deep depression in head since childhood that has recently gotten worse?? freaking out

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hi there!! wasnt sure where else to put this but im kinda freaking out and i wasnt sure where else to go. its almost 2am EST and i didnt want to be silly and go to the ER for nothing, esp during this time

my name is kaitlyn and im 19, female.

preface: ive had this deep dent (?) in the spot between my scalp and the crown of my head ever since i can remember. i actually used to make my friends touch it and freak them out when i was little and they were always grossed out but we would just laugh about it so i never really focused on it.

so recently i was absently feeling my head for some reason and noticed a new dent/area of the existing dent?? i had my friend feel it but she said it was probably nothing and i was probably imagining it so i just ignored it.

tonight the same thing happened, was absently just scratching my head or something and there was pain?? like i narrowed it down to a specific, small area/bump (i mean super small) but ever since ive been feeling it/trying to determine what this is it has spread?? like right now i feel the discomfort/pain in a vertical line going from the tiny bump through the dent in my head and fading somewhere in the dent. also while feeling this tiny bump i noticed the dent had grown more??? so now its my original, deepest dent + the recent much shallower one below it + an even shallower, barely noticeable dent below that + a vertical, line-like depression going from my original dent to the bump.

right now i guess im freaking out because my legs are violently shaking, along with trembling everywhere else and a feeling of anxiety. i know i wont be able to sleep tonight. please help because this is really scaring me and i cant find anything on the internet that describes this, let alone describes my original situation.

P.S. not sure if this matters but when i was 6 months old i had a hairline fracture in my skull

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5 Replies

  • Edited

    Hi Kaitlyn,

    I read your post in great detail and the extra symptoms you describe like shaking and trembling are probably down to a form of a panic attack and of course the lock down doesn't help this much! But the original issues on your head are a mystery, but it is probably due to when you fractured your skull as a child. This maybe scar tissue from where it healed up.

    I wondered, do you normally have any other symptoms, like bad headaches, blurred vision, or dizziness at all? If not I would try to relax, I know that's not easy, take some deep breaths and breathe out slowly. If you can get out, take some walks, or if you are more energetic run or cycle. I don't know what your lock down rules are like in the US.

    If you find the lumps getting bigger, they could be cysts and you would need to let your Dr take a look at them.

    I hope I have been of some help to you Kaitlyn, please don't hesitate to get back on here, with any concerns you have and I or indeed others, can support you and suggest advice.

    Take care

    • Posted

      i cant thank you enough, yes i now see it was a panic attack especially since i couldnt breathe well and i have them occasionally. ive since calmed down a lot (though as promised did not sleep a wink lol), i tried going to my best friend and dad for support but was met with laughing and humiliation so this is really helpful to actually feel like im valid whether theres an actual issue or not. thank you ❤

    • Edited

      I can promise you Kaitlyn, I will NEVER laugh at you, however you are feeling. Just come on a discuss it and I will ALWAYS try and help you.

      Take care and stay safe!

  • Posted

    I also agree with the previous post about the anxiety when it comes to your legs shaken legs do that when i get really really upset. If its constant that may be diffrent.

    Girl, call your Dr! Right now they can do a facetime tele med visit and you can show him or her whats going from home and not have to go in. My Dr actually came out to my car in the parking lot for my recent visit.

    It may just be nothing or something you really havent noticed before.

    Please call your Dr, dont stay so stressed with it. Its prob nothing!!!!!

    keep us posted

    • Posted

      thank you for the support ❤ i will definitely contact my dr and keep you guys updated. appreciate it immensely

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