Delayed period; days of menstrual cramps
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My period is 10 days late. I still get periods almost monthly, though I had one very late one another time in the past year. I have been quite sure I am in perimenopause but I am very confused about why I have period- like cramps for about a week with no menstrual flow. I am frustrated and hoping there is nothing seriously wrong! Anybody else go through this? 48 years old.
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lydia2311 sandra01720
hi Sandra
yes, this is how it started for me about 4 years ago. I just thought I was late because of stress around christmas etc. Just felt terribly bloated and crampy, irritable and teary. 70 days later (and i was a 28 day cycle to the day up to that point) I finally got a period. Do you have other symptoms?
sandra01720 lydia2311
I have lower back ache, mucousy discharge, aching legs and feel irritable. I normally have discharge before a period but this goes on day after day. I am so over this! It's Christmas season and this afternoon and tonight i just want to curl into a ball. Also have pressure on my cervix and rectum but my gynecologist has confirmed I have a prolapsed uterus so some of my discomfort is that. Thanks for your response. I feel emotional and worried. Did u continue the cramps till that period came?
lydia2311 sandra01720
yes the cramps and achy legs is something i remember very well. Has your gyno been helpful? It took me nearly two years to get the help i needed (im 51 now).
sandra01720 lydia2311
He just says it isn't too bad yet and he hopes we can avoid surgery. What helped you in the end? Did you also have a prolapse?
lydia2311 sandra01720
I had a rough 18 months, tried birth control pills to even out my mood, but side effects were awful. The Mirena made me crazy, and anti-depressants made me slow and apathetic. My symptoms were mainly around brain fog, anxiety, itchy skin, joint ache, utis etc. Finally found a Dr who specialises in menopause, and ended up on a combination of low dose estrogen patch, and prometrium tablet. If i had my time again I would have been more assertive with my usual doctor. She tried to pass off my symptoms as depression. It was an 18 month hard slog to get the balance right but Im glad I persevered. wishing you all the best, take care.
sandra01720 lydia2311
Thank you so much for your comments and care.
amanda59745 sandra01720
Hi Sandra i have had periods all over the place early and late the last 2 years. I have just missed 2 consecutive periods then started 4 days ago. I always feel like i am about to start the period even though miss and also get nauseous x
robin86 sandra01720
Me too. I turned 5o in September and haven't had a period since! I am freaked out! I knew it would stop eventually but i am freaked out that i could be prego! I took 4 tests which said no but im always hungry and cranky and crampy!! I called a nurse who said my fsh was 47 this summer. Said not possible and laughed. Anyone else been here???, ughhhhh