Dental issues.

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Hello ladies, im three and a bit years post surgery now and im slowly very slowly feeling better in myself. Anxiety a little lower maybe not quite so focused on horrible things but the thoughts are still there just not 24/7 ! So im guessing im post meno and did it cold turkey so to speak which is hard when you've been through the shock of major surgery . Anyway my question is have any of you ' post ' ladies had dental issues ie shrinking gums, more dentist visits ( which I hate and dread ) ?? My teeth are not the same any more, ive had a couple of extractions and my gums have DEFINATLEY receded. My dentist disagrees with me that this is menopause related and frowned and shook his head when I asked him, but what does he know he's a man ! Anyway ive been refered to the hospital for sedation for deep dental work and now need dentures for the teeth ive lost, bit depressing but could be worse I suppose....... It would really help me confidence wise to hear from anyone else who's suffered anything similar ?? Thanks everyone and God bless xx

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Sorry u r going through this first time am hearing of this symptom . Can i ask if u r diabetic? If so god forbid that can be related also.

    Do take care.

    • Posted

      Hi wendy, thanks for reply. No im not diabetic thankfully - I have regular blood tests as I have underactive thyroid and it would have been picked up hopefully xx
  • Posted

    Hi Fairy, sorry to hear about your trouble. Im 48 and just post meno, my gums have been receding for a few years and bleeding more often. I put it down to general ageing but perhaps it is meno related? I have plenty of other symptoms including and worst of all anxiety, which i am now being treated for thankfully. Also palpitations, weight gain around the middle, ibs, gnarled looking finger joints and lack of dexterity in hands, bad acne. They dont call it the change for nothing! Im not going to let it beat me though, we need to fight for our wellbeing and happiness, good luck hun x
    • Posted

      Hi Julie, thanks for reply and so sorry you've been suffering similar to me, horrid isn't it - I admit I feel a bit better that im not the only one ( sorry ). I have all the symptoms you've mentioned, I had terrible bouts of palpatiations actually, one night I was so bad and had chest pains aswell that I went to A and E , I thought I was having a heart attack. They kept me in overnight and did numerous tests which were all clear thankfully, doctors put it all down to anxiety / meno related, absolout awful and I sympathise . Anxiety YES Definatley, I went through three years of hideous health anxiety imagining I had all the horrid diseases you can imagine - I had some counselling for this it hasn't gone completley but it's a bit better. Also like you awful acne, I had a boil on my face , my back, armpits oh my god everywhere - dreadful so I really symlathise . And more ! bad hips, knees , fingers, neck bloody everything ! Your right they don't call it the change for nothing, it's hideous and Hope you feel better soon xx

    • Posted

      Oh yes weight gain round the middle, tell me about it !! Xx
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      Thanks so much for your reply, it has really helped. Ive also had terrible health anxiety, especially over the palps. I also ended up in A&E once but numerous times have agonised about whether to call 911! Ive had 4 ECGs in the last 2 years, the third showed a slight issue but my doc couldnt explain it, which caused me more anxiety! But the one i had this week was normal. Im still getting palps every few days, normally in stress situations, even tho im on betablockers. When i ask the doc if they could just be anxiety/ meno related she just shrugs n says 'possibly', which doesnt help someone suffering from health anxiety lol. So it does help to hear from others with the same issues because doctors seem very non commital about what can and cant be caused by meno. Nobody knows better than us going through it and how different we are compared to before! Ive had a cbt therapy session this morning which always helps, came out feeling good, went shopping then got anxiety n palps when i realised i couldnt remember where id parked my car! Not a full on panic attack thankfully! To add to the stress the new boss is giving me less n less work, putting friends first, so im looking for a job at a time when im feeling my least confident. Have you found anything that particularly helped your anxiety? How are you now and are you a long way past meno?

    • Posted

      Oh Julie what a nightmare for you. I quit my job in care because I couldn't deal with people around me and having to deal with things, can't deal with any stress whatsoever and have to be in a calm environment with no people watching me making me feel uneasy. I put an advert in my local paper for housekeeping as I thought that would be better and I could work on my own without anyone breathing down my neck putting pressure on me - the response was huge and I got over 60 replies !! I was amazed at how many people need help, so I have 10 clients who all work away and just come home on Friday nights, I can come and go as I please as long as the works done and it really is easy peasy, no one watching me and if I feel unwell I can easily rearrange my week........ maybe hink of a change if your work is stressful, you need less stress not more and all this just adds to anxiety big time. I don't care that I clean people's houses and do their ironing I really don't, there's no stress, the only difference is I had to go self employed but that's easy too - we have to make changes according to our long term well being...... I Havnt really helped much that helped the anxiety to be honest, just time and rest as much as you can - I do find the more active I am the less I think about things, weather it's watching a film to try and take my mind off things or pottering about in the garden - that helps a lot, the busier you are the more tired you become so sleep is better and trust me I have spent soooo many nights pacing the floor worrying and googling, don't google ! Oh by the way I never remember where I park my car, ive now learnt to park near a landmark and jot it down on my hand - I was always the one stood with a vacant look on my face wondering where the car is, another answer is just to keep clicking the remote on the key until finally a car unlocks , yayyy ! Im three and a half years post complete hysterectomy xx

    • Posted

      Haha sorry i had to laugh at the car comments, brilliant lol. Yes keeping busy, watching tv, pottering all helps. And ive thought about exactly that, cleaning rounds, or home care work. Im a supply teacher but ive found it hard going back before the meds have settled, especially other staff seeing me not at my best, all the questions, the vindictive boss putting the poison in, i almost walked out on wednesday! I need something where i dont have to deal with that nonsense. If i could think of something where i could work from home I would! But your situation is also ideal as most people are going to want their housekeeper in and out before they come home! Glad youve gound something that works well for you mind me asking how much you charge per hr for cleaning/ironing? Thank you for the idea!
  • Posted

    Hello Fairy,

    you are right im sure ive read that menopause can cause gum, teeth trouble. I suggested it to my dentist a few years ago, he disagreed with me also. 

    Ive always hated the dentists visits, we grew up in Scotland on farms, teeth hygeine wasnt a priority back in the fifties, sixties.

    ive just had three fillings, two major ones which need crowns. I was a nervous wreck, i was shaking so hard i had to have a blanket.

    ive been bad with anxiety since an operation last march which i think has caused a surge in meno symptoms. Drs dont know enough about menopause, and dentists probably dont see a connection. We women know when our body changes, its a rough time, with health anxiety, and all the odd symptoms. Mmm we all deserve medals for perseverance. Soldier on, look forward to all the dental work being done and dusted, sedation sounds great! Ive still got some visits to get through, one step at a time.

    best wishes,


    • Posted

      Bless you carol, yes we do deserve medals - my Hubbys got a flu type virus at the moment it's 3.10 am and Hes just woke me up saying he doesn't feel very well ! All the sleepless nights Ive had through anxiety and I never disturbed him once - makes me cross as there's not enough compassion for us ladies, we're just meant to put up and shut up, it's about time we were cared about a bit more. Im so sorry you've suffered at the dentist aswell, such a trauma to go through. Look after yourself xx

    • Posted

      Im on my own so I often think that I wish I had a man at home to support me through this time, but Im realising that often those ladies with partners n husbands aren't getting much support. Often women are saying theyd rather be on their own! I guess theres only menopausal women that will ever really understand, so thank god for forums such as this and for big hearted women who can help each other through this rubbish time. X

  • Posted

    It's been a double whammy for me Fairy, I believe. I had Type 2 Diabetes, which now thankfully has been turned around completely because of my weight loss so that could have been a factor. But I've heard of dental issue being related to the Menopause before so that could also be a factor. 

    I had lovely teeth and now cry when I look back at photographs as I now need partial palettes for the teeth I've lost. I know how you feel with this. Good luck x.

    • Posted

      Aahh poor you, it's so distressing isn't it. I know exactly how you feel with the photoes I really do, on Wednesday my daughter and I were looking back on photoes of a few years ago and like you I burst into tears, I had a lovely full smile with nice looking teeth and now they go in a jar at night ! It's embarrasing and a bit depressing - but I try to tell myself things could be a lot worse, at least I have some hair left despite thinning ! Imagine that, no teeth and no hair ! Saying that though it's amazing really how we deal with everything isn't it. Sending hugs xx

  • Posted

    I'm going to say yes to this one.  Not as bad as yours, but definately saw things change in/with my mouth with menopause.  Remember that these hormones effect every single cell in our bodies, and our organs and other hormone systems as well. And it's very common for women to get dry mouth with menopause.  But will say that my gums receded.     

    • Posted

      Thank you yes you're right, it effects Absoloutley everything , im slightly amazed at just how much everything is affected actually x

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