Decision on PIP

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HI All,

Had letter today with decision on pip which the assessment was done at home on the 3rd January, they have awarded me standard care and standard mobility, absolutely gutted i was on high rate care and mobility, i have only been given 2 years as its changeable which is rubbish, i have COPD which is'nt good and spinal degeneration which causes all sorts of problems, i will lose my adapted car making me housebound i have no family to help i don't know how i'm going to manage.

With the mobility the assessor did not ask me any questions relating to how far i could walk or problems i had walking,the DM has assessed i can walk 20-50 metres which i can't not without pain and breathlessness, they said because i can walk into the doctors/pharmacy from my car this constitues 20-50 metres, laughable, where i park its about 10 metres and that does me in, so how do i go about MR, she did not see me walk only from the door to the chair which is about 2metres whichleft me breathless.

Just one more query my pip starts on the 15th february with payment on the 8th march but my next DLA payment is 1st feb will i loose that payment.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm sorry to hear that. You won't be the first to lose their mobility car. More than 500 a week are being returned for this reason. For the MR you need to ring them and ask for it but you'll also need to put it in writing. We all know what the DWP are like. Writing the letter will just confirm your request. Most MR decisions remain the same though so be prepared to take it to tribunal appeal. Cab are very good with this so i heard.

    Your DLA payment will continue as normal with PIP payments as stated. You'll need to return your car in the menatime though and i think it's up to 6 weeks but could be less. Another thing to remember when you ask for the MR they look at the whole thing so you could either lose everything, remain the same or get award increased. Good luck!

  • Posted

    I'm so sorry Janet, I can imagine how gutted you must feel.

    Denise has given you some good information there, but in the meantime, if you havent already done so, phone and ask for a copy of the assessors report.  That will give you an idea of where the assessor has marked you down.    Good luck and please let us know how you get on. x

  • Posted

    I had the same with 20-50m after her seeing me walk 10m very slowly with severe breathlessness!!  She stated this and then said I could manage 20-50m.  It doesn't make sense.  Only thing that maybe you should look on as a positive is the time period.  If they give you 2 years, they might assess after 1 year and I would assume in your case that the changeable comment relates to getting worse rather than improving because of the COPD and spinal degeneration.

    In terms of your MR try to focus on the reliability criteria because with breathlessness and pain I assume you are in a similar situation to me and that you may walk very slowly in order to reduce the breathlessness.  If this is the case has your gp witnessed this would they write a letter to support you claim?  I think a gp would be more likely to support a claim that you walk very slowly, are in a lot of pain and are extremely breathless because of your condition rather than confirm that you can walk less than 20m because many people manage that but they don't actually manage it in a way that they need to for PIP.  If you ask you gp for confirmation make sure you tell them the reliability criteria so that they understand they aren't saying you can't walk 20m but they're saying you can't walk that distance safely, to an acceptable standard, repeatedly and within a reasonable time period. 

    • Posted

      I won my appeal 2 years ago on the time it took me to walk. I use aids and said under 20 meters yet the assessor at the time had lied and said 50 meters plus. This time round the assessor has done the same again except the decision maker has not agreed with her. I think my evidence supports me and the decision maker awarded me the enhanced rate for mobility
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    U need to ask for a reconsideration then appeal if this is unsuccessful. Remember Atos health care professionals are trained to make assumptions and lie. Have u had a copy of the assessors report. Ull need 'this as it's more detailed than the decision letter.

  • Posted

    Hi I was on low rate DLA but I transferred to PIP and as soon as I started process of applying for PIP my DLA ceased and I waited 6 weeks for my next payment of my new award of PIP so there is a stopping and starting process.

  • Posted

    Hi everyone,

    thanks so much for all your answers, after throwing an almighty tantrum and alot of swearing i read through the report again, it seems they have not marked me for help in and out of the shower as i am unsteady the same with dressing and undressing most days have trouble putting on socks and removing underwear so looking at it they just took no notice that i cannot do this to an acceptable standard, on the care points i was awarded 10 and the same 10 for mobility. I did managed to phone to ask for an MR the chap i spoke to was really nice he siad it looked like they had just scooted over the evidence.

    So i will try and get some support from my doctor hope he helps otherwise i'm in the dodo.Have a nice weekend all of you.

    • Posted

      Evidence can be anything from a letter from someone that knows you well, a diary written by yourself, Occupational Therapist report, Consultant letters, GP letter, print out of all medication. Also please don't forget to write a letter asking for the MR as well and make copies of EVERYTHING you send them. Good luck.

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