be back in a few weeks, so you might want to look out for that. It is called Seriphos.
brian21114 lindathepinda
Thank you (again) Linda!
One common theme that is resonating with me: what we're going through is so unique that we probably thought no one else could have a clue what we were experiencing before reading these testimonials.
I will look into Seriphos as well. In the meantime, I need advice regarding my supplement "stack". Currently I'm taking
Mg Glycinate (am and pm)
phosphatidylserine (pm)
Holy basil (am and pm)
Ashwagandha (am and pm)
5-HTP (am)
Omega 3 (am)
One thing I've noticed since starting the 5-HTP: I am a space cadet for a while (into the early afternoon), really struggling to keep up with conversations, especially the technical variety. However, by later in the day, I am much more clear headed and my mood is actually fantastic. I'm wondering if it's the 5-HTP that's causing the fuzziness, and if I should discontinue. Certainly my anxiety is down, even when going through the fog (which is an improvement over the past several months).
MistaFina Rockers
You're not crazy. Everything you just wrote is exactly me 6 months ago. I would listen to the BBC and they were talking about Brexit and I freaked out as tho the world was ending. I'm in the US! Music didn't even make sense to me. Don't let anyone tell you it's in your head. I'm hardcore in my life and this stuff stopped me in my tracks. Drink and eat well sleep and rest (rest is def different then sleep). Be patient and talk here for understanding.
Rockers MistaFina
I live in Japan after moving here fro, London in 2005 and I have to confess I`m fairly fed up being here which might contribute to me feeling terrible.
As for help I would try Jasmin aroma oil, inhale it with a steam inhaler from Wick. It does help calming things down.
I used gto have the same symptoms already in 1998, 2000, 2007, 2012 and then 2014. Back then it was a pain in the back but now it`s just bang out of order. Japans mental health service is as well not really exisiting.
carmen44474 brian21114
Brian, I tried L-Theanine and it made me feel more foggy or spacey. I didn't like it. I know what you mean about too many supplements. I was taking 13, 3 times Per day. It was too much. It's hard to know what to take and what's going to be too much. It's all trial and error, which takes time, which means being sick longer. It's exhausting!!!! Maybe just an anti anxiety med would be a better fit for you than an antidepressant. My bfs dad tried antidepressants and they made him feel worse then he got on an anti anxiety and now he feels great. Just a thought.
lindathepinda brian21114
Hi Brain, you're welcome again. Apparently our complaints aren't that unique after all, considering the huge amount of comments on Taylors' post. What I find peculiar in this is that it seems to be an epidemy, but I don't see messages about it in any other media.
I have taken 5-HTP for a while but it gave me an unpleasant 'tired but wired' feeling, so I quit. This was last year though, when I was in a very bad shape, so I have been contemplating to start with it again. I used to take it at about 8PM, which made me sleepy (odd enough, since normally serotonin promotes wakefulness) and it made me wake up in this 'tired but wired' state. Not fuzzy at all. So you might want to try to take it later at day, and see what it does. It's possible you sleep through the fuzzy part and wake up with a clear head.
Please let us know how it goes.
brian21114 carmen44474
Anti-anxiety med as in a benzo, or SSRI specifically targeted for anxiety?
I have taken low doses of Xanax in the past. While I think it helps with anxiety, it certainly does not alleviate the brain fog..
brian21114 lindathepinda
Hello again Linda!
Thank you again for the response. Beginning yesterday, I've decided to take a low (50mg) does of 5-HTP before bedtime. I think it'll work better, though this may be a tough week to tell since I am working a string of early day shifts (6 am to 3 pm).
Oh yeah, I did forget to mention that rotating shifts -- days, evenings, and midnight shifts (the mids are from 9 pm to 6 am). That doesn't help someone in my position, does it? Sigh, I'm trying to maintain a positive, even humorous attitude during all of this!
Thus far this morning, I am feeling quite fuzzy. Not sure how much is related to the 5-HTP or the other supplements. As I sit hear at work, I hear my colleagues talk fluently with the catch phrases that i would immediately pick up, yet these days struggle to comprehend at that moment. Even with things I "know", I feel like my mind is playing tricks on me, I.e. "do you really know what that means?" It seems like just about everything comes into question, which would explain why I tend to be more literal and less figurative with speech these days.
It's difficult to ascertain what could truly be "memory loss", as in permanent, vs. either short-term/temporary cognitive impairment caused by anxiety and stress on the system. Then to add to that, the mind begins ruminating which causes doubts of what you already know. I just want to be able to recall something as quickly as I once did without having to bat an eye. (Oh look, I used an idiom! All cannot be lost
I have not yet gone to a neurologist, as I speculate the problem isn't neurological (though in it's worst state, this "brain fog" certainly feels like it!)
Thanks again for your help all...Keep the comments coming. I am curious to hear how you all are doing to get through this.
rachel88747 brian21114
Hey Brian. I also suffer with anxiety and fuzzy brain. I'm going to try amino acid therapy probably. For me though it makes me not sleep at night. My subconscious keeps reminding me to be awake. I am currently taking Ativan as needed but do not want to continue long term. Do you suggest anything
brian21114 rachel88747
Hi Rachel!
I'm afraid at this point I have more questions than I do solutions, so I will defer to others regarding what to take at night. I was tempted in getting a script for trazadone, since the label supposedly has a dual purpose for insomnia as well as anxiety. However, I haven't done so yet given the mixed reviews.
Sorry I cannot be of more help. I certainly would like to hear from others in similar situations that have actually found something that works on alleviating (if not eradicating) the brain fog. I promise you and all on this thread, if I ever get that "eureka" moment and find out any type of tangible remedy, I will let you all know!
rachel88747 brian21114
carmen44474 brian21114
My dr put me on an SSRI targeted for anxiety and depression. But after 5 weeks it was giving me insomnia. I'm off of it now and my dr has prescribed me something else but my insurance hasn't approved it yet.