Debilitating symptoms. Brain fog...extreme memory loss...spacey 24/7!
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The last year of my life has been a brutal one. At the age of 22, I am in the lowest of lows and I desperately need some help!
Here’s my tale:
About a year ago, a couple months after an extremely strenuous relationship, I began noticing that I was tired all the time…and all around, I wasn’t really satisfied. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoyed my friends, and activities…but life just wasn’t as bright and vibrant anymore after a month of noticing this ever-present fatigue, it got a bit stronger. I would wake up each morning completely zombie-mode…and that feeling would remain throughout the entirety of my day, until my head hit my pillow that evening.
Initially, I suspected some form of sleeping disorder. I set up a sleep study, got my thyroid checked, ferritin levels, all the basics. Sleep study revealed I sleep just fine and all my other blood tests came back negative.
The fatigue and the weight of the world slowly got worse over the next handful of months, UNTIL I woke up one morning and everything escalated greatly. I felt completely stoned. I couldn’t think right. I couldn’t concentrate. I felt inebriated. I felt totally disconnected and spacey. I felt as though I had no control over myself. I lost drive and motivation. I lost a lot of confidence. I always had an incredibly sharp memory. It was actually something well known about me to those in my family and friend circles. Yet, on this morning, almost all new information could not be retained. Things that happened earlier in the day, by evening, I felt they happened a day or two before. I could no longer recount the activities I took part in. This is possibly the worst of all the symptoms. The extreme short term memory. I have no context for time and I sort of feel like I’m just floating through life suffering.
For months I visited doctors getting tested by specialists. I visited a neurologist, infectious disease, I had an MRI, & I had about 20 different blood tests. NOTHING. My doctor literally said “I have no idea what this could be. I am beside myself” TOTES reassuring! I tried altering my diet entirely to organic and all natural. I continued my workouts and ran 15 miles a week. I tried sleeping even earlier. I tried all I could think of .
I have scoured the message boards and found a few people suffering from the same, but without answers.
I’m not sure if depression is the culprit, but depression sure has found its nasty venom-coated fangs into my veins. Tired, depressed, failed memory, no drive, scared…it’s no way to live. I want my life back.
PLEASE OFFER INSIGHT! I will be so grateful J
Taylorsaurus Rex
54 likes, 1428 replies
cameron71336 TaylorMason
For anyone who is still at a loss to what could be causing these problems, I strongly suggest investigating a possible environmental cause. I had pretty much the exact same symptoms described here, all of which seemed to come out of nowhere. In my reading, I discovered the symptoms of mold exposure were pretty much spot on with what I was feeling. And sure enough, we discovered a mold infestation behind the shower panels in the bathroom connected to my bedroom. And after two days of sleeping elsewhere, I can say I feel pretty much normal again. The pressure in my head has disappeared and my energy levels have been back. Very relieved to discover it was not something more chronic. Please don't discount this possibility if you are experiencing these symptoms... Best of luck to all of you!
ashley09153 TaylorMason
Taylor, I know I am super late and I'm assuming you've come out on the other side by now, a much more enlightened and compassionate person, but I just wanted to share with others who may have had déréalisation - in particular the amnesia symptom - yes, this is very much a symptom of extreme stress and anxiety. About a year ago, I was exactly the same - I would freak myself out to the point of panic if I couldn't recall every tiny detail of what I did every hour of every day, time just became more warped and one or two passing days felt like a week, which in turn even furthered the dream-Like perception of the bubble I was in...of this sounds anything. Like what you're experiencing, know that it does come back! I promise, I didn't believe it, I thought I was forever lost down the rabbit hole. the only ONLY thing that finally allowed me to put the pieces back together, was holding onto that faith that things would get better, 100mg of Zoloft and 1mg of clonazepam a day. I would say I have completely recovered at this point - THANK GOD! but it's kinda like this - once you see something you can't fully UNsee it - same with anxiety - you will always be aware of it now that you've had the experience, but you won't have the symptoms and fear attached to that awareness - I promise, you're not losing it, you don't have premature dementia or psychosis - you'll be just fine! You just have to stay positive, force yourself to do the things that terrify you and don't be afraid of getting the help you need for your brain to rebalance. Love you all!!
lorph TaylorMason
my symtoms are identical to yours. i have come to the conclusion a long time ago that this is DPDR, but that hasn't been helpful considering how the NHS (UK health services) have never even heard of it. i have been looking into it again lately, and i plan to quit sugar to see whether or not candida is the problem for me. has been chronic for almost 3 years. what i have learnt:
pranic healing helps my visual dissociation! this is the only thing so far that has worked for me. it sounds very out there but has definitely helped with more visual clarity. i was looking into the neurobiology of DPD and what caught my eye was how decreased limbic system function seems to point towards a lot of my symptoms which i generally describe as DPD symptoms. it's not visible on MRI or PET because it's all chemical connections. for example, decreased hippocampal function (which is a part of the brain that is responsible for turning short term memory to long term amongst other things) can cause, you guessed it, poorer memory. i seem to remember that a lot of the parts of the brain that are together in the limbic system are connected? i am no neurologist i'm just a teenager so maybe what i'm saying is not even relevant or useful and i also don't know how to increase limbic function but maybe this is important? since i have no trauma history or lyme disease or anything like some people report? idk just a thought
Jsutherly TaylorMason
Im just into my research now. And came across your story @taylormason
About 4 days ago i felt fine. 09/5/17
What was like a normal NIGHT
Took my medication for anxiety and muscle relaxer cause i was just in a car accident. The two night's following i had vivid bad dreams and the last two werent vivid bad. Just weird and the one wasnt bad at all dreaming cheese burgers from burger king.
Now its Friday and still feel the Same
Way i did when i woke up on Tuesday mind very foggy .. Zombie like.. Cant think clearly
Having the exact symptoms.
Tuesday night i did not take the muscle relaxer the following day i stopped. clitropam ? Cause it says on line can cause vivid dreams. And well. I been off my ativan two cause im out and my primary doctor wont refill she Said until i see a mental heath center....
GREAT i just want to feel normal again before i went to sleep Monday night.. Any response is helpful from any one thanks
33cody Jsutherly
Just a thought as I have been neck deep in research on this as well, now just a little background as this may not apply to everyone, I have IBS that's untreated, looking at symptoms of IBS anxiety, depression as well as foggy feelings are all part of symptoms, how this is possible is because your gut biome and gut flora directly affect your mental state. Probiotics will help as well as changing your diet. You also have neurons in your gut which is one way it's all connected. Now as I stated, it may not be for everyone, and I've havnt put this into practice yet but I've literally tried a million other things with no help so I'm ordering my probiotics tmw and making an appt for IBS Monday and hopefully we will see if there is any improvement. I've read a ton of information and it all seems to point here as I have exhausted all other health issues that it could be that carry these same symptoms. Just try and map out how your stomach has been feeling over the time period you've experienced issues. Maybe you ate something different than usual or got sick at some point or taken a long term antibiotics or anything that could've killed the good bacteria in your stomach or anything related to that. Again just another option be sure to check all other health issues first but def look into this as well, or research gut neurons or Ibs symptoms. Anything like this.
lindathepinda 33cody
Hi cody, having had IBS (past tense: got rid of the big bad bowel long time ago) I definitely agree with you, the Second Brain in our gut can have a major effect on or first one.
If I may give you some tips on treating IBS: look into L-glutamine and butyric acid, they can lower the inflammation and permeability of your damaged gut which leads to less leakage of unwanted compounds in your blood (these compounds can make you feel foggy, feverish and miserable). I learned about this too late but maybe you can benefit from it. Or maybe this is old news to you.
Weezie954 TaylorMason
Listen. U may or may not believe me. But I know exactly wat the problem is! It is a spirit or more than one spirit that's blocking your mind and brain. It's happening to me and I understand exactly what's going on. That's y your doctors have no explanation for your problem. Spirits know what they are doing and know how to mess people up. But they also know how to help people. I don't know what you've done to have to this happen to u but know why it's happening to me. But the thing is, idk the answer to help you as i am still going through the same problem and it has been for years that I've been going through it. I've done everything I could, I prayed, I read the Bible, I called on the Lords name and everything but can't understand the Bible bcuz the spirits are blocking my mind and brain from understanding and remembering. So we jus need to come together as a people and be there for each other
Weezie954 TaylorMason
michael17144 TaylorMason
I believe it is anxiety / depression and the chemical imbalance that ensues.
I tend to document each day i have symptoms and what preceeded the symptoms on an online calendar. This allows me to realise firstly what may be the trigger and secondly that in the depths of the fog I did eventually get out unaided.
I think it is important to document as when you are in the moment it feels like you are always there but when you look at your calendar hopefully ypu can see better days inbetween the bad.
Personally my triggers are fears of being ill ie swollen glands will trigger.
As for lack of memory when your brain is in the foggy state the part of our brain responsible uses masses of energy and is all consumed leaving little resources for the basic fundamental processes.
king83120 michael17144
tyree99964 TaylorMason
GM everyone. I am going through this and ALOT worse! I have the e memory loss, space cadet moments but also pain. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia earlier this year and some other stuff! My depression is severe to the point I don't get outta bed when I'm off work, I miss functions because I lack the energy, I'm irritated because I can't get my words out or I lose my whole train of thought and it's like one of those blank conversation bubbles I just can't seem to fill with words because I can't remember any. I've locked myself out of my apartment because I forgot my house keys, displaced my wallet, walked around in circles because I started out on a mission then FORGOT! i'm so annoyed I can't even stand having a partner right now because I'm antisocial and he'll just make me mad. They have me talk to this behavior specialist at doctor visits but I avoid her because she too perky and I feel like straight crap. I have resorted to writing and now texting things to myself so I'll remember. I get days mixed up and sometimes miss appointments, find myself constantly asking the same things repeatedly because I forget. I would seek treatment while in the early stages because I had no clue this was there this whole time so now it's exacerbated by other things. I thank you Taylor for putting into words what I cannot express and making me ware if things I didn't quite understand because these doctors aren't telling me ANYTHING. BE BLESSED
ra7777 TaylorMason
33cody ra7777
Can I ask you what your symptoms were? Was it all these type of symptoms or were experiencing other things other then this weird head stuff? I highly suspect I have lymes, I tested negative using the basic lymes test on multiple occasions but when given 10 day supply of antibiotics for what they thought was a blood infection(turns out my b sample was negative so I didn't have one) my symptoms almost disappeared completely. Here and then I also experience joint stiffness and overall flu like symptoms as well as this head stuff thanks
ra7777 33cody
Hi Cody- My symptoms include feeling very spacey and dizzy at times along with pressure in the head. I also have visual issues that include floaters, light sensitivity and perception distortion. Also, intense lower back stiffness and pain, as well as feeling tired all the time. Initially I had flu like symptoms that would come and go. There were periods of time when I would feel better but the issues would recur. With Lyme, symptoms vary from person to person. The bacteria sets up colonies in different parts of the body and so the symptoms can be unique to each person. It took many years of being misdiagnosed and suffering before starting proper treatment. My LLMD said with "neuro Lyme" the bacteria in the brain causes a type of encephalitis, where the brain gets inflamed and starts to cause all the neuro symptoms. I probably have had this for many many years before being diagnosed. I have now been on oral antibiotics for the past 3 months and just started IV antibiotics a week ago and am seeing roughly a 40-50% improvement of my symptoms so far. Unless you catch it right away and treat it immediately it can't be eradicated from your body. You can go into remission, but there is no known cure at the moment, so you treat when the symptoms come back.
33cody ra7777
I'm currently about 14 months in now, every dr I saw said the same things, it's lymes then I get tested and it's negative then immediately they say well actually the test was negative so you just have anxiety even tho the symptoms have never gone except when a very specific antibiotic and only for a short time
dan70750 33cody
Hey there just wondered if you've ever tried sertraline. 200mg every morning its an antidepressant but they treat chronic fatigue syndrome with it . I was struggling for 2 years with this horrible thing , doctors tested for everything he thought it was in my head so sent me to a shrink . Haven't felt this "normal" for 2 years . Somebody suggested it 2 me on this site so thought y not give it a go . Best thing I ever did . Hope u sort things out soon .
ra7777 33cody
Hi Cody- That is why you need to see a Lyme specialist. They are called LLMD's (Lyme Literate Medical Doctor) It's a very specialized field. Most of the current Lyme tests are not reliable and only accurate about 50% of the time. LLMD's will diagnose based on your symptoms, not just on test results, plus they use much more specialized labs. You can go to to locate a physician or try to google one in your area (not sure where you are located). Another resource is Facebook, if you have an account you can join a Lyme group and ask members if they can recommend someone. The downside is most don't accept insurance, but there are some who do. I hate to say it but most regular doctors are totally uneducated when it comes to Lyme. I initially went to an infectious disease doc who said Doxy for 30 days and your cured. I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.
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ana85762 ra7777
Hi ,how's treatment so far??I hope you feel much better. I'm suffering alot with same symptoms and just can't shake it off. Take care and God bless.
ana85762 ra7777